THE New Flovelists Magazine; OR, Entertaining Library OF PLEASING AND INSTRUCTIVE Histories, Tales, Printed for Harrison and (4) Paternoster Kow. 6) 1787. c.m. It THE ADVERTISEMENT. HE Original NOVELIST'S MAGAZINE, long fo fuccefsfully carried on, and which still continues to be published in Weekly Numbers with undiminished reputation, confeffedly gave rise to the prefent undertaking, which is diftinguished by the appellation of the Monthly or NEW NOVELIST'S MAGAZINE. The plan of the former comprehends all the larger NOVELS and ROMANCES of eminence, Foreign as well as English, from CLARISSA, in eight volumes, to VOLTAIRE'S SINCERE HURON, in one; at prices often more than two hundred per cent. less than the very fame works are ufually fold for, even without Copper-plates: and the defign of the latter is, to ferve up to the Public, on terms proportionably advantageous, an elegant collection of the many beautiful little TALES and STORIES fcattered throughout innumerable voluminous Miscellanies; which are frequently purchafed with avidity, at a great expence, for the fake of a few pages only, the remainder being of no value to those who read for amusement. Both the OLD and the NEW NOVELIST'S MAGAZINES are uniformly printed and embellifhed; and they are highly fuitable and proper, though not indispensable Companions. It may be neceffary to add, that the prefent undertaking will be enriched with a great number of entirely NEW TRANSLATIONS from the French, Italian, and other polite languages; with the addition of as many ORIGINAL TALES, as the EDITOR can obtain from learned and ingenious Friends, willing to affift him in expofing the deformities of Vice, and difplaying the loveliness of Virtue, by a mode which has, perhaps, more univerfal influence on the human heart, than any other that the fage and moralist have yet been able to discover, |