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Just published, price 1s. 6d. (allowed to purchasers) RICHARD BAYNES'S CATALOGUE of an extensive Col. 14 lection of Sermons, Discourses, and Lectures, by the must eminent Divines of the Church of England, Puritans and Dissenters, a Collection of French Sermons, Manuscript Sermons, and Lectures ; also, Works on Pulpit Oratory, Composition, &c. now on Sale at the low prices affixed to each (for Ready Money), by Richard Baynes, 28, Paternoster Row.

Also, just published, PART III. of RICHARD BAYNES'S CATALOGUE for 1897-8 of Theology and General Literature, Price 1$. 6d. and R. B's Catalogue Complete for 1827-8, three parts in one vol. 8vo. bds 6s.

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NEW SYSTEM OF THE SCIENCE OF MUSIC. T OGIER'S TREATISE on MUSICAL, COMPOSITION, inI cluding of course, Thorough Bass, and the Rudiments of the Science, is now published by J. GREEN, 33, Soho Square. Price Complete in boards, with a portrait of the Author, 21. 2s.

This Work comprises the whole System of the Science of Music, adapted to young capacities according to the Plan pursued with such extraordinary success in the Author's Academies.

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ARVENDEL; or, Sketches in Italy and Switzerland. 8vo. Price 3s. 6d.

At the Foreign LIBRARY, 20, Berner's Street, Oxford Street.

MONTHLY PUBLICATION. · REVUE ENCYCLOPEDIQUE, Ou analyse raisonnée des productions les plus remarquables dans les Sciences, les Arts

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III. BULLETIN BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE, ou Catalogue choisi des principaur ouvrages, français et étrangers, qui sont successivement publiés, avec des notices raisonnées sur chacun d'eux, pour en faire apprécier le mérite et l'utilité ; contenant aussi l'indication des principaux recueils et journaux scientifiques et littéraires, qui existent en France et dans les autres pays.

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CONDITIONS DE LA SOUSCRIPTION. Ont souscrit à Paris, au BUREAU CENTRAL d'abonnement et d'expedition, rue d'EnferSaint Michel, No. 18.

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Il paraît un cahier in 8°, de quatorze feuilles d'impression au moins, dans les premiers jours de chaque mois.

Trois cahiers forment un volume d'environ 7 à 800 pages. Chaque volume, comprenant un trimestre, est suivi d'une Table Alphabétique et Analytique des malières, tellement disposée qu'on peut rapprocher et comparer å volonté soit l'état des sciences et des élémens de la civilisation dans chaque pays, soit les pays eux-mêmes et les nations, sous les différens rapports sous lesquels on à eu l'occasion de les considérer.

Prix de la Souscription. A Paris 46 fr. pour un an ; 26 fr. pour six mois,

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(Revue EncYCLOPEDIQUE-continued.) " This very interesting and valuable periodical appears to be conducted with much spirit and liberal feeling. In its plan, it resembles our Monthly Review, but is on a much more enlarged scale.”The Literary Chronicle.

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In the month of June, 1828, will be published, SERIES of PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS in LAND. f

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Legal and Scientific Principles, exemplified by the Rules and Tables adopted for the government of the Southwell Friendly Institution ; examined, authenticated, and recommended for general use, hy W. MORGAN, Esq. F.R.S. and A. MORGAN, Esq. Joint Actuaries of the Equitable Assurance Society. By the Reverend J. T. BECHER, M.A., Prebendary of the Collegiate Church of Southwell; Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the Newark Division of the County of Nottingham, and for the Liberty of Southwell and Scrooby.

London : Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Stationers' Hall Court, Ludgate Street.

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D that they have now completed their Selection of FOREIGN MUSIC, Vocal and Instrumental, of the most celebrated FOREIGN COMPOSERS, for their Subscrip. tion Library, and have just published the CATALOGUE.

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