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which a man may fairly sell all that he has to make his own, but it is in reality a hid treasure so long as it is unused. Oftentimes it is brought down from its hiding place to have some domestic event-birth, marriage, or death-registered on its blank leaves, and there is a kind of fancy that the fragrance of its worth steals out and encircles the persons whose "exits" or whose "entrances" are recorded on its pages. It, then, takes the first rank among the family memorandum books, it is true, but as the oracles of God it is unemployed and neglected. It might have been penned in an unknown tongue, it might contain naught but blank leaves; for the clasp of neglect closes it so securely that it becomes a candle put under a dense bushel, and not a single ray steals out to give light to them that are in the house.

Then again the clasp of Pre-occupation too commonly shuts up the Book of Life. Other reading demands our time, too much of it to leave us able to read God's book. The newspaper must of course be conned over, and the magazine must also be dipped into-if, however, it be the blue covered monthly you and I know, dear reader, and especially in this number of it, we shall not be sanctioned in putting aside the Bible by its pages-the book of travel must be duly honoured, and the last tale followed breathlessly through its cross purposes and devious windings, and its last chapter of bliss-foreverybody eagerly devoured.


The Book can wait till a more convenient season. There is no clasp to the novel, but Scripture is a sealed volume.

Of the wrongness of this we are all agreed; but some may not feel as I do its utter want of taste. For never book had such varied and interesting contents as this has. It is a little library in itself, and with its graphic narratives, its life-like sketches of character, its marvellous

incidents, its blending of history and philosophy, poems and letters, regarded merely as a human production it ought not surely to be so long unused that when your minister asks for it he may literally shake off its dust as a testimony against you.

Then, I must add, that sheer Laziness is another clasp. You come home weary at night. A yawn greets the rustle of its opening leaves. Then the next night you venture to say you will dispense with it for once -you are so tired. By degrees you come to regard its use as quite an exceptional thing. And thus its sweet uncomplaining voice is silenced, and its gently flowing streams of life are frost-bound, or evaporated, or left untasted and unsought. It is like a harp of divinest workmanship, but you are too fatigued to pass your fingers across its strings night and morning and make the opening hours sacred with its harmony, and the night quiet and happy with its peaceful lullaby.

Yet one more clasp of a different kind-the clasp of Superstition. Yes: I mean just that; for though we think ourselves emancipated from witchcraft and holy water, we are not yet quite purged from the old leaven. When a man hoists his Bible high and dry on a cupboard shelf among the patent medicines, I think he plainly shows how he regards it by the company he would have it keep. It is to be brought down in case of sickness, and work "charms and conjurations and mighty magic."

Moreover, superstition may tinge our use of the Bibe when we do read it. Some men rush through a few verses at a fixed hour, half understanding them and half thinking of something else, and fancy that they have been done good to because it was the Bible they read. As if any food could be so good that merely to show it the mouth would be enough to nourish the frame. We have read recently of Newman Hall's prayer

on the top of Snowdon which was, under God, the means of converting a score of Welshmen who did not understand a word of it. But what

was the influence employed by the Holy Spirit? The language of the emotions is common to all nations, and would be readily understood. The sublimity of the sunrise would impress all alike. But more than thatthese men knew the truth familiarly, and the special influence did but stir up to activity what had been already apprehended by the mind. Only so much of the truth as we understand will benefit us. Only so much of a book as we receive will instruct us. Only the seed that falls into the soft deep and unchoked soil bears any true yield of corn. treat Holy Writ in a superstitious way is just to make it a charm, a relic, and its verses like so many strings of beads to be counted over.


Are we not to look at it very differently, as a book to be read and understood if it is to be of true service to us; as a chart for our voyage to be studied; as a lamp for our journey, to be ready for all the dark places; as the face of a Divine Father instinct with love and blessing to be patiently and adoringly beheld?

Other "clasps" there are, but our musing must end here, and as we close this paper let us unclasp our Bibles and gratefully read those words which declare that "The Holy Scriptures are able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus, and are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God. may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."



MUCH has been said in our time concerning the supposed opposition between Religion and Science. That the opposition is only "supposed" must be evident to every intelligent Christian. For science, if it, be real science, is based on facts; and Christianity, if it be real Christianity, is also based on facts and one set of facts cannot contradict another. We may not be able to harmonize them, but there is One who sees their perfect agreement.

In the present paper we wish to exhibit the harmony between Religion and Science as illustrated in the life of one who was an earnest believer in both; a man of eminent scientific attainments, honoured as such by some of the most distinguished philosophers of our age; and at the same time a most devout and humble follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. We speak of Dr. George Wilson, the chemist-a man of sparkling wit and genial eloquence, a popular scientific writer and lecturer, and at the time of his death


(little more than eleven years ago) Professor of Technology in the University of Edinburgh, and Director of the Industrial Museum of Scotland. the life of this Christian philosopher, as we may well call him, we propose first to give a very brief outline sketch, and then to add a few illustrative details.

Dr. George Wilson was born in Edinburgh in the year 1818. His parents were members of a Baptist church in that city; not wealthy, but able to give their children a good middle-class education. The mother, as is usual with the mothers of eminent men, was a very superior woman, and her influence did much to mould the character and determine the career of her sons; of whom another, besides the one we now speak of, became distinguished in the walks of literature and science, and indeed is now a Professor in the University of Toronto. George Wilson was one of twins; and there is a pleasant story told of the

Religion and Science; or, the Life of George Wilson, the Chemist. 171

mother, how it was her nightly custom when her two boys were in their cot, asleep as she supposed, to go and look at them, and then say over them Jacob's prayer, "The God who fed me all my life long unto this day, the angel that redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads!" So fascinating was this to George, that in maturer years he has related how he used to lie awake watching for it, and pretending to be asleep, that he might enjoy it to the full.

Leaving school in the year 1832, Wilson chose medicine as his profession, and became an apprentice in the laboratory of the Edinburgh Infirmary. His hours of work were long; not until nine in the evening was he left free to his own pursuits. Yet even in these circumstances did his passion for science impel him to the diligent private study of mathematics and natural philosophy.

Presently we find him attending classes in the Edinburgh University, and taking his degree as surgeon. In due time, also, he honourably passed the examinations needful for the degree of M.D. However, he does not appear to have studied medicine with a view to ordinary practice, but rather as an avenue to the further study of chemistry, which had ever been his favourite branch of science. By and by he removed to London, and was assistant to Professor Graham, of University College, having as a fellow-worker in the same laboratory the then comparatively unknown but now world-famous Dr. Livingstone.

In 1840 he became Chemical Lecturer in Edinburgh, and for the next fifteen years had a popular and successful career in that capacity, maintaining himself by fees from his classes. In 1855 Government determined on founding an Industrial Museum for Scotland, and with the unanimous approbation of the scientific public, Wilson was appointed the first Director. Shortly afterwards, also, it was decided to establish in connection with the University of Edinburgh a Professorship of "Technology"-a word which expresses the application of science to the useful arts; and to this new chair George Wilson received the appointment. To the formation of the museum and the duties of his new professorship his energies were now

directed; but scarcely had the first difficulties been overcome when his health, which for years had been very feeble, utterly gave way, and after a few days' illness he died, aged only forty-one, on Nov. 22, 1859.

And now let us cite a few additional facts illustrative of the special character and position of George Wilson both as a scientific man and as a Christian. With regard, then, to the former point it may be remarked that, although not himself a great discoverer or inventor, the amount and range of his information as to what had been ascertained concerning the secrets of nature was something marvellous; and his ability to expound in a clear and popular form what with others would have been dry and uninteresting, has perhaps never been surpassed. Hence year after year the Edinburgh public never tired of his lectures; and his contributions to the Edinburgh, the North British, and British Quarterly Reviews were held to be among the most interesting and valuable those publications contained. The writer well remembers the interest with which he read an article in this last mentioned review on the "Chemistry of the Stars," long before he knew who was the gifted author.

The text-book on Chemistry, published by the Messrs. Chambers, was written by Dr. Wilson. It has had a very large circulation, and notwithstanding the progress that has since been made in this branch of science, is still an admirable book for young students. It is a fact of painful interest connected with this work, that it was composed in the midst of great bodily anguish. Dr. Wilson had been unable to hold the pen for months, but he dictated its pages to his sister whilst pacing his room with lips compressed, showing the agony which could scarcely be endured.

Some of Wilson's most original researches were connected with the subject of colour-blindness. It is a fact now pretty well known that some people have a defect in vision as it regards certain colours-particularly the colour red. Dr. Wilson ascertained that about two or three in every hundred are thus affected; and thinking it not unlikely that railway accidents might happen through a guard or engine-driver subject to this defect making a mistake as to signals, he

urged upon railway companies the importance of testing their servants upon this point.

Besides writing many papers for philosophical societies and associations, Dr. Wilson also published Lives of Cavendish, the great chemist, and of Dr. John Reid, a medical professor at St. Andrews. But perhaps his best known work is a little book entitled, "The Five Gateways of Knowledge." This is a charming exposition of the scientific facts connected with the five senses. It was first delivered as a lecture for the benefit of a Sunday school, and afterwards expanded into a book. One short paragraph may be quoted as a specimen, both of the work in question, and of Wilson's style of writing in some other of his publications.

He is speaking of the sense of touch, and more especially of the human hand. "When I think," says he, "of all that man's and woman's hand has wrought from the day when Eve put forth her erring hand to pluck the fruit of the forbidden tree, to that dark hour when the pierced hands of the Saviour of the world were nailed to the predicted tree of shame, and of all that human hands have done of good or evil since,-I lift up my hand and gaze upon it with wonder and awe. What an instrument for good it is! What an instrument for evil! And all the day long it is never idle. There is no instrument which it cannot wield, and it should never, in working hours, be without one. We unwisely restrict the term handicraftsman or handworker to the more laborious callings; but it belongs to all honest men and women, and it is a title which each should covet. For the queen's hand there is the sceptre, and for the soldier's hand the sword; for the carpenter's hand the saw, and for the smith's hand the hammer; for the farmer's hand the plough; for the miner's hand the spade; for the sailor's hand the oar; for the painter's hand the brush; for the sculptor's hand the chisel; for the poet's hand the pen; and for the woman's hand the needle. If none of these or the like will fit us, the felon's chain should be round our wrist, and our hand on the prisoner's crank. But for each willing man and woman there is a tool they may learn to handle; for all there is the command

'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might!"

Such was Dr. Wilson's manner when addressing not specially his scientific brethren, but the general public. Let us now, however, proceed to speak of him as a son of God and a servant of Jesus.


As would be naturally expected from one possessing such a mother, and trained in such a home, Wilson grew up amiable, moral, and shewing much sympathy with divine and spiritual things. Indeed some of his friends declared that they had never known him to be other than a Christian. up to the age of twenty-two his spiritual state was very similar to that of some young people who will probably read this paper-upright and perfectly honourable in conduct, interested in the truths of religion, a regular attendant on public worship, but yet not an avowed disciple, and indeed not thoroughly hearty and earnest in the service of the Lord Jesus. But about the time we have mentioned, George Wilson, whose health had previously been good, began to be a great bodily sufferer. Over fatigue in a walking excursion, combined probably with something inherited in his constitution, brought on a disease in the bones of the foot. For two years various remedies were tried, such as rest and change of air, but at length it became evident that either the foot must be amputated, or he must sink under the constant pain it occasioned him. This fact being communicated to him by the surgeons, he at once consented to the operation, but asked for one week in which to prepare. That week was a solemn and yet blessed crisis in his spiritual history. It is true that during the previous two years he had been led to think more earnestly than heretofore of the great purposes of existence, and had been, brought by disappointment and anxiety to look more frequently to God for comfort and strength. Thus about this time writing to his brother, he says, "I have lain awake alone and in darkness, suffering sore agony for hours, often thinking that the slightest aggravation must make my condition unbearable, and finding my only consolation in murmuring to myself the words, 'patience,' 'courage,' and 'submission.' My religious faith is feeble because my light


Religion and Science; or, the Life of George Wilson, the Chemist. 173

is dim and my knowledge scanty, but I pray for more, and I have felt assured of answers to prayer already." But, as we have said, that week of preparation for an agonizing operation appears to have been the crisis in his spiritual life. Having himself a knowledge of medicine and surgery, he knew the danger of his case. He was aware

that it was only too possible that his prostrate system might sink under the effort to endure. Thus was he brought face to face with death, and was led to ask himself with profound earnestness the question, "Am I ready for the change?"

Let the reader imagine the case to be his own. Which of us would not be impelled under such circumstances to be very faithful and thorough in the work of self-examination? We should feel that mere suppositions and hopes prompted by indolence were not enough to rest upon at a time when not improbably only a week separated us from the close of our earthly life, and when with every returning evening and with every striking of the clock the season of delay was becoming shorter and shorter. Thus was it with George Wilson. In the prospect of possible death and certain suffering, he was led to cast himself upon Christ, and to make such a consecration of himself to Him as he had never done before.

We may remark that those were days prior to the discovery of chloroform and other anaesthetics. It may both illustrate the bravery and unselfishness of him who is the subject of our present sketch, and at the same time help to make us thankful to that Being who is the source of all wise thoughts and happy inventions, if we give pretty much in Wilson's own words a brief account of the suffering he endured on this occasion.

He had concealed from his relatives what was at hand, partly from a desire to spare them grief, and partly from a fear that his resolution might be shaken by witnessing their distress. A small Testament was his constant companion, and every available moment up to the coming of the surgeons was devoted to its perusal. On the morning of the operation, with "a trembling hope in Christ" in his heart, he rose from sleep; and in order to disarm the apprehensions of those beside him who knew that the surgeons were to come that

day, performed his toilet with more
than ordinary care. The ruse was
successful, the truth being only re-
vealed to them by the irrepressible
cries of agony from the sufferer. It
should be observed that the operation
was an unusual one, having at that
time been performed only once before,
and from its nature was more painful
and protracted than ordinary amputa-
tion. "During it," says he, "in spite
of the pain it occasioned, my senses
were preternaturally acute, and I
watched all that the surgeons did with
a fascinated intensity. Of the agony it
occasioned I will say nothing. Suffer-
ing so great as I underwent cannot be
expressed in words, and thus fortu-
nately cannot be recalled. The par-
ticular pangs are now forgotten; but
the black whirlwind of emotion, the
horror of great darkness, and the sense
of desertion by God and man border-
ing close upon despair, which swept
through my mind and overwhelmed
my heart, I can never forget, however
gladly I would do so."
Who upon

reading this, and remembering the
multitude of surgical operations that
are taking place daily in our hospitals,
does not almost involuntary exclaim,
"Thank God for the discovery of
chloroform!" True, a few accidents
have occurred through its use, but
how small in number compared with
the many instances in which it has
proved a comfort and blessing.

However, it is with the spiritual effect of this great trial upon Wilson's mind that we are now concerned. Unhappily it is not every one that affliction benefits. As he himself remarked on one occasion:-"The furnace of affliction puffs away some men in black smoke, and hardens others into useless slags, whilst it melts a few into clear glass." But as we have already intimated, the effect in this case was good, and good only.

Having become a decided Christian, Dr. Wilson felt it to be his next duty to unite himself fully with the professing church of Jesus. He was already a member of the congregation of the well-known Independent minister, the Rev. Dr. Alexander, and decided upon offering himself as a candidate for full Christian fellowship. But Dr. Wilson's own convictions were in favour of the immersion of believers. Before joining this independent church, therefore, he

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