CONTENTS OF No. LXVII. : ART. I.-Jerusalem Delivered; an Epic Poem, in Twenty Cantos; translated into English Spenserian Verse from the Italian of Tasso, &c. &c. By J. H. Wiffen. Page. 1 II.-1. Histoire de l'Homme au Masque de Fer, accompagné des Pièces authentiques et de Fac-simile. Par J. Delort. 2. The True History of the State-Prisoner commonly called 'The Iron Mask; extracted from Documents in the French Archives. By the Hon. George Agar Ellis. 19 III.-Oronzio di Bernardi's Vollständiger Lehrbegriff der Schwimmkunst aus dem Italienischen übersezt, und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Friedrich Kries, Professor an dem Gymnazium zu Gotha. 35 IV.-1. Lettres sur l'Angleterre. Par A. de Staël-Holstein. 3. Documens relatifs au Commerce des nouveaux Etats de France. V.-Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra in 1823, under the VI.-Memoirs of Antonio Canova, with a critical Analysis of his Works, and an Historical view of Modern Sculpture. By S. Memes, A.M., Member of the Astronomical Society of London, &c. VII.-1. Faust, a Drama, by Goethe, with Translations from 45 99 110 136 2. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. 2d Series. vol. iv. 3. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Corn- wall, instituted February 11. vol. i. and ii. 4. Report of the Liverpool Royal Institution. 5. Bristol Institution. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting, held February 10, 1825, &c. IX.-1. A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, proposing to finish the East Wing of Somerset House for National Galle- 2. Observations on the. Buildings, Improvements, and Extension of the Metropolis, of late Years; with some 3. Sketch of the North Bank of the Thames, showing the proposed Quay, and some other Improvements, suggested by Lieutenant-Colonel Trench. 4. Considerations upon the Expediency of Building a Metropolitan Palace. By a Member of Parliament. 5. A Letter to the Right Honourable Sir Charles Long, on the Improvements proposed and now carrying on in X.-1. Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, Esquire, including a History of the Stage from the time of Gar- rick to the present period. By James Boaden, Esquire. 2. Reminiscences of Michael Kelly, of the King's Theatre, and Theatre Royal Drury Lane, including a period of |