1 THE SOOTS MAGAZINE, AND EDINBURGH LITERARY MISCELLANY. NEW SERIES. VOL. LXXXVI. FOR 1820.-PART II. THE EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, AND LITERARY MISCELLANY; A NEW SERIES OF THE SCOTS MAGAZINE. JULY-DECEMBER, 1820. Ne quid falsi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat. VOL. VII. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND COMPANY. 1820. THE ly Poetry Anecdotes of the late King and Queen 14 Verses by a young Lady Observations on the Literature of Scot- land in the Age of A. Melville......................17 Correspondence of the De Coverley Fa- Extracts from Southey's Life of Wesley..36 Society of Civil Engineers-New Musi cal Instrument-Physical Strength of Men-Height and Thickness of Men in Scotland-Increase of Sound dur ing the Night-Golden Image of the Idol Vishnu-The Assassins-Com- pressibility of Water, &c. &c. &c.65 |