Изображения страниц
[blocks in formation]

chinese blue


derby hat

dutch windmill

fedora hat

fuller's earth
georgette crepe
german silver

gothic architec-

gothic type
haikwan tael

harveyized steel
india ink

india rubber
japanese varnish
kafir corn
kraft paper
leghorn hat
levantine silks
levant (leather)
lima beans
london purple
lynch law

diplomatic corps

lyonnaise pota




manila rope, paper

mercerized fabrics merino sheep morocco (leather) navy blue navy cloth



osnaburg cloth
palm-beach suit
panama hat
parian ware
paris green

plaster of paris

portland cement prussian blue raglan coat

roentgen rays

roman numerals
roman type
russia (leather)
scotch plaid
surah silk

timothy grass
turkey red
ulster coat

venetian blinds

venturi tube

wedgwood ware

Diplomatic List (publication) (17)
Director General (16a):

of the Pan American Union; the
Director General; the Director
of Railroads; the Director General;
the Director

[blocks in formation]

of Public Buildings and Public Parks

of the Budget

of the Census

of the Geological Survey
of the Mint

Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., etc.; the barracks (3) District, only if part of proper name; the district (3):

Sixth Congressional (3); Sixth District (3c); the district

first assembly district; third lighthouse district; etc. (3c)

District of Alaska; the District (7) District of Columbia; the District (7, 3a):

Anacostia Flats; the flats (3)

Arlington Memorial Bridge; the Bridge; the bridge


(3, 3a)

Avenue, the (Pennsylvania Avenue only) (3a)

District jail; the jail

Highway Bridge; the bridge (3)
juvenile court; the court
Mall, the (3a)

Metropolitan Police; Metropolitan

policeman; the police (6)

Monument, Washington; the Monu

ment (3, 3a)

Monument Grounds; the grounds (3)

Monument Lot; the lot (3)

municipal court

Plaza, the, Union Station (3a)

police court

Potomac Flats; the flats (3)


Library; the free Public

Library; the library (3)
Speedway, the (3a)

Tidal Basin; the Basin (3, 3a)
White Lot; the lot (3)

Divide, Continental; the Divide (8)

Division, if referring to a national gov

ernmental unit (6):

of Accounts; the Division

of Rural Mails; the Division Passport; the Division

Division, Army, only if part of name (6):

First Division; the division

Document, only if part of proper name; the document (3):

Document Numbered One Hundred and Thirty

Document No. 2

Dominion, capitalized if part of proper name (7):

of Canada; of New Zealand; etc.; the Dominion

but a dominion, dominion status

drawing II, A, 3, etc. (3c) Driftless Area (Mississippi Valley) (8)

eagle boats (a class) (11) earth, rarely capitalized (12d) east Africa (8a)

East Coast (Africa) (8) east Tennessee (8a)

East, the (section of the United States, (8)

eastern Gulf States (8, 8a) easterner

Eastern Hemisphere (8)

Eastern Shore (Chesapeake Bay) (8) electoral college; the electors

Embassy, British; etc.; the Embassy (6)
Emperor, Japanese; the Emperor (16a)
Empire, Japanese; etc.; the Empire;
but an empire (7)

Engine Company No. 6; No. 6 Engine
Company; the company (6)
Engineer Commissioner, District of
Columbia (16a)

Engineer Department; the Department (6)

Engineer in Chief (Navy); the Chief (16a)

Engineer officers; etc. (of Engineer Corps) (16a)

Entente Allies; the Entente; the Triple Entente (6)

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; the Envoy; the Minister (16a)

Equator, the; equatorial (8)

Establishment, only if part of proper name (6):


[blocks in formation]

but civil establishment

Estate, Girard (a foundation); the estate (3)

estate, third (the commons); fourth (the press); etc.

Excellency, His; Their Excellencies (16a)

Executive (meaning President of the United States) (16a) executive departments (6) Executive Document No. 95 (17) Executive Mansion; Executive Office; the White House; the Office (3, 3a) Executive order (by the President); Executive Order No. 34 (17) exhibit 2, A, II, etc. (3c); but Exhibit 2, with title (17)

Express, only if part of proper name (3) · Federal Express, the (4a)

[blocks in formation]

fanciful appellations capitalized-con. City of Churches (Brooklyn) Great Father (the President) the Hub (Boston)

Keystone State (Pennsylvania) Far East (the Orient); but far West (U.S.); far eastern (8, 8a)

Father of his Country (Washington) (13)

Federal (synonym for United States Government) (7a)

Federal Council; the Council; Federal Government (of a national federal government) (7a)

Federal District (Mexico) (7a)
Federal Reporter (publication); the
Reporter (17)

Federal Reserve Board, the Board (6); Federal Reserve System; the System.

Fidac (Fédération Interalliée des Anciens Combattants) (6)

Field, Bolling; Hoover; Mitchel; etc.; the field (3)

figure 2, A, II, etc. (illustration) (3c); Figure 2, with title (17)

Financial Adviser-General Receiver; the Financial Adviser; the General Receiver (16a)

flag, United States (13):
Old Flag
Old Glory

Stars and Stripes
Star-Spangled Banner

flag code

Flats, Anacostia; etc.; the flats (3) Fleet, only if part of proper name; the fleet (3):


High Seas

Naval Reserve

Pacific; etc. (naval) United States

Food and Drug Administration; the Administration (6)

foreign cabinet officers (16a): Premier

Prime Minister

Foreign Commerce Service; the Service (6)

Foreign Legion (French); the legion (6)

Foreign Service; the Service (6) Forester (Chief of Forest Service); the Chief (16a)

Forest, only if part of proper name; the national forest; the forest (3): Angeles National


Coconino and Prescott National Forests

Minam National

Forest Service; the Service (6)

form 2, A, II, etc. (3c); Form 2, with title (17)

Foundation, only if part of proper name; geographic terms, etc.-continued

the foundation (3):

[blocks in formation]

Garden, Botanic; the garden (3) General Accounting Office; the Accounting Office; the Office (6)

General Board (of the Navy); the Board (6)

General Counsel for the Bureau of Internal Revenue; the General Counsel (16a)

General Order No. 14; General Orders,

No. 14; a general order (17) General Supply Committee (of the United States Government); the Committee (6) gentile geographic terms, capitalized if part of proper name (3, 36, 8); capitalized, standing alone, only if well-known short form of specific name (3a); lower-cased in general sense (valleys of Virginia and Maryland): Forest Fork (stream) Fort

Aqueduct Archipelago








[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Geological Survey; the Survey (6)
George V; George the Fifth (16a)
Girard Estate (a foundation); the
estate (3)

Girl Scouts (organization); a Girl
Scout; a Scout (6, 6a)
Gold Coast, Africa (8)
Golden Rule (15)

Gold Star Mothers (organization); a
Mother (6, 6a)

Gospel, only if referring to the first four gospel (tidings) (15) books of the New Testament (15)

Government and similar designations, capitalized if part of proper name; capitalized, standing alone, only if referring to a specific government (7a):

French Government; the Government; Government publications, etc.; but Kerensky government; European governments; insular government; provincial government; island government; seat of government; etc.

British Commonwealth; the Commonwealth; etc.

National (United States)


Government Printing Office; the Print

ing Office; the Office (6)

Governor General (16a):

of Canada; the Governor General of the Philippine Islands; the Governor General

Governor (6):

of Puerto Rico; the Governor

of the Federal Reserve Board; the Governor

of the Panama Canal; the Governor of Wisconsin; etc.; the Governor Grain Futures Administration; the Administration (6)

Grand Army of the Republic; the Grand Army; the Army (6)

Grand Army Post No. 63; etc.; Post No. 63; Grand Army post; the post (3)

Grange, the (National) (8)

graph 2, A, II, etc. (3c); but Graph 2, with title (17)

Hospital, only if part of proper name;

Great (3, 8):




Lakes; the Lakes (3, 3a)


White Way (New York City) great circle (navigation)

Greater New York (8)

group 2, II, A, etc. (3c); but Group 2, with title (17)

Gulf of Mexico; the Gulf (3, 3a)
Gulf Stream; the stream (3)

Hague, The; but the Hague Court (4)
Hall (Senate or House) (3a)
Halls of Congress (3a)

Heaven (Deity) (15); heaven (place) Hemisphere, Eastern; Western; etc.; the hemisphere (8)

High Church (15)

High Commissioner (16a)

High School, only if part of proper name; the high school (3):




Highway Bridge (Washington, D.C.); the bridge (3)

His Excellency the Duke of Athol; etc.; His Excellency; Their Excellencies (16a)

His Majesty; Her Majesty; Their Majesties (16a)

Historical Adviser of the Department of State; the Historical Adviser (16a) historical events and epochs (10): Reformation, the Renaissance, the

Restoration, the (English)

Revolution, the (American, 1775; French, 1789; English, 1688) Revolution of July (French) holidays, etc. (10):

Admission Day

Arbor Day

Armistice Day

Christmas Day, Eve

Decoration Day
Easter Sunday

Father's Day

Fourth of July

Good Friday

Inauguration Day

Independence Day Labor Day Memorial Day Mother's Day New Year's Day, Eve Thanksgiving Day, Eve Washington's Birthday Holy Writ (Bible) (15)


the hospital (3):

Edward Hines, Jr.
Fifth Regiment

St. Elizabeths (no apostrophe)
House, if part of proper name:
Ebbitt (hotel); the house (3)

Johnson house (private residence) (3)
of Representatives; the House (6)
of the Woods (palace); the House
(3, 3a)

Office Building; the office building (3) House of Representatives, titles of officers, standing alone, capitalized (16a):

Chairman (Committee of the Whole)


Official Reporter

Sergeant at Arms

Speaker pro tempore

Hydrographer, the (Navy Department) (16a)

Hygienic Laboratory; the Laboratory (6)

Income Tax Unit; the Unit (6) independence; in the year of our independence the one hundred and fiftysixth Indians (1):

Absentee Shawnee

Eastern (or Lower) Band of Chero-
kee; the band (3)

Five Civilized Tribes; the tribes (3)
Joseph's Band; the band (3)
Shawnee Tribe; the tribe (3)

Inquisition, Spanish; the Inquisition (10)

Institute, if part of proper name; capitalized, standing alone, only if referring to an international organization (6):

Institute of International Law; the

Woman's Institute; the institute Institution, if part of name; capitalized,

standing alone, only if referring to a national governmental unit_(6): Smithsonian Institution; the Institution

Carnegie Institution; the institution insular government; island government international law

Isthmian Canal; the Canal_(3, 3a) Isthmus of Panama, the Isthmus (3, 3a)

[blocks in formation]

League of Nations; the League (6):
Assembly of the; the Assembly
Council of the; the Council
Covenant of the; the Covenant
Secretariat of the; the Secretariat
Legal Adviser of the Department of
State; the Legal Adviser (16a)
Legation, Chinese; etc.; the Legation
Legion, if part of proper name:
American; the Legion (6)
French Foreign; the legion (6)
Legislative Assembly, only if part of
proper name (6):

of New York; the legislative assembly; the assembly

of Puerto Rico; the legislative assembly; the assembly Legislature, only if part of proper name (6):

National Legislature (United States

Ohio Legislature; the legislature
Letters Patent No. 378964 (17)
Levant, the (Mediterranean region) (8)
Liberty Loan bonds; the loan bonds;
the bonds (3)

Librarian of Congress; the Librarian (16a)

Library, if part of proper name:

of Congress; the Library (3, 3a) Public (District of Columbia); free Public Library; the library (3) Lieutenant Governor, of a State; the Lieutenant Governor (16a)

Light, only if part of proper name; the light (3, 3a):

Boston Light

Lighthouse (see Light Station) Lighthouse Service; the Service (6) Lightship (formerly Light Vessel), only if part of proper name; the lightship (3):

North Manitou Shoal Lightship
Grays Reef Lightship

Light Station, only if part of proper name; the light station; the station (3):

Minots Ledge Light Station

Watch Hill Light Station

Line(s), only if part of proper name; the line(s) (3):

Burlington Lines (railroad)
Cunard Line (steamship)
Greyhound Line (bus)
Ludington Line (airplane)

Lock 1; Lock No. 1; Locks Nos. 1 and 2 (3)

Loop, the (section of city) (8)
Louisiana Purchase (8)

Low Church (15)

Lower, only if part of proper name (3): Lower California (Mexico)

Lower Egypt

lower House of Congress lower Mississippi

Lower Peninsula (of Michigan)

Magna Carta (17)

Majesty, His, Her; Their Majesties (16a)
Major General Commandant (Marine
Corps); the major general (16a)
Mall (District of Columbia) (3a)

Mandatory Government, if referring to a specific government; the Mandatory (7a)

map 3, A, II, etc. (3c); but Map 2, with title (17)

Marine Corps; the corps (6); a marine (16a)

Marine Corps Naval Reserve; Marine Corps Reserve; the reserve (6)

Maritime Customs (Chinese International Customs Service) (6) Maritime Provinces, Canada (8) market grades (11):

Half Blood, Fine, Second (wool), etc. Middling, Fair, Good, Ordinary (cotton)

No. 2 Dark Northern Spring, No. 1 Red Spring, No. 2 Red Durum, Sample grade (wheat)

Old Belt Flue-cured, Southern Bright (tobacco)

Prime, Fancy, Common (cattle)
Red Kidney, U.S. No. 2 Pea (beans)
Timothy Light Clover Mixed, Upland
Prairie (hay)

Marshal, United States Supreme Court (16a)

Buffalo South Pier Light 2; but light Member, if referring to a Senator, Rep

no. 2; light 2 (3c)

Highland Light

but Massachusetts Bay lights

resentative, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner of United States Con


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