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The Solons asinine, to passion stung,

"Away with him!" exclaimed, "Let him be hung." "Hung!" cried the Fox, "Can I have understood The Court aright? Sure, hanging is too good. My Lords, this gross depravity demands


Dire vengeance at your hoofs, I would say hands;
Let him be drown'd in the next river!"
Applauded with one voice. The criminal

Was cast into the stream, and there, they say,
Continues even to this very day.



An Ant, the glory of the frugal race,
Grown discontented with the narrow space
And theatre of his virtue and renown,
Resolved to show these forth unto the town,
And, greatly daring, scaled a load of hay,
And with it to the city took his way.

Safe in the market, see our Ant advance,
Grasping a spike of straw, his trusty lance,
And, challenging all contemplating eyes,
Perform the military exercise,

With other most extraordinary feats.

But when he, nothing doubting that the streets
Were full of gazers, for applause looked round,
With indescribable disgust he found
That not one soul of him took thought or care,
Or even seemed to know that he was there.

"Is it even so ?" he cried, " Pernicious pack!
But, softly, Ant, paint not their case too black,
Or lightly lay grave matter to their charge.
I have it now: I am a thought too large.
The Pyramids, I've heard a poet chant
(Which are, as I surmise, a kind of ant),
Seem not at first in greatness to excel,
Since there is nought to them comparable.

Mortals, forgive my warmth. 'Tis not your crime,
But Nature's law. I'll send my son next time."



A Wolf, pursued by hunters and by hounds,
Fled at full gallop to a hamlet's bounds,
And thus unto a Cat by him descried
Basking upon a wall: Where shall I hide ?

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Say, Puss, whose friendly roof will grant defence ?"
Stephen," says Puss, "is all benevolence."
"True, true, but once by accident, I tore
One of his sheep a bit." "Try Theodore."
Alas, I fear I there should be forbid;


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Did not I know what Basil thinks of me.

What shall I do?' "Dear friend, my heart will break.
I wish we had some wolves here, for your sake;

Yet bear this comfort to the shades' abode-
You have not failed to reap what you have sowed."



A Wolf into the wilderness one day
Bore off a stolen sheep, and on the prey
Fed to the full. Then, finding he could not
Devour it to the bone upon the spot,

Resolved till supper time the rest to keep,
Beside it laid him down, and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, the smell allured a neighbouring Mouse
To creep with caution from his tiny house.

A particle of meat he slily stole,

Then swiftly sped him back into his hole.
Yet, spite of all his care, the Wolf awoke,
And into cries and lamentations broke-

"Hallo there! Murder! Robbery! Will none
Fetch the police? I'm ruin'd and undone.

Confound those miscreant Mice! O shame and grief That any four-legged thing should be a thief!



For murder, aye and robbery beside,
A harmless sheep before a Fox was tried.
A peasant sued, and sure his case was hard.
"I left," said he, "this villain in the yard,
Along with sundry fowls, which in the morn
Lifeless I found, with blood imbrued, and torn.
No depredator, I dare well attest,

Saving this Sheep, could have approached the nest."

'Twas the Sheep's turn: "In sooth I cannot say,"
Thus he, "what ruffian made the birds his prey;
For why? I slumber'd all the night, and so
Nought of this fowl atrocity could know.

Whoever heard a Sheep was an assassin,
Whose gullet takes not flesh, but only grass in ?"

Then spoke the Fox, with dignity surpassing:

"The Sheep's iniquity cannot be hid,

He might have killed the fowls, and therefore did.
Locked up alone with poultry all the night,
And never to indulge his appetite !

Tell this to Sheep, too flagrantly it shocks
The common sense and conscience of a Fox.
The Court can but discern in such defence
Deep aggravation of the first offence.
Wherefore it dooms the criminal to bleed
Beneath the steel with all convenient speed,
And (sitting now in Equity) directs
Administration of deceased's effects
Forthwith to be performed in fitting sort;
Fleece to the plaintiff, carcase to the Court.
"Twere ill to grant impunity to crime,
Especially so near to dinner time.”



A SCIENTIFIC Conclusion, owing to the care which is taken during the process to eliminate any elements of doubt, tends to a fixity which is liable to become narrowness and dogmatism. For, in passing by the doubtful elements, in letting slip the difficult, ill-ascertained, or still mysterious constituents of the subject, it is quite possible to miss something without which no large and integral conception of it is possible.

Science is classification, and, to be perfect, must include in every category one very large and important group of qualities, labelled as the Athenians wisely named one deity of the Pantheon-one side, that is to say, of universal God, -the Unknown.

To show that a man and a monkey in physical structure manifest very decided resemblances, and carefully to note all of them, and all corporeal dissimilarities as well, is scientific. To assert that therefore man and monkey are on the same plane of universal life, on which by various processes the so-called human denomination has erected a step or raised platform, is plausible, but not scientific. All the elements of comparison are not allowed equal force, the great region of the unknown is defrauded of its prerogative, a place in the classification.

What do we know of the life of

man ?- -a phase of seventy years, or thereabouts. A phase! What reason is there for supposing human life more than any other

to be only a phase? asks science. Perhaps none, but there is equally little reason for asserting that the manifestation of life which we behold in the career of a human individual is the sole and complete expression of the force in activity therein; it would be dogmatic and. not scientific to make that assertion, and science therefore is no science unless "not grudgingly or of necessity" it leaves room in the anthropological map for the extensive tract of the unknown.

Alone of animals, man has an instinct of superiority to his earthly lot, an intuition which blossoms into shapes of beauty in imagination, and into forms of art which are felt to be related to a perfection only partially realisable under terrestrial conditions. This foreboding is an argument for the belief that the relation of man to the animal plane is a partial and temporary one only; but it is an argument which science shrinks from taking hold of. And while "we know not what we shall be," this element of man can belong only to the region of the unknown, which fact it is that makes unscientific folk instinctively rebel against their place being found for them next door to the ape.

This instinct is an intelligible one, but strangely difficult to account for is the opposite instinct, that of aversion from any theory allowing for the extension into the unknown of the unexplorable side of the constitution of man. This aversion can only be understood

on the hypothesis that in some minds the sense of orderly classification and definition is so strong, that pain is produced by contemplation of anything admitting neither of certain classification nor precise definition. Moreover, even on the theory that present life is but a phase of human spiritual existence, while we are here, we are here; and though certain individuals of high faculties to be conscious of a glory afar, the generality of mankind are glad to content themselves in making certain of the undoubted realities of terrestrial existence.


The aversion to which we have referred shows itself in the growth of what is called materialism, a state of mind which probably affords rest to some minds, by relieving them of the strain of pressing forward into that vague unknown which is so attractive to others. The dislike manifests itself also in neglect of any theory which, by admitting the unverifiable, conflicts with theories which derive their force and solidity from its elimination.

Some years ago we fell upon a curious little treatise* which, being scientifically objectionable, well illustrates the tendency to neglect of which we speak. The essay contains much that is interesting from a literary point of view, or as considered on the broad ground of general and philosophical thought rather than on the narrow arena of the prevalent creed of the day; and, as it is practically unknown, we propose making a few extracts from it to illustrate the oft-discussed relations of man and monkey.

"When," says our author, "the end proposed in a classification of

animals is to fortify the memory and to facilitate the record of knowledge, it would seem that similarity of form, and similarity in general, may constitute the basis of classification. On the other hand, when the end is of a philosophical character, when we wish to treat our classification as a truth, and to reason from it, we must have recourse to something more vital than analogy of form, and in this case, as I hope to show, we must rather consider affinities of

use and character than the resemblances perceptible to the senses."

The rigidity of scientific deduction meets with a due corrective when we bear in mind that “a classification framed upon the one principle of uniformity involves a hypothesis and not a fact; that, if used for higher purposes than those of reference and memoria technica, it will carry us away from the laws of nature; and that, when so abused, it must cause small facts to extinguish great ones, particular instances to override general laws, exceptions to put down rules, and the senses of the body to be discordant with the common sense of the mind."

Animated nature the writer very fairly represents, not as a museum of stuffed specimens grouped in classes, but as a vast social organisation, a family: "The grouping of animals in nature is not according to a scale of similarities, but according to a scale of differences."

"Take, first, a case from ranks in society, and look at the upper classes. Now, human society is a wonderful instance of grouping. But are its grades associated by extrinsic similiarity alone? Who are the parties that most copy the nobleman? Decidedly his own

On the Grouping of Animals. By Mr. J. J. G. Wilkinson, M.R.C.S. (A paper read before the Veterinary Medical Association, April 8, 1845, and published in the Transactions of the Society in the same year.) London: Longmans.

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