The New Novelist's Magazine, Or Entertaining Library of Pleasing and Instructive Histories, Adventures, Tales, Romances, and Other Agreeable and Exemplary Little Novels, Volume 1

Front Cover
Harrison and Company, 1787

From inside the book

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Page 199 - The sick man was wrapt in blankets, and carried across the street to the English gentleman's. The old woman helped his daughter to nurse him there. The surgeon, who arrived soon after, prescribed a little, and nature did much for him ; in a week he was able to thank his benefactor.
Page 34 - ... not delighted. The drunkard for a time laughed over his wine; the ambitious man triumphed in the miscarriage of his rival; but the captives of Indolence had neither superiority nor merriment.
Page 203 - Oh! could I make you feel what it is to pour out the heart, when it is pressed down with many sorrows, to pour it out with confidence to Him, in whose hands are life and death, on whose power awaits all that the first enjoys, and in contemplation of whom disappears all that the last can inflict!
Page 202 - s want of punctuality, but an assurance of continued gratitude for his former good offices; and, as a friend whom the writer...
Page 34 - Reason than to disobey her; and who retreated from the heat and tumult of the way, not to the bowers of Intemperance, but to the maze of Indolence.
Page 56 - Confidence one day, following his impetuous nature, advanced a confiderable way before his guides and companions; and not feeling any want of their company, he never enquired after them, nor ever met with them more. In like manner, the other fociety, tho' joined by Jupiter, difagreed and feparated.
Page 202 - Roche and his daughter, on his former visit, was recalled to his mind by the view of that range of mountains, on a part of which they had often looked together. There was a reproach, too, conveyed along with the recollection, for his having failed to write to either for several months past.
Page 272 - ... the whole day was taken up, on which the term fet by Jupiter expired. On their return to Greece, all the country flocked in upon them to hear the wonders of the moon...
Page 180 - ... person then in his power. He mentioned this to no one; but, as soon as it was dark, retired to his garden...
Page 90 - But in the mean time the sons of men deviated from their native innocence ; vice and ruin over-ran the earth with giant strides; and Astrea, with her train of celestial visitants, forsook their polluted abodes.

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