MICHAEL BILIRAKIS, Florida UL E. GILLMOR, Ohio MES C. GREENWOOD, Pennsylvania CHARD BURR, North Carolina EG GANSKE, Iowa ARLIE NORWOOD, Georgia RBARA CUBIN, Wyoming IN SHIMKUS, Illinois ATHER WILSON, New Mexico IN B. SHADEGG, Arizona ARLES "CHIP" PICKERING, Mississippi VITO FOSSELLA, New York TOM DAVIS, Virginia ROBERT L. EHRLICH, Jr., Maryland LEE TERRY, Nebraska ERNIE FLETCHER, Kentucky JOHN D. DINGELL, Michigan RICK BOUCHER, Virginia KAREN MCCARTHY, Missouri MICHAEL F. DOYLE, Pennsylvania DAVID V. MARVENTANO, Staff Director REID P.F. STUNTZ, Minority Staff Director and Chief Counsel SUBCOMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS JAMES C. GREENWOOD, Pennsylvania, Chairman CONTENTS Page Atlas, Ronald, President-Elect, American Society for Microbiology Baumann, Jeremiah D., Environmental Health Advocate, U.S. Public Cassell, Gail H., Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Distinguished Lilly Cobb, Donald D., Associate Director for Threat Reduction, Los Alamos Copeland, Guy, Vice President, Information Infrastructure Advisory Pro- 223 Dacey, Robert F., Director, Information Security Issues, General Account- Costantini, Lynn P., Director-Online Services, North American Electric 232 207 Gordon, General John A., Administrator, National Nuclear Security Ad- 57 Hamburg, Margaret A., Vice President, Biological Programs, Nuclear 166 July 9, 2002 157 Plaugher, Edward P., Chief, Arlington County Fire Department, Execu- tive Agent, Washington Area National Medical Response Team Ridge, Hon. Tom, Director of Transition Planning for Proposed Depart- ment of Homeland Security and Assistant to the President for Home- Smith, William, Executive Vice President, Network Operations, Sobel, David L., General Counsel, Electronic Privacy Information Center . Page Tritak, John S., Director, Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office, Department of Commerce Stringer, Lew, Medical Director, Division of Emergency Management, 97 238 182 Additional material submitted for the record: Watson, Kenneth C., President, Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Varnado, Samuel G., Director, Infrastructure and Information Systems Vantine, Harry C., Program Leader, Counterterrorism and Incident Response, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 79 191 242 Ahern, Jason P., Assistant Commissioner, U.S. Customs Service, prepared statement of 267 Holsen, Jim, Vice President, Engineering, United Parcel Service, Inc., prepared statement of Brooks, Linton F., Acting Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, prepared statement of Bryden, Robert A., Stff Vice President of Security, FedEx Corporation, prepared statement of 269 272 287 Howe, Barry, Vice President, Thermo Electron Corporation, prepared statement of. 284 Jones, Gary, Director, Natural Resources and Environmental Issues, General Accounting Office, prepared statement of Martin, Steven W., Director, Homeland Security, Pacific Northwest Na- Nokes, David, Director, Systems Assessment and Research Center, Panico, Frank, Manager, International Networks and Transportation, Shotts, Wayne J., Associate Director for Nonproliferation, Arms Comtrol and International Security, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, prepared statement of (IV) 291 282 288 272 274 |