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nicle, ib. 278, 279-of Asser's Life of

ABERCORN (Marquis of), anecdotes of, King Alfred, 279-of the Chronicle of
213, 214.

Abolition of slave-trade. See Slave-Trade.
Actors, French and English, compared,
229, 230.

Adultery, prevalence of, in France, 453,
Æthylbyrht, laws of, 259.
Africa. See Slave-Trade.
African Institution, suggestion of the di-
rectors of, concerning free-labour, 601-
remarks thereon, 602.

Alienation of property, different modes of,
552-by the act of the party, ib. by
deed, 553-by will, 554, 555-of in-
voluntary alienation, 555, 556-and by
adverse possession, 556, 557.
Alligators of Sumatra, netice of, 102.
Alphabet (Latin), when introduced among
the Anglo-Saxons, 257.

Florence of Worcester, 280, 281-of the
Chronicle usually ascribed to Matthew
of Westminster, 281, 282 - and of
Simon of Durham, 282-character of
the History of Henry of Huntingdon,
282, 283-of William of Malmesbury,
284-of Nennius, 284, 285-of Geoffrey
of Monmouth, 285-289-of Ingulphus,
289-292-anachronisms detected in
this work, 294-notice of several manu-
scripts of this History, 294-296-ob-
servations on the interpretation of these
ancient authorities, 296, 297-compara-
tive merits of the several Anglo-Saxon
historians, 298.

Architectural improvements. See London.
Ashmolean Museum, notice of, 166.
Asser's Life of King Alfred, account of,

Astronomical Society of London, notice of,

America, the government of the United
States of, sincere in its desire to put an 163..
end to the slave-trade, 584-decree of Aurora Islands, proved to have no exist-
the new states of Spanish America against

it, 585.

ence, 398, 399.


Anderson (John, Esq.), Mission to the Bacon (Lord), aphorisms of, on making

East Coast of Sumatra, 99-object of
his mission, 100. See Sumatra.

Anglo-Saxons, origin of the runes of, 254
-the Latin alphabet, when introduced
among them, 257-application of it and
of writing to legal documents and to

statutes, 559.

Bacon's sculpture, character of, 125, 126.
Bage's novels, strictures on, 367-370.
Bailey's sculpture, character of, 133.
Bankes's sculpture, character of, 126.
Bannister (Mr.), anecdote of, 248.

legislation, 258-notice of the laws of Battas, a native race of Sumatra, cannibal-

ism of, 107-109.

Bede's Ecclesiastical History, character of,

275, 276.

Bellay (Joachim), verses of, on the Tiber
and the ruins of Rome, 316-translations
of them by Spenser and Quevedo, ib.


Æthylbyrht, 259--of Hlothære, Eadric
and Wihtræd, ib. and of some succeed-
ing kings, 260-the Anglo-Saxon laws
confirmed by William the Norman, ib. -
extract from his laws in Norman French,
261-remarks thereon, ib. comparison
of it with the style of the Anglo-Saxon
laws, 262, 263-difficulties attendant on
the investigation of the constitutional his-
tory of the Anglo-Saxons, 264-their
laws enacted in the Witenagemot, 265-
notice of a compact between the Anglo-
Saxons and the ancient Britons, 265-
Anglo-Saxon charters, legislative docu-
ments, 266-but to be examined with
great caution, 267-270-materials of Birds (fossil), notice of, 520.

Bernardi (Oronzio di) on the Art of Swim-
ming, 35-character of the German
translation of his work, 37-outline of
his method and theory of swimming, 41
-43-his reason for recommending the
upright position in swimming, 40-its
successful practice, 44-results of his
plan, 45.

the Anglo-Saxon chronicles, 270-gene-
alogies and pedigrees, ib. 271-historical
songs, 272-degree of credibility to
which they are entitled, 273, 274-
notice of the treatise of Gildas the Wise,
275-character of Bede's ecclesiastical
history, ib. 276-of the monastic chro- Botanical collections, notice of the principal,
niclers, 277-account of the Saxon Chro-158.

Births, number of legitimate and illegiti-
mate, at Paris, 454-remarks thereon,
ib. 455.

Boaden (James), Memoirs of the Life of
John Philip Kemble, 196-character of
his work, 203, 204-241. See Kemble.



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