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In the Theatre cte. Have you the tickets? Here they are. Let us go in. I never saw the house so full. The curtain is rising (geht auf) oder is already drawn. Now, what do you think of this house? I find it very handsome and brilliantly lighted up. The other house appears to me to be larger. I prefer this house though. There are many people of fashion (feine Welt) in the boxes. Don't speak so loud, the music just begins. This overture is very beautiful. The scenery (Coulissen) is splendid. You will be much pleased with the new decorations. What a fine crown chandelier! What do you think of the new actors? She is very graceful (hat viel Grazie). His person is agreeable, and his voice very sweet. I like the new actor vastly (jehr). His performance (Spiel) is natural. Who performs the principal character (Hauptrolle)? Mr. Rover. Who acts the principal parts (ersten Rollen)? Here, you can read the bill. Thank you! It is well filled (gut beseßt). Miss Gadabout acts the part of Constantia. This is a very difficult character (schwierige Rolle). I think they act all very well. Mr. Turner excels in comedy, but acts badly in Tragedy. This one has an unpleasant voice; his action is stiff and awkward (steif und linkisch). I believe he does not know his part. He is certainly a mere beginner. Had it not been for the prompter (ohne den Souffleur), he could not have gone on (er wäre stecken geblieben). But in general, this company has excellent actors. Do you see that figurantee (Figurantin), is she not handsome? I have not yet observed her. She is just going off, but will soon appear (auftreten) again. Have you seen the last piece? Yes, but it was hissed (ausgepfiffen). I was witness of its fall. Who is that actress who has just peeped from behind the side-scenes? This is she who performs the second parts (zweite Liebhaberin). She looks (aussehen) very young indeed. You know, the stage (Bretter, Bühne) makes one look younger (verjüngen). I saw her at the last rehearsal (Generalprobe) of this piece, and I can assure you that she is very far (keinesweges) from young. What do you think of Mr. Tupman? He is a fine man, and his play pleases me much. I am one of the admirers of the actress who performs the prima Donna. You are in the right, Sir, nature has fitted (begabt) her with great parts and beauty. The play goes on (der Gang_dieses Stücks_ist) too slowly. The plot (Intrigue) unfolds itself (löst sich auf) badly. The play is very interesting (voller Interesse). It has delighted the audience. Observe that gentleman, who sits on the third row behind us, a little to the right; it is the author. How did his last new comedy succeed (wie ward aufgenommen)? Every body speaks well (fobt) of it. That company has a good selection of pieces (Repertoir). So it seems. The pit is too crowded. It is very warm here. Let us go out for a few minutes. Wait one moment, till this act is over, then there is a short pause, and we shall come back again before the after-piece (Nachspiel, zweites Stück). You are right. The curtain drops. Hear how they applaud. They applaud only Mr. Wrinkle, who is a prodigious favourite with the galleries (der Liebling des Paradieses). He is so; and his forte (Stärke) is principally in low comedy (gemein komischen Rollen). Scarcely any piece has been so well received, for a long time.

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There is a new finely painted curtain! It is always used for afterpieces. What's the name of the Opera? The Corsair. There is a great deal of good vocal and instrumental music in the piece, and the choruses are fine. The music is not first rate (bedeutend), but very stirring (rauschend), the costumes are splendid, decorations beautiful, the machinery well managed. What splendid dresses! This trio is beautiful. - The first female singer and the tenor are truly admirable. Last Thursday night I had a great treat (Genuß), I heard Schr. in the Hugonots. Indeed! I have not been at the Opera this season (diesjährige Eröffnung des Hauses). I think the music excellent. This orchestra may boast of possessing the very best

musicians, and a superior (ausgezeichnet) violin (Violonisten). To-morrow they perform a very pretty comic opera, and a new ballet. Have you seen it, and how did it please you? It is certainly very entertaining for a short time, but it soon grows tiresome (langweilig). The end of this act is a duet, sung by Mr. Z. and Miss F. Z. sings well, his voice is full and melodious. He will sing a Solo at the end of the second part. Nothing gives me more pleasure than the choirs (Chöre) or a good chorus, and recitativos at the opera. Do you admire Miss L's. voice? She is esteemed one of your first singers (voices). The finale of the opera is truly melodious. The dancers of both sexes are accomplished. That lady danced the menuet well, there are very few that can do it well. Miss Taglioni dances with great elegance. The ballet is not finished yet. I should like to see her in another piece. So you may Tuesday next. All has surpassed my expectation! The curtain drops (fällt). The play is finished. What do you intend to do now? I shall go to the card room. Then I'll go along with you.


43. With a Tailor. Your tailor wants (wünscht) to speak with you. Bid him come in. Good morning, Sir, I had the honour of receiving your note, and wait upon you accordingly. Oh! you are Mr. A. the tailor I believe. I am, at your service, sir. I have sent for you to measure me (Maß nehmen) for a coat. Very well, sir, I shall take your measure. will you have it made? Make it as they wear them now. If you make it to my satisfaction, you will have enough to do for me, for I want at least three suits (Anzüge) before I leave town. You shall be sure to have them, sir, when you please. Let me look at your patterns. There is the pattern-book (Musterkarte) for cloths, they are beautiful, and of the most fashionable (modisch) colours. Here is another one with waistcoat patterns, and other stuffs (3euge). Make me a great-coat (Ueberrock) of this blue cloth, two frock-coats (Frad) of this brown, and two dress-coats (Staat- Leibrock) of this black. I like this light blue well enough. But it is a colour that fades ere long (sehr bald verschießt). This one? I beg your pardon. I can warrant it. Then make me a pair of pantaloons of this cloth. Will you have them very high (hoch hinauf)? Neither too high nor too low. Will you have them close (eng anliegend) or wide? Rather close, and a little opened (weiter) at the bottom (nach unten zu). Must I stitch the straps (Sprungriemen) on them? That is to be understood (of course) (versteht sich). What buttons will you have, Sir? Oh! silk buttons of the same colour. And for the coats. Gilt buttons are very much worn just now. Well, put gilt buttons on one of the coats, and silk ones on the other. Will you look at the patterns for the waistcoats? some very fine silks, velvets and marcellas (Piqué - Westen). Make me two of blue velvet, one of black satin, and some of your own choice. Take of these kersymeres (Cafimir) for dress-trowsers, and some drills (Drillichzeug) for summer. I don't like this colour. It is the prevailing one (herrschende), sir. The quality does not appear to be very fine, let me see an other one. Here is a fine drab colour (hellbraun). Do you like this cut (Schnitt)? If it is fashionable. I prefer wearing coats wide, and full, and not as is now fashion, as if they had not cloth enough to make them. It looks so stingy (fnickerig). Well then, I'll take your measure. Shall I make the coats all equal, with an upright collar or as they wear them now? I leave that to your judgment (Einsicht), though I like to have an upright one; but forget not to let me have an inside (inwendig) breast pocket, with a button in the middle. Don't you want a morning gown? Not at present, but you may make me a couple of double breasted (mit doppelten Reihen Knöpfe) waistcoats, and a shooting jacket (Jagdkutte), as the shooting season approaches. You are not in a hurry for them (brauchen sie nicht so eilig) 1

Here are

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suppose. No, you may take your time (fich Zeit lassen) for the shooting dress, but let me have the other things as soon as possible. I will come and try on (anprobiren) your coats in a few days. I had nearly forgot, I want a new pair of gaiters (Kamaschen) and a livery for my servant; straight (gerade) before and single breasted (eine Reihe Knöpfe). They shall be put in hand (in Arbeit gehen) immediately. Very well, but be sure to send all soon. You may rely on me. Good morning, sir. Good day, you'll not disappoint me? You shall have all on Saturday morning, you may depend upon it.

Sir, I bring you your coats, pantaloons and waistcoats. It is very well, I began to grow impatient. I am very glad you have kept your word. Let us see, how the things fit (passen) me. Try first this on. It fits me extremely well (perfectly well). It makes you a very good shape (Taille). This frock is too close, and pinches me under the arms. It seems to be rather too long waisted (mit etwas zu langer Taille). They wear them so. It sits in wrinkles (wirft unrechte Falten) on both sides. It is only for the first moment. Before you have worn it that will go (fich geben). Are not the sleeves (Aermel) too wide? Not in the least. You tailors never find fault (ausseßen) with your own work. I am sure, you will never have been better dressed in your life. You don't say so (Ste spaßen)! Indeed it would be difficult to have better success (es besser gelingen zu sehen). Well, send me your bill (Rechnung).

44. With a Shoemaker or Bootmaker. I want some shoes and a pair of boots, and my landlord has recommended me to you. I will serve you as well and as cheap, as any body, or as any shoemaker in this town. Show me some of the best quality. Here are some. Here is a pair. Let me see your foot if you please. These won't do (gehen, passen). I have not a large foot, but I don't like to be pinched. This pair will do. They are too narrow at the heels (Hacken). Give me the boot-jack (Stiefelknecht) to pull them off. There is a pair of excellent boots wider, try them on. They are too narrow at the toes, and pinch (fneipen) me across the instep (Spanne). Try these, you will find them easier (bequemer). They are again considerably too large. I cannot walk in them. They are also too high. You had better let me take your measure and make you a pair. Yes, that will be better, but when can you let me have them? You shall have them without fail in four days. Tell me, how you would like them made? As fashionable as possible with long pointed soles. The leather must be good. Give me something of good quality, if you wish to have my custom (Kundschaft). What do you think of these soles? The soles are too thick, and the heels are not sufficiently high. Very well, sir, I see exactly what you want (wünschen). Now let me see some shoes and dress pumps (GalaSchuhe, Tanz-Schuhe). These are exactly your size. They fit me very well, but they are rather too long quartered (zu weit hinaufgehen). Let the pumpsoles be well beaten, and the upper leathers soft and pliable (geschmeidig). Be assured, sir, they shall fit you like a glove! What do you charge (nehmen Sie) for your boots? For boots of the first quality 6 Dollars, for shoes two, and for pumps one and a half. That is rather more than I have been in the habit (gewöhnlich) of paying, but if your articles are good I shall be satisfied. You shall have no reason to complain. There I see fine straw-coloured morocco slippers (Pantoffeln) also, if they fit me I'll take them, for I want a pair. I generally tread them down more on one side than the other. Then the shoe (boot) does not sit close at the side; but these are of excellent workmanship (Arbeit). These are good, they fit very well indeed. Make me yet one pair. Where shall I send them? number 8 Pay- Street, and send the bill with them. Is there any partiII. Vierte Auflage.



cular hour? No, any time in the forenoon. Have a care to be punctual, and take these boots along with you, to be mended (ausbessern ).


45. Writing a letter and sending it to the Post-office. When does the mail leave this place? Every day, sir. At what hour? Exactly at six o'clock, Sir. How late can I get a letter into the office (zur Post gebracht werden)? Until a quarter before six. Bring a sheet (Bogen) of paper and a pen and ink, I must write a letter to Hamburgh. I want (wish) to write a letter. What sort of paper do you want? Some good post-paper. Here is a sheet. If one is not enough, I have more at your service. I have several letters to write to day, oblige me by lending (giving) me some sheets. Here is paper enough, take as much as you please. Pray, step into the other room (closet, cabinet), there you'll find all you have occasion for (was Sie nöthig haben). You have no time to spare (übrig), for it is very late already. I shall not be long (gleich fertig sein). What day of the month is this (haben wir)? To day is the fourth. Shall you want a candle, and sealing wax? If you please, and send John (the porter) to take my letter, or else I shall be too late (sonst wird's zu spät). Do you want a penknife? I'll make (schneiden) you a pen, give me a quill. There, can you write with that pen? It is pretty good. It is good for nothing (taugt nichts), it splutters (sprigt). It must be mended (wieder schneiden). It is not slit (gespalten) enough. The nib (Schnabel) is rather too long. Try it again. It is excellent. Have you done already?

I have written but a short letter. You write a fine round hand. I wish, I could write as well. Shall I fold that letter up for you? Do, if you please. Shall I seal it. You may, but seal it with a wafer, and not with sealing-wax. It is done. Put or write the superscription to it. I have only the direction (Adresse) to write. Shall I make a cover? There's no occasion for it. Now carry this letter to the office. You must pay the postage (frank it, es frei machen). Do not forget to enquire whether the postage must be paid or not. Make haste! Well, have you taken my letter to the post-office. Were you in time (zur rechten Zeit da)? Is the post gone? Are there no letters for me? I believe there are. When do they give them out (vertheilen)? This afternoon. Go and fetch them.

46. About speaking a language. Do you speak English? Can you speak German? A little. Do you learn English? Yes, sir, I have learnt it for some time. I endeavour to learn it. You do well. It is a very useful and fine language. Let us speak English and another time German. You speak pretty well. Your pronunciation pleases me. You pronounce very well. What grammar do you make use of? That of Mr. Hardcastle. It is a very good one. What is your master's (Lehrers) name? It is Mr. H. Do you know him? I know him by reputation. He teaches very well, his method is very good. Do you translate any book? I translate a German book into English. This is essential to beginners. True, and I translate all the exercises which are placed after every rule. This method is excellent: by following it, you are sure of making a rapid progress. I understand it better than I speak it. That is only for want of practice, for if you have learned the rudiments, you can soon acquire the means of conversing. How long have you learnt it? Six months. This is but a short time. I wonder you speak so well already. To speak the language fluently (geläufig) you must associate as much as possible with well bred (gebildete) English, for many Englishmen, even of those that travel, do not speak their language correctly. Then I must listen very attentively to the good speakers. Yes, and you must not let the fear of making blunders (Fehler machen) prevent you from speaking. I have very few opportunities of speaking with such Englishmen. Then read and translate

as much as possible, and learn by heart (auswendig) some of these phrases every day. But do you think it possible to learn English perfectly without going to England? It is possible to learn to express yourself with correctness on general subjects, but a stay (residence) of a few months in England is necessary to familiarise one (einen vertraut zu machen) with idioms, which we may never have an opportunity of hearing but among the English. It is very true, but reading good authors will, in some measure, supply that want. But the pronunciation of the English is extremely difficult. It is true, because there are so many irregularities, very embarrassing to foreigners. Certainly, however you must not fear trying, for the English pronounce very different and mix many foreign words in their language. For instance, I have heard them pronounce the word beard (Bart), three different ways, as if written, berd, beerd and baird, so the i in gentile, short and long etc. However, one pronunciation must be preferable to the other, and according to analogy. So it is, and therefore beerd is the best. But who is the best judge of doubtful cases, and is there a book in which we can find such words noted? Yes, my friend; there are several excellent works written by Sheridan, Scott, Dr. Johnson, Entick, Nares etc.; but Walker's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary Smart's edition, is one of the best. In rapid and cursory speaking, they pronounce the vowels sometimes very short. Be assured, by studying this excellent book, you will remove many difficulties. I thank you for the information you have given me.

47. Horses. Buying a Horse. Is your master stirring somewhere in the yard? He is just now in the stable, there in the corner. We want to buy horses, call him. Here he is coming himself. What can I do for your service, Gentlemen? Have you any good horses to sell? Gentlemen, I have some of the best breeds (Racen, Gezücht). Serve this gentleman first. There are many excellent horses in my stables. Please to step into the first, where you may choose what you like. Can you let me have a couple of sound, stout, and handsome coach-horses, a saddle horse (Reitpferd) for my own use and a pony (kleines Pferd) for a lady? Will you have an Arabian (Andalusian) horse? I wish to have a sure-footed English horse. Let us see first a good horse fit for riding and then some for driving. Do you want him for exercise (Spazierenreiten) only? or is it to be a racer (Wettrenner) or a hunter (Jagdpferd)? A good middle sized horse to take an occasional ride on. Look at that dun (dunkelbraun), sorrel (Fuchs, roth) bay (braun) horse. I don't like him (es gefällt mir nicht). He is very poor (mager), too little and blind of one eye. There's a fine dapple grey horse (Apfelschimmel). Greys generally hair (haaren) and spoil one's clothes. Then take a black horse (Rappen). And this one, Sir! See what a fine beast! You could not find his like (seines Gleichen). That will suit me (sagt mir zu). I see she is a mare (Stute). Get upon her, walk (im Schritt), trott (trabe), canter and gallop her. That will do (es ist genug). Now, James examine her thoroughly (vollkommen, durch und durch) and let me know your mind (Meinung). I find nothing to blame in the animal; and for the use you mean to make of her (wozu Sie sie gebrauchen wollen), she will do well enough. What's the price of her? I cannot let you have her for less than eighty guineas. Don't be extravagant (übermäßig) in your demands, for I am not accustomed to higgle (handeln, schachern). I to overcharge (zu viel zu fordern). We'll talk of that afterwards. Let us go into the other stable. Pray keep a little aloof (entfernt), for this fleabitten one (horse) (Hechtschimmel) often winces (kicks, schlägt aus). He does not carry his head well. What age is he? He is five. Let me see his mouth. He is very young indeed. Will you try him? I'll lead him out of the stable. I'll get him saddled in the twinkling of an eye (Augenblick). Let the groom mount him without a saddle at first. I'll mount afterwards.

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