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was resolved to feast line with a "roasted piece of

theanAnd having no spit to fasten it,

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nor jack to turn it, I made use of" that com→ mon artifice which many of the people of England have that is, to set two poles upon each side of the fire, and one across on the top, hanging the meat thereon with a string, and so turning it round continually, till it was sufficiently roasted. This practice caused great, admiration in my man Friday, being quite another way than that to which the savages were accustomed. But when he came to taste the sweetness and tenderness of the flesh, he expressed his entire satisfaction in many different ways. As I could not but understand' his meaning, you may be sure, I was as wonderfully pleased, especially when he made it also very plain to me, that he would never, while he lived, eat man's flesh more. Pífic, 1

It was now high time I should set my new” servant to work so next day I put him to beat out some corn, and sift it in the same manner as I had done before. And really the fellow was very quick and handy in the execution of any thing I ordered him to go about. I made him understand that it was to make bread for us to eat, and afterwards let hin see me hake it. In short, he did every thing as I ordered him, in a little time, as well as I could perform it myself.

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But now, considering that I had two mouths to feed instead of one, it was necessary that I


more charmed by my exceeding · kindness, and his affections more placed upon me, thian any other object whatsoever among his own countrymen.oles

I once had a great desire to try if he' had any hankering inclination to his own country again; and by this time, having taught him English so well, that he could give me tolerable answers to any question which I de manded, I asked him, whether that nation to which he belonged ever conquered in battle? This question made Friday smile, and to which He answered, yes, yes, we always fight the better; as much as to say, they always got the better in fight. You say, said I, that you always fight the better; why then, Friday, how came you to be taken prisoner? ́

Friday. But for all that my nation beat much.

Master. How, say you, beat? if your na tion beat them. how came you to be taken ? Friday. They more many mans than my nation in the place where me was, they take one, two, three, and me; my nation much overbeat them in the yonder place where me no was, there my nation mans beat one, two, three, great many.

Master. Then why did not your men reeover you from the hands of your enemies? Friday. They ran one, two, or three, and me; they make all go into the canoe; my nation have no canoe that time.

Master Tis very well, Friday; but what

does your nation do with the prisoners they take? Do they carry them away and eat them as they have done? qda

Friday. Yes, yes, my nation eat mans too, eat up all. or

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Master. To what place do they carry them to be devoured ?

Friday: Go to other nations where they think.

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Master! Do they bring them hither?

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Friday Yes, come over hither, come over other place.

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Master. And have you been with them here, Friday?

Friday. Yes, me been here, (pointing to the northwest of the island, being the side where they used to land.)

Thus having gotten what account 1 could from my man, I plainly understood, that he had been as bad as any of the rest of the cannibals, having been formerly among the savages who used to come on shore on the farthest part of the island, upon the same bloody occasions as he was brought hitler for: and some time after, I carried him to that place where he pointed; and no sooner did he come there, but he presently knew the ground, signifying to me that he was once there when they ate up twenty men, two women and a young child; but as he could not explain the number in English, he did it by so many stones in a row, making a sign to me to count them.

My next question was, how far it was from the island to the shore, and whether canoes were not often lost in the ocean? To which he answered, there was no danger; that no canoes were ever lost; but that after a little way out to the sea, there was a strong cur rent, and a wind always one way, in the after noon. This I thought at first to be no more than the sets of tide, of going out or coming in; but I afterwards understood it was occa sioned by the great draught and reflux of the mighty river Oroonoko, in the mouth or gulph of which, I imagined my kingdom lay; and that the land which I perceived to the W. and N. W. must be the great island Trinidad, on the north of the river.


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Well, you may be sure, this knowledge, which the imperfect information of my man had led me to, was very comfortable to me, and made me so curious as to ask him, how might depart from this island, and get amongst those white men ?He told me, Yes, Yes, I might go in two canoes. In two canoes, thought I, what does my man mean? And, indeed it was a long time before I understood his meaning, which was, that it must be a large boat, as big as two canoes, able to bear with the waves, and not so liable to be overwhelmed as a small one must be 'uzija do jehonu 30

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Isbelieve there is no state of life but what may be happy. if people would but endeavour for their part to make it so. He is not the happiest man who has the most riches, but he

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