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Antigua, the blessed work of converting the negroes to christianity, is said (April 5, 1804,) to go on progressively, and there are in general more who at tend publick worship than last year. A weekly meeting with the children, has proved the means of exciting, in many, both young and old, a concern for their salvation. "The Passion week and Easter Sunday," says one of the brethren, were seasons of much blessing. During the Easter morning litany, in the burying ground, the most awful silence prevailed, notwithstanding the numerous auditory. At the time of the publick preaching, the whole place was again crowded; 2500 or 3000 negroes listened attentively to the sermon, preached from the following text; Jesus Christ hath abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Other meetings were also well attended."

"From Easter 1803, to Easter 1804, there have been admitted to the Lord's Supper, at St. John's, 84; at Gracehill, 59; at Gracebay, 41; in all, 184 negroes. During the same period were baptized, or received into the congregation, (being baptized as children ;) at St. John's, 108 adults and 101 chil dren; at Gracehill 57 adults, and 46 children; and at Gracebay, 35 adults and 26 children; in all, 353 persons." p. 281, 282.

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A NEW missson settlement is about to be established among the Indians on LAKE ERIE.

A mission has commenced among the Cherokee Indians, in which the brethren have been greatly assisted by Col. Meigs, the American agent, but hitherto with little or no success. "Indeed it appears," say the brethren, "that noth ing less than the destruction of the whole mission was mediated, by the enemy of souls, who by his emissaries is raising every kind of difficulty to prevent its success. But we trust," they add," in our Almighty Saviour, whose

power is infinite, and who will not suffer the evil one to keep possession of his prey, but in due time deliver this benighted nation, from the power of darkness and death, and bring many of them to the knowledge of the truth, and the enjoyment of salvation by his grace, and the power of his atonement."

A mission is likewise contemplated by the brethren among the Creeks, to which Col. Hawkins, the American agent, promises to give every facility.


Ir is supposed that there are above 300,000 persons in the highlands of Scotland who understand no other language but the Galic, or at least, who are incapable of receiving religious instruction through the medium of any other. The society in Scotland for promoting christian knowledge, are printing an edition of 20,000 copies of the bible in the Gælic language. This benevolent and expensive undertaking is far advanced.

The above mentioned society, during the year ending May 1, 1805, supported in the highlands and islands of Scotland, 284 schools, 12 missionaries and catechists, 6 Galic Bursaries, and 26 superanuated teachers, at an expense of £3651-10 sterling. This establishment commenced and has been continued since 1738, and has been of incalculable benefit to the northern parts of Scotland.

We shall present our readers in the next number, with an interesting account of this society, one of the most respectable of its kind in the world.


Rev. Mr. Kicherer's Narrative abridged, continued from page 31.

OUR days are spent in the following manner. About sunrise we collect for prayer; we read the scriptures, and sing an hymn; the elderly people depart, and school begins. School being over, we labour on our buildings, and in our gardens. At noon we dine, and the afternoon passes in the same manner. At night we pray, sing, and instruct the people. On a particular occasion, I deeply felt the need of prayer, and with my African flock bent my knees before Him, who has promised to take the heathen for his inheritance. From this time our Boschemen increased and I found encouragement in my

work. It was affecting to see how amazed they were, when I told them of God, and the resurrection. Some of the people began to pray, "Oh Lord Jesus Christ," they would say, "thou hast made the sun, the moon, the hills, the rivers, the bushes: therefore thou hast power to change my heart. Oh be pleased to make it entirely new." Obtaining an interpreter, our labour much increased; many more began to pray, and some gave evidence of a new heart. The number of Boschemen became so great, that I was obliged to give them names, which I wrote on their backs. When they approached me, the first thing, therefore, was to shew me their shoulders.

In October, our provisions were almost exhausted; we applied to God in prayer, who disposed the heart of Francis Moritz, a farmer, to send us a handsome present of oxen, sheep, flour, and salt. The Hottentot servants, who brought these things, added a number of sheep of their own to express their gratitude, that the gospel was brought to their countrymen.

We received repeated warnings that the Great Kraal of Boschemen, who had not been included in the peace, intended to attack and destroy us; but we committed ourselves to the Lord, who preserved us.

When we began our work, we endeavoured to convince our hearers by arguments addressed to their understandings; but this excited constant objecties, and we had little success. We then chiefly insisted on the dying love of Christ; we represented him as the all-sufficient friend of lost sinners; we invited them to believe and be saved; we entreated them to make a trial of sur doctrine. Soon, our people came to us with tears, and declared they saw more and more the excellency of the gospel, that they found it the power of God to their salvation.

About Christmas, 1799, several farmers from a distance, came to partake the Lord's supper with us, according to the Dutch custom. Some of them had been awakened by the preaching of Mr. Voss. The provision they brought was seasonable, and we had several pleasant days with them.

In Jan. 1800, I took a journey to Cape Town to procure clothing and other necessaries. A farmer with a

waggon and several Boschemen attended me.

After we entered the settled part of the country, the farmers collected the people of the adjacent parts, who spent Lord's days with us in publick worship. After travelling a month, we reached Cape Town. Some of the first objects, which struck the affrighted Boschemen, were several malefactors hung in chains. In a few days, they were more terrified at a publick execution. After I had explained to them the just laws of civilized society, they were satisfied, and said it would be well, if we had such laws in our settlement in the wildernesss. At the Cape I preached to the Calvinistic church, a large building and a crowded assembly. My Boschemen attended; they were greatly surprised on seeing such a congregation of well dressed people, whom they compared to a nest of ants, and the organ they mistook for a swarming beehive. From that time, they viewed me with more respect, having beentempted before to consider me as a beggarly fellow, visiting them to obtain a livelihood. We visited several of the magistrates. The Boschemen, dressed in sheep skins, sitting in a drawing room on silk covered chairs, or parading before a large looking glass, were objects of mirth and compassion. The governor treated us kindly, and the Boschemen thanked him for permitting missionaries to instruct them; no man before having cared for their souls.

During our absence, the captain of the Boschicmen, called Vigilant, visited the settlement, to seize a sheep as his due. Brother Kramer opposing him, Vigilant stabbed the sheep, and aimed a thrust at him. He was saved by a girl, who warded off the blow. He was taken; but made his escape, and called upon his numerous horde to revenge the affront; but many of the friendly Boschemen kept watch round our habitation, till we received assistance, and drove this infuriated chief from the neighbourhood.

Soon after Brother Kramer went to Hex river, brother Edwards to the Cape, and I, in March 1800, with brother Scholtz, removed to Zak river. At this place many tame Hottentots joined us. These people have a few sheep and oxen; the Boschemen live entirely on tygers, jackalls, reptiles, and roots. One of the first converts

was John, an old Hottentot. The love of Christ was his darling theme all the day; his eyes overflowing with tears of gratitude and joy. When spoken to en worldly business, he would say, "Oh I have spoken too much about the world; let me now speak of Christ." He spoke in a surprising manner; he had never heard any person speak the same things; he was eminently taught of God. Formerly he had four wives; now he had two. One day he came to me and said he must put away his two wives. I asked him why. He answered, "Because when I go to God in prayer my heart tell me it is bad; and Christ more near to me than ten thousand wives. I will support them; 1 will work for them, and will stay till God change their hearts; then I will take the first whose heart is changed."

After five or six months of zeal in the things of God he was seized with fatal sickness. Still he insisted on being carried to the place of publick worship, saying, that as long as he could hear, he would catch the words of life. On the day of his departure he said, “O sir, I now see that the Lord Jesus love me with an everlasting love, that he has accepted me, that he will be my portion for ever; a ; and now, though the vilest sinner on earth, relying on his blood and Tighteousness, I will die and go Christ, and wait for you." His eldest son, a servant of a distant farmer, visiting him in his last moments, burst into tears, and said, "Ah my father die so happy in Jesus, and I have no opportunity to hear his gospel." But application being made to his master, he kindly permitted

him to live with us, and the word was evidently blest to his conversion.

A runaway slave whom we were about to send to his master, in revenge poisoned our well; but a little girl seeing him in the atrocious act gave information, and we escaped. At another time a party of Boschemen were about to discharge a volley of poisened arrows at me; but being discovered by the girl, who saved brother Kramer, they made off in haste.

While I was at Zak river, a person came to our house, calling himself Stephanos, a Greek by birth, who, for making base coin at Cape Town, had been sentenced to death; but had filed from justice. Though I had heard of him, and felt suspicious; yet his conversation was so religious, and his offer to assist us in building a chapel so plausible that I blamed myself for my suspicions, and suffered him to sleep in the next room. But he had designed to murder me, seize my waggon and goods, and to go off to a distant horde.


the night he approached my bed; but the keeper of Israel was pleased to rouse me in a fit of terrour: In which I cried out, as if privy to his bloody design. He was disconcerted, stammered out an apology, and left the house. In the morning I found he had stolen my gun, and seduced away a number of Boschemen. My Hottentots pursued him, overtook, and recovered the Boschemen, and what he had stolen. He was brought back, but I suffered him to escape, which was the occasion of future difficulty.

(To be continued.)

Literary, Geographical, and Philosophical In



Rev. Doctor Holmes, of Cambridge, has in the press, the first volume nearly completed, of a work, to be entiled A MERICAN ANNALS. It commences with the discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus, in 1492, and extends to the present time; and is designed to give a concise history of the most important events, that have taken place within that period, on the continent of

North and South America, and in the West India Islands; and of such events, in foreign parts, as had special relation to this country, or ultimately affected its interests. Beginning with the causes, means, and circumstances, of the first discovery of America, it will proceed to notice its subsequent settlement by various nations of Europe; the principal charters, granted by European princes to individuals, or to campanies; the

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principal emigrations from the Eastern Continent to the Western; the causes of those emigrations; the numbers of the emigrants; the places, to which they removed; the towns, which they built the colonies, which they planted; the churches, which they founded; and the principal persons concerned in the several enterprises for the settlement of America, whether navigators, adventurers, statesmen,divines, or warriors, with biographical sketches; the most material facts in the progress of the American settlements; the population of the natives, and of the colonists, at different periods; the formation of new colonies or states; the foundation of colleges and other seminaries of learning; the establishment of societies for promoting useful knowledge; the progress of arts and sciences; the progress of commerce; new inventions, or useful improvements; military and naval strength; civil wars, or insurrections; wars with the Indians; memorable battles; the principal events of the late revolutionary war; changes in the civil and ecclesiastical state; deaths and ages of eminent men; and providential occurrences.

It is the design of the author, to relate events in the order of time, on the plan of chronology, and yet to dilate on articles of peculiar importance, after the manner of history. The authorities will be given with precision; and the work will consist of two octavo volumes. The first will be ready for subscribers, in the next autumn.

A descendant of the celebrated William Penn, the founder of the city of Philadelphia, and the father of Pennsylvania, has lately presented to that city a large sum of money, to be expended in erecting a statue of his illustrious an


The President of the United States, has received a letter from capt. Lewis, (who was sent out for the purpose of exploring the territory of Louisiana,) dated Fort Mandan, April 7th, 1805. At the date of this letter, the party consisted of 35 persons, including interpre. ters and Indians, and all in good health.

The party under his command left the mouth of the Missouri on the 19th May, 1804. They fortified themselves in Nov. last, on the banks of the Missouri, 1609 miles from the mouth, in VOL. I. No. 2.


latitude, 47d 21m N. at Fort Mandan. The country for 200 leagues from the mouth of the river is extremely fertile ; thence to their winter quarters not so good. Red cedar, cotton, and black ash are the principal trees in that country. The land is generally level, and the plains covered with grass. The Indians are friendly, excepting one tribe called the Soux, who are apprehensive lest the party should supply their enemies with arms, &c. As they advanced, the more friendly they found the savages, and the better armed; having also a regular trade with the Hudson's Bay company by the way of Lake Winnepeck. The party were supplied during the winter with corn, and abundance of wild meat. Buffaloes, deer, elks, goats, and various kinds of fowls are here in great abundance: fish scarce. Horses are kept by the Indians, which are used only for the chase and in war. From information it is presumed, that the Missouri terminates about 600 miles above Fort Mandan. They have sent to the President, an accurate journal, with a map of the country through which they passed; also a large collection of natural and artificial curiosities.

Capt. Lewis does not calculate to complete his voyage within the present year, but expected to reach the Pacifick Ocean and return as far as the head of the Missouri, or perhaps to Fort Mandan before winter; and entertains the most sanguine hopes of complete suc



Mr. A. Arrowsmith has compiled materials, and published a map of Infrom various interesting and valuable dia, six sheets, price £2 2s. This map exhibits, on a scale of two inches to a degree, on a great circle of the globe, a very distinct and comprehensive view of the regions, which once composed the vast empire of Hindustan.

the progress of the British acquisitions The following is a brief review of in India, proceeding along the coast, from the Ganges to the Indus. Congyl, Chittagong, the district of Midnapoor, in Orissa, and Bahar, were ocded by the Nabob, Jaflier Khan, 1757, and Shah Alum, in 1765. To these were added in 1775, Benares; and in 1801, Allaha bad, and the greater part of Oude; the remainder of which is now tributary te

the company. Delhi and Agra, adjoining the former, were conquered from the Marattas in 1803. The whole extends about 1100 miles along the Ganges, and has on an average, nearly 300 miles in breadth.

The province of Cuttach in Orissa, conquered in 1803, joins this vast territory with that called the Northern Cicars, which was wrested from the French, and confirmed in 1766, by Shah Alum, and the Nezam, to the English company. These extend along the coast about 600 miles, and have 50 of mean breadth.

In the Carnatick, the English possessed for more than a century, only their fac tory of Madras and its suburbs, which they acquired about the year 1640 their boundary was much enlarged by Mohamed Ali Khan, whom they made Nabob of Arcot, in opposition to the French; and the whole of this extensive territory, including Maduna, Tanjore, &c. became formally, as it had long been virtually, subject to the company in 1801. It borders, at Cape Comorin, on Travancor, which with Cochin are tributary to the English; and it is only separated by the Ghats from Mysore, which the greater part is subject to, and the remainder dependent on, the company, having been wrested from Tippo Saib, in 1792, and 1799. Adjoining to the northward, are the dominions of the Nezam, under the protection of the English, and beyond them, a part of Berar, transferred from the Maratta Raja to the Nezam, and relinquished by the latter to the company in 1803. These


countries extend nearly 1000 miles from

north to south, and their mean breadth may be reckoned 300 miles.

Bombay and its environs, with the coast of Guzerat, (the former of which was given in dowry with a Portuguese princess in 1662, to King Charles the second, and the latter has been ceded at various times by the native Rajas,) are of greater value than many of the above mentioned possessions, to the extent of which they make but slight additions. Of the central tracts, Gurrah, Mundla, and the Bundelcund, which are among their latest acquisitions, less can be said; and the conquests from the Dutch on the coast of Ceylon, are too well known, to require any detail. Mr. Arrow smith's capacious and elegant map, is recommended to all, who have concerns with India, or who can afford either to

gratify their curiosity, or to encourage scientifick research, on so important a subject. Eclectic Review.

The fourth edition of the Encyclope dia Britannica, greatly enlarged and the new articles incorporated in their proper places, is now publishing in England, on fine yellow wove paper, demy 4to. The plates will amount to upwards of five hundred. The publication commencin February last, and a halfvol ume appears every six weeks.

A grand aqueduct, constructing over the vale of Ponte-Cassylta, in Denbighshire to perfect the Junction Canal from Chester along the river Dee, has lately been completed. It is one of the most extraordinary efforts of art, con. sisting of nineteen pair of conical pillars, fifty two feet asunder, the center of which is one hundred and twenty feet in height, each pair of pillars supporting a kind of eliptical bridge of cast iron; the whole covered with immense sheets of cast iron, rivetted and cemented together, so as to form an aqueduct of sufficient width to allow the canal barges to pass one another,

THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE. The English language is making conall the new Russian institutions, and in siderable progress on the continent. In most of the German universities and academies, there is a master appointed for teaching it. A number of elementings of the best English authors, have ary books, and selections from the writ been lately published. British publica tions, indeed, occupy a considerable portion of the periodical reports of literature in the journals of the continent; and there are few English works of imlated into some continental language; portance which are not speedily transoften into several languages.


According to an imperialedict of Oct. 13th last, issued at Vienna, all lectures in that university, on logick, metaphys. icks, practical philosophy, and physick, are to be delivered in Latin. By anoth er edict, all private teaching, without a licence from the heads of the university, is forbidden; and those who are taught in this manner, and without a licence, are disqualified from standing a competition for any situation, which is to be decided by the literary attain. ments of the candidates.

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