2. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of
Manchester. 2d Series. vol. iv.
3. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Corn-
wall, instituted February 11. vol. i. and ii.
4. Report of the Liverpool Royal Institution.
5. Bristol Institution. Proceedings of the Second Annual
Meeting, beld February 10, 1825, &c.
6. Annual Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philo-
sophical Society for 1824.
IX.-1. A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, proposing to finish
the East Wing of Somerset House for National Galle-
ries. By J. W. Croker, Esq.
2. Observations on the. Buildings, Improvements, and
Extension of the Metropolis, of late Years; with some
Suggestions, &c.
3. Sketch of the North Bank of the Thames, showing
the proposed Quay, and some other Improvements,
suggested by Lieutenant-Colonel Trench.
4. Considerations upon the Expediency of Building a
Metropolitan Palace. By a Member of Parliament.
5. A Letter to the Right Honourable Sir Charles Long,
on the Improvements proposed and now carrying on in
the Western part of London.
6. Short Remarks and Suggestions upon the Improve-
ments now carrying on or under consideration.
X.-1. Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, Esquire,
including a History of the Stage from the time of Gar-
rick to the present period. By James Boaden, Esquire.
2. Reminiscences of Michael Kelly, of the King's Theatre,
and Theatre Royal Drury Lane, including a period of
nearly half a Century; with Original Anecdotes of
many distinguished Personages, Political, Literary, and