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rains falling, it was choked up, and never ap peared above the earth till the wet season came again, and then part of it grew, as if it had been newly sown.

I was resolved still to make another trial; and seeking for a moister piece of ground near my bower, I there sowed the rest of my seed in February, which, by having the rainy, months of March and April to water it, yielded a noble crop, and sprung up very pleasantly. I had still saved part of the seed, not daring to venture all; and by the time I found out the proper seasons to sow it in, and that I might expect every year two seed times and two har vests, my stock amounted to above half a peck of each sort of grain.

No sooner were the rains over, but the stakes which I had cut from the trees, shot out like willows, the first year after lopping their heads. I was ignorant of the tree I cut them from; but they grew so regularly beautiful, that they made a most lively appearance, and so flourished in three years time, that I resolved to cut more of them; and these soon growing made a glorious fence, as afterwards I shall observe,

And now I perceived that the seasons of the year might generally be divided, not into summer and winter, as in Europe, but into wet and dry seasons, as in this manner:—

From S-February 15
April 15,


Rainy, sun coming near the Equinox, 2 months.


From S April 15,
Το August 15,
From August 15,
October 15,


From October 15,


February 15

Dry, sun getting north from the line, 4 months Wet, the sun being then come back, 2 months. Dry, sun running south of the line, 4 months.

The wet seasons would continue longer or shorter, as the wind continued or ceased to blow. But having found the ill consequences of being abroad in the rain, I took care before hand to furnish myself with provisions: and during the wet months, sat within doors as much as possible. At this time, I contrived to make many handy things that I wanted, though it cost me much labour and pains, before I could accomplish them. The first I tried was to make à basket, but all the twigs I could get, proved so brittle, that I could not then perform it. It now proved of great use to me, that when a boy I took great delight in standing at a basket-maker's, in the same town where my father lived, to view them at work: like other boys, being curious to see the manner of their working these things, and very officious to assist, I perfectly learned the method of it, and wanted nothing but the tools. And it coming into my mind, that the twigs of that tree of which I made my stakes, might be as tough as a sallow willow, or dsiers growing in England, I resolved to mako an experiment, and went the next day to my country seat, and found some fit for my turn; and after cutting down a quantity with my

hatchet, I dried them in my pale, and, when fit to work with, carried them to my cave, where I employed myself in making several sorts of baskets, insomuch that I could put in whatsoever I pleased. It is truc they were not cleverly made, yet they served my turn on all oc


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But still I wanted two necessary things. I had no cask to hold my liquor, except two, almost full of rum, a few bottles of an ordinary size, and some square case bottles; neither had I a pot to boil any thing in, only a large kettle unfit to make broth, or stew a bit of meat: I wanted likewise at the beginning of this dry season a tobacco-pipe; but for this I afterwards found an expedient.

I kept myself employed in planting my second row of stakes. But remembering that when I travelled up to the brook I had a mind to see the whole island, I now resumed my intention, and taking my dog, gun, hatchet, two biscuit cakes, a great bunch of raisins, with a larger quantity of powder and shot than usual, I began my journey. Having passed the vale where my bower stood, I came within view of the sea lying to the west; when, it being a clear day, I fairly descried land, extending from the W. to the S. W. about 10 or 15 leagues, as I concluded: but could not say whether it was an island or a continent. Neither could I tell what this place might be only thought it was part of America, and where might have been in a miserable condition had I landed.

Again, I considered, that if this was the Spanish coast, certainly, one time or the other, [ should see some ships pass by, and if it was not, then it must be the savage coast between the Spanish country and Brazil, which abounds with cannibals or man-eaters.

As I proceeded forward, I found this side of the island much more pleasant than mine; the fields fragrant, adorned with sweet flowers and verdant grass, together with several very fine woods. There were parrots in plenty, which made me long for one to be my companion; but it was with great difficulty I could knock one down with my stick; and I kept him at home some years, before I could get him to call me by my name.

In the low grounds, I found various sorts of hares and foxes, as I took them to be, but much different from those in England. Several of these I killed, but never ate them; neither indeed had I any occasion; for abounding with goats, pigeons, turtle, and grapes, I could defy any market to furnish me a better table. In this journey, I did not travel above two miles a day, because I took several turns and windings, to see what discoveries I could make, returning weary enough to the place where I designed to rest all night, which was either in a a tree, or to a place which I surrounded with stakes, that no wild creature might suddenly surprize me. When I came to the sea-shore, I was amazed to see the splendor of it. Its strand was covered with shells of the most beautiful

fish, and constantly abounding with innumera. ble turtles, and fowls of many kinds, which I was ignorant of, except those called penguins. I might have shot as many as I pleased, but was sparing of my ammunition, rather choos ing to kill a she-goat, which I did with much difficulty, on account of the flatness of the country.

Now, though this journey produced the most pleasing satisfaction, yet my habitation was so much to my liking, that I did not repine at my being seated on the worst part of the island. I continued my journey, travelling about 12 miles further towards the east, where I set a great pile on the shore for a mark, concluding that my next journey should bring me to the other side of the island, east from my castle, and so round till I came to my post again.As I had a constant view of the country, I thought I could not miss my way but scarcely had I travelled three miles, when I descended into a very large valley, so surrounded with hills covered with wood, that having no guide but the sun, and to add to my misfortune, the weather proving very hazy, I was obliged to return to my post by the sea side, and so backwards the same way I came, In this journey, my dog surprised a kid, and would have killed it, had I not prevented him. As I had often been thinking of getting a kid or two, and so raising a breed of tame goats to supply me, after my ammunition was spent, I took this opportunity of beginning; and having made

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