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of our tracts; and especially our almost miraculous preservation till this period amidst the ravages of hostile incursions we cannot help pleasing ourselves with the idea, that Providence has dealt kindly with us. Ch. 05. Jan.


FROM an address of Feb. 1. of the society for missions to Africa and the East, instituted by members of the established church in England, it appears that they are making commendable exertions to diffuse christianity among the natives of the western coast of Africa, and that they have favorable prospects of making some remuneration to Africa for her wrongs endured in consequence of the inhu man traffic in human blood, now abolished. A grammar and several catechisms have been published in Susoo and English. Two settlements are formed on the Rio Pongas. Four Lutheran ministers, the Rev. Messrs. Renner, Butscher, Barneth, and Wenzell, occupy these settlements on a mission from the society to the Susoos. They receive under their care the children of the natives, of whom they have a considerable num ber, several of them children of the neighboring chiefs. Rev. Mr. Nylander supplies the place of chaplain to the colony of Sierra Leone.

The society has lately undertaken the establishment of a settlement at the bay of islands in the northern part of New Zealand. Two artisans, one a carpenter and ship builder and the other a flax dresser and twine spinner, have sailed under the care of Rev. Mr. Marsden, chaplain of

New South Wales.

The Society has established a missionary seminary in England under the direction of the Rev. Thomas Scott,rector of Aston Sanford, Buckinghampshire. Two Lutheran ministers and one Englishman are preparing for their future labors under his superintendance.

Africa contains 150 millions of inhabitants, and Asia 500 millions, all with few exceptions heathens or followers of Mahomet.




Presented and approved, April 3, 1810.

IN recounting to the brethren of the Society, at their annual meeting, the transactions of the past year, it would rejoice the hearts of the directors, to be able with truth to announce the rapid progress of the gospel in every quarter to which their labors have extended. But though they cannot boast of an event so grateful to the lovers of the precious Redeemer, they have cause to believe their efforts have not been altogether fruitless. The constant attendance, the serious and solemn attention visible among the Tuscaroras, and the earnest zeal and anxious solicitude for the conversion of their brethren, testified by the believing part of the nation, are favorable symptoms, and presages, we hope, of the eventual success of the Mission.

Notwithstanding the reluctance of the Missionary to trust in appearances, which frequently prove fallacious, he is constrained to acknowledge in a late communication, that the word of the liv ing God has, in some instances, reached the hearts of both white people and Indians.

No additions, it is true, have been made to the church among the Tuscaroras, by baptism, during the ministration of Mr. Gray. Applications for admission to the ordinance, have not been wanting; but these were deservedly rejected, as arising from mistaken ideas of the ordinance, and of the subjects prop

er to receive it.


A willingness to accept of baptism at the hand of the Missionary, steady attendance at church, and a disposition to break off from gross sins, were deemed sufficient qualifications for the ordinance, by those ignorant or misguided persons. In a few individuals lately, a better spirit has discovered itself. As these appear to be actuated by better motives; by a deep sense of their undone condition, and a conviction of the necessity of vior's righteousness, they have claims better authenticated; and after receiv ing the necessary instruction, and affording satisfactory evidence, by their life and conversation, of the reality of a sav ing work of grace on their hearts, will doubtless be admitted to a participation in the sacred ordinances of the Gospel, and contribute to the increase of the church among the Tuscaroras. The er roneous spirit formerly prevalent among that people, the Missionary humbly trusts, the Lord has rebuked, and is now spread

ing sentiments more just, and more congenial to the nature of the gospel of Christ.

The Rev. Robert Forrest, who, at the special request of the Directors, visited the Tuscarora nation, in July, 1809, attended their council, and preached for them, gives ample testimony to the exemplary conduct, and growing attention to divine things, both among these Indians, and among the white people in their neighborhood; as well as to the fidelity of the Missionary, and his qualifications for the trust committed to him. And this testimony, in itself unexceptionable, is corroborated by the opinion of other respectable persons, both in the Western District, and in Canada,

Mr. Gray, in summer, preaches twice every Sabbath. His first sermon is specially addressed to the Indians; his second is more particularly adapted to the situation and circumstances of the white inhabitants; and their numbers frequently exceed the number of his Indian hearers. In winter he preaches but once, and that almost exclusively to the aborigines; but few of the whites attending. The number of his Indian hearers varies from fifty to seventy; the proportion of females being commonly the greatest. The general deportment in the house of God is grave and solemn.

Though the youth appear sometimes to listen with attention to the voice of instruction and reproof, at others, like too many of the youth among ourselves, they break through every restraint, and pursue their wicked practices with avidity The chiefs of the nation, and persons of more advanced age, are friendly, sober, and honest. Indeed, temperance and honesty are prominent traits in the Tuscarora character. The conduct of the professors of the gospel is irreproachable

The seasons of catechising in the present state of things cannot be regular and fixed, but are necessarily accommodated to times and circumstances, wherever the Lord opens a door, either in visitation, or in private conversation. Afflictions, sickness, and death are the special seasons of ministerial visitation.

The Board of Directors unite with Mr. Gray, in earnestly soliciting every member of the society, in his private supplications at the throne of grace, to remember the interests of the Redeemer among the heathen in general, and particularly among the people more immediately under the charge of the Society. The promises and declarations of scripture on this subject, give the greatest encouragement to the duty, and the Missionary views the personal blessings he has enjoyed in his present charge, as precious answers to the prayers of the Society:

The farm purchased for the use of the Mission is said to be valuable,but will still require some additional fencing to complete its improvement,and render it capable of yielding an increase proportioned to its value. Though the accounts with Mr. Holmes are not yet finally settled, some of the materials which were in his hands, have been delivered up by his agent, and applied to the repair of the house, or used in the erection of a barn on the farm. The real expense of the buildings has, however,been little diminished by the materials recovered; but an immediate disbursement of money, equal to their value, has been saved.

The school erected in the Tuscarora village for the instruction of the Indian children, in the estimation of all, is an ob jeot of the highest importance. A knowl edge of the English language, and the principles of divine truth imbibed in youth, frequently repeated, and seriously inculcated by a faithful teacher, would not only greatly facilitate the labor of the Missionary, but give direct access through the understanding to the conscience. This department, however, has during the last year languished, through the indisposition of the teacher, whose labors have been much interrupted by the prev alence of a nervous indisposition. Exercise has now, in a great measure, removed the complaint. The school is increasing, and is at present attended by twenty-four children; of whom eighteen are Indians, sixteen boys, and two girls; the remaining six whites. The Indian children have made but little progress. The most advanced class is only beginning to read. But their progress in manners, is greater than their progress in letters. The Lancaster plan of tuition has been attempted; but hitherto without success. The common mode of instruction has of cousre been adopted. The deportment of the teacher is becoming his christian profession. He is now much encouraged, and able to give stated and regular attendance on his school. But by a statement of his necessary expenses, submitted to Mr. Gray, it appears that the allowance hitherto made him is insufficient. An augmentation of salary has been judged necessary to the continuance of the school.

Since the last annual meeting, a reviv al of correspondence with the different Missionary associations, with which an epistolary intercourse had formerly been maintained by this Society, has been attempted; but answers have been receiv ed only from the Northern Missionary Society of this state, and from the London Missionary Society.

From the Report transmitted by the former, it appears, they are prosecuting the missionary cause among the Oneidas

with spirit, and not without success. Mr. Jenkins, their missionary, was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry in April, 1809; and from that time to the 5th of September, in the same year, had baptized thirty children He steadily officiates at Squasselow and Oneida. The whole number of Indians at Oneida, amounting to 450 or upwards, profess the christian religion, excepting 3 or 4 persons; yet the number of communiants in May, 1809, did not exceed 18 or 19. An Indian, named Abram, labors also with great zeal in promoting the interest of the gospel among the Oneidas, and has been earnestly recommended by Mr. Jenkins, to notice and compensation from the directors of the Northern Missionary Society.

The communication received from the London Missionary Society has been published at large in the Christian's Magazine. In addition to the information therein contained, it may be proper to observe, for the encouragement of our brethren of this Society, that the extensive utility of the pious and respectable body of men, connected with that association, is equalled only by the prudence and perseverance with which their measures are conducted. The success of their labors is various. In Africa, a considerable number of Missionaries is employed, with a zeal and success that have astonished the world, particularly among the Hottentots, whose ignorance and stupidity were proverbial, and who were scarcely allowed to claim a rank in the scale of being superior to the brute creation.

The pious, learned, and indefatigable Dr. Vander Kemp, has formed a plan for extending the chain of Missionary settlements along the east coast of Africa; and has proposed, notwithstanding his advanced age, to proceed on a new mission to the Isle of Madagascar. In his expedition, he is to be accompanied, among others, by Mr. Smit, who for some time resided in this city, and is well known to many members of this Society.

A prosperous mission of the London Association, was founded in Demarara,in the month of February, 1808. It is occupied in disseminating the knowledge of the blessed gospel among the negro slaves. In March, 1809, the Missionary writes, that 24 of these had been received into the church of the Redeemer by baptism, and that more than 150 of them were seriously seeking the salvation of their souls.

The London Missionary Society is still extending its exertions to new fields of labor. No practicable object escapes their notice Besides their endeavors to remove the vail of Moses from the eyes of the Jews, and the efforts they are mak

ing for the translation of the Scriptures into many different languages, particularly into the Chinese: an undertaking hitherto deemed insuperable, they are meditating a mission to the Greek Islands, to preach the gospel, and circulate the modern Greek Testament among the inhabit


From the Netherland Missionary Society, a letter has been received, breathing a spirit of fervent piety and zeal for the promotion of the gospel. The forwarding of their transactions, though inconvenient at the time, may be expected as soon as opportunity offers. These zealous followers of the Redeemer, in the midst of difficulties and discouragements, are not unmindful of their christian privileges, nor unwilling to impart what they have freely received at the hand of their gracious, heavenly Master. They were at the date of their letter, preparing a mission to the coast of Coromandel.

From the laborious and faithful Paul Cuffee, a communication was received soon after the last annual meeting of the society, detailing the state of the different congregations under his care. The sub

stance of his letter was published with the last annual report, and does credit to his piety and fidelity, while it furnishes additional cause of gratitude to Jehovah Jesus for the greatest manifestations of his love and power to the children of men,evidenced in the work of his blessed Spirit on the hearts of many of the people under the care of Paul. A letter has been written to the Rev. David S. Bogart, who is the medium of communication between the Society and Paul, requesting some account of the present state of his congregations; but no answer has hitherto been received

The Directors have for some time extended their views to other Indian nations, particularly to the Senecas, among whom it has been contemplated to erect a school; which is only delayed until a person can be procured, properly qualified for the office. A committee has been appointed also, to inquire what places may with propriety be occupied as Missionary stations; and where it would be advisable to erect other schools. But some time must elapse, before these objects in all their details, can be prepared for deliberation, and ripened into execution, even if every pecuniary impediment were removed.

To inspire every heart with confidence in the bountiful goodness of the divine Head of the church, and to the honor of the Assistant New York Missionary Society, their liberal donation of $828,53cts. ought to be recorded with gratitude. This supply will be a seasonable aid to the Directors, in establishing a school among

the Senecas; or, should this fail, may be employed to enlarge the sphere of the Society's usefulness in some other quarter.

A letter, inclosing a donation of $ 40, has also been received from the Presbyterian Youth's Assistant Missionary Society. This Association was formed in November, 1809, for the sole purpose of promoting the views of the New York Missionary Society. If we consider the short duration of the establishment, and the spirit of piety and generosity from which it originated, the donors will be found to deserve, as they have received, the sincere thanks of the Directors.

The Young Men's Bible Society, is also entitled to the grateful acknowledgments of every friend to the Missionary cause, for the benevolent tender of their service to supply this Association with Bibles. The offer was accordingly

accepted with thanks, and with a deter mination to profit by their kindness, when circumstances call for its exercise.

In surveying the progress of the Mis sionary spirit, and reflecting on the amazing power of divine grace displayed in the various departments of the vine. yard of God, while the Directors do homage to the zeal and activity of other Societies, less highly privileged than themselves, and acknowledge with shame their own inferiority, they are constrained to exclaim, "This is the Lord's doing, and it is wondrous in our eyes."

The Treasurer's account will exhibit a faithful statement of the receipts and ex penditures for the year past, and will show the present amount of the Society's funds.

By order of the Directors,
P. WILSON, Sec'y.

Of the New York Missionary Society, elected at the late annual
Meeting, for the ensuing Year.

Rev. Dr. JOHN RODGERS, President.
Rev. Dr J. H. LIVINGSTON, Vice-President.
PETER WILSON, L L. D. Secretary.
Mr. DIVIE BETHUNE, Treasurer.
Other Directors.






REPORT from the Secretary of the Treasury, on the subject of American Manufactures, prepared in obe. dience to a resolution of the House of Representatives. April 19, 1810. Referred to Mr. Bacon, Mr. Macon, Mr. Pitkin, Mr. Fisk, and Mr. Clopton, Boston: Published by Farrand, Mallory, & Co. and Lyman, Mallory, & Co. Portland, 1809.

A Discourse, delivered at the Funeral of the Rev. David Sanford,

A. M. Late Pastor of the Second
Church in Medway. Who died

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[blocks in formation]

A Dictionary of Practical Surgery. Containing a complete exhibition of the Principles and Practice of Surge. ry, collected from the best and most original sources of information, and illustrated by critical remarks. By Samuel Cooper, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, and author of the First Lines of the Practice of Surgery. With Notes and Additions, by John Syng Dorsey, M.D. Adjunct Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania,&c. In 2 vols. octavo. B. & T. Kite, Philadelphia.

The Child's Monitor; or Parental Instruction. By John Hornsey, author of "A Short Grammar of the English Language," &c. The first American edition, corrected and improved. B. & T, Kite, Philadelphia.

The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Numbers 3 and 4. Bradford & Inskeep, Philadelphia.

The Travels, Imprisonment, and Sufferings, of John Nelson. In a neat pocket volume, from the twentieth London edition. J. Kingston, Baltimore.

The Office of the Holy Week, according to the Roman Missal and Breviary. The first American edition, revised and corrected by a Cathotlic Clergyman of Baltimore, and published with the approbation of the Rt. Rev. Archbishop Carroll. B. Dornin, Baltimore.

The Life of the honorable majorgeneral Israel Putman: Embellished with a copperplate Engraving, repre senting the General riding down the steep precipice at Horse Neck, on a full trot to elude the pursuit of the British troops commanded by General Tryon. To which are annexed two Poems; an address to the armies of the United States, and a Poem on the Happiness of Amer. ica. By Col. D. Humphreys, aid-decamp to Gen. Washington during the Revolutionary War. M'Carty & White, New York.

The Edinburgh Review; or, Crit.

ical Journal, No. 29. October, 1809. To be continued quarterly. E. Sargeant, New York.

The Eloquence of the British Senate; being a selection of the best speeches of the most distinguished English, Irish, and Scotch Parliamentary Speakers, from the beginning of the reign of Charles the 1st, to the present time, with Notes, biographical, critical, and explanatory. By Wil. liam Hazlitt. 2 vols. Prior & Dun. ning, New York.

Vol. III. No 4, of the Christian's Magazine. Designed to promote the knowledge and influence of evangelical truth and order. Williams & Whiting, New York.

The Task; a Poem, by William Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq. To which is prefixed, a short account of the Life and Writings of the author. Albany, B. D. Packard, 1810.

The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain. New Haven, Walter, Austin, & Co. 1810.



W. W. Woodward, Philadelphia, proposes to republish-Butterworth's Concordance, with which he will accommodate those who shall rive their names for the new edition of Scott's Bible, as well as those who have subscribed for and received the first edition. Proposals will shortly be printed, with the terms to those who subscribe for Scott's Bible, new edition, and those who have had the first edition of the work, and to those who subscribe for the maps and concordance alone.

Bernard Dornin, Baltimore, proposes to republish-An edition of the Lives of the Saints; by the Rev. Alban Butler, in six volumes, octavo.

J. Kingston, Baltimore, proposes to republish-The Substance of Brooke's Fool of Quality, or, the Celebrated History of Henry, Earl of Moreland. This fourth edition will be printed verbatim from the last London copy of this justly admired work, collated and revised by a learned Divine of the Church of England. This work will be printed in two handsome volumes, duodecimo, containing together more than

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