Department of Defense Authorization for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2001 and the Future Years Defense Program: Hearings Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session, on S. 2549 ....

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Стр. 162 - ... agency" means an Executive agency, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, and the Government Printing Office, but does not include — (i) a Government corporation; (ii) the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and...
Стр. 7 - Terrorists groups are increasingly using new information technology and the Internet to formulate plans, raise funds, spread propaganda, and to communicate securely.
Стр. 29 - CERT/CC has seen an increase in the development and use of distributed sniffers, scanners, and denial-of-service tools. Attacks using these tools can involve a large number of sites simultaneously and be focused to attack one or more victim hosts or networks. Damaged systems include those used in the attack as well as the targeted victim. For the victim, the impact can be extensive. For example, in a denial-of-service attack using distributed technology, the attacked system observes simultaneous...
Стр. 309 - Consequence management" refers to measures to protect public health and safety, restore essential government services, and provide emergency relief to governments, businesses, and individuals affected by the consequences of terrorism...
Стр. 7 - Cyber terrorism' — by which I mean the use of cyber tools to shut down critical national infrastructures (such as energy, transportation, or government operations) for the purpose of coercing or intimidating a government or civilian population — is thus a very real, though still largely potential, threat.
Стр. 28 - The organizations that have applied a "silver bullet" are lulled into a false sense of security and become less vigilant, but single solutions applied once are neither foolproof nor adequate. Solutions must be combined, and the security situation must be constantly monitored as technology changes and new exploitation techniques are discovered. • There is little evidence of improvement in the security features of most products; developers are not devoting sufficient effort to apply lessons learned...
Стр. 7 - information warfare" by foreign militaries against our critical infrastructures is perhaps the greatest potential cyber threat to our national security. We know that several* foreign nations are developing information warfare doctrine, programs, and capabilities for use against the United States or other nations. Knowing that they cannot match our military might with conventional or "kinetic" weapons, nations see cyber attacks on our critical infrastructures or military operations as a way to hit...
Стр. 7 - Insider threat The disgruntled organization insider is a principal source of computer crimes. Insiders may not need a great deal of knowledge about computer intrusions because their knowledge of a victim system often allows them to gain unrestricted access to cause damage to the system or to steal system data. The insider threat also includes outsourcing vendors. Virus writers Virus writers are posing an increasingly serious threat. Several destructive computer viruses and "worms" have harmed files...
Стр. 35 - It is critical to maintain a long-term view and invest in research toward systems and operational techniques that yield networks capable of surviving attacks while protecting sensitive data. In doing so, it is essential to seek fundamental technological solutions and to seek proactive, preventive approaches, not just reactive, curative approaches.
Стр. 7 - These efforts belie the notions that private industry won't share with law enforcement in this area, or that the government won't provide meaningful threat data to industry. As companies continue to gain experience in dealing with the NIPC and FBI field offices, as we continue to provide them with important and useful threat information, and as companies recognize that cyber crime requires a joint effort by industry and government together, we will continue to make real progress in this area. KEEPING...

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