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work and we cannot come down. Thus labouring, we may be assured that "God, even our own God shall bless us. God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him."

VALEDICTORY SERVICES. THE valedictory services in connection with the return of the Rev. W. Bailey as a missionary to Orissa, were held in St. Mary's Gate chapel, Derby, on Tuesday, Aug. 30. In the afternoon, at half-past three, a devotional service was held, which was conducted by the Rev. H. Crassweller, B.A., the pastor of the church. After reading select portions of Scripture, and a few introductory remarks, the chairman called upon brethren W. R. Stevenson, M.A., Nottingham; H. Cross, Coventry; H. Wilkinson, Leicester; T. W. Marshall, Loughborough; and T. Goadby, B.A., Derby; who, in earnest and affectionate prayer, commended our dear brother, his work, his wife and children (whom he is leaving in England), to the God of missions. After tea, which was provided in one of the commodious school-rooms and was largely attended, a public meeting was held in the chapel. Captain A. T. Woodhouse, of the Madras Native Infantry, presided. In his introductory address, this gentleman stated that he had lived about ten years in India and Burmah; that at Cannanore, on the Malabar coast, where he was first stationed, and in Burmah, whither he was afterwards sent, he found a real, solid missionary work going forward. But the most interesting part of his life in the East had been the five years he had spent at Berhampore, one of the stations of the Orissa Mission. He was acquainted with the various missionaries, had seen their schools, their christian locations, had met with them in their chapels, and had observed their work in various parts of the province; and he had great pleasure in stating that their work was of a real and very encouraging character. The influence of the missionaries upon the European community had also been very beneficial, and this again had exerted an indirect beneficial influence upon the natives, as they were very clever at discerning character, and could easily discriminate between real and sham christians. Reference was made to several converted natives who were accomplishing great good among their

fellow-countrymen, especially to the mess-writer of a native regiment, who, under God, had been instrumental in establishing a church in his regiment, which consisted of about forty members, and over which he was elected as pastor. This interesting address was closed by an appeal to christian friends to render help to the missionary cause. When vacancies occurred in the civil, military, medical, or engineering services, he observed there were always plenty of applicants; and as earnest christian men and women were urgently needed for the Lord's work abroad, he trusted that they would soon be forthcoming, and sent into the missionary field. The Rev. J. C. Pike, the secretary of the Society, then addressed the meeting, and briefly referred to the work in which Mr. Bailey would have to engage, and to the encouragements he had in its prosecution. Dr. Underhill, on being called upon, expressed his pleasure in being invited to be present at a missionary meeting of his General Baptist brethren, and especially at a meeting held in a chapel so long the scene of the labours of that venerable man (the late Rev. J. G. Pike) to whose writings he was so much indebted when young. In an interesting, instructive, and philosophical speech, Dr. Underhill referred to the conditions under which we have to labour in connection with the prosecution of the missionary enterprise. The Rev. E. Stevenson, of Loughborough, offered special prayer, full of pathos and power, on behalf of the missionary and his family. The Rev. W. Bailey stated that it was twenty-five years since he first went to Orissa; that the enfeebled state of the missionary band and the urgent need of more labourers had pressed very heavily upon his mind for some time; and that, though on returning to Orissa he would have, for a time at least, to leave behind a beloved wife and children, he felt it his duty to return. Even though his arrangements were made and his passage taken, yet even now he would say, "If the Lord go not with me, carry me not up hence." His only desire was to have before him the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night, and then he should be in the right path. In a few words of farewell the missionary concluded his address. The Rev. J. Lewitt, of Scarborough, followed with an earnest and practical address. The Rev. W. Miller referred to his going out

to India with Mr. Bailey twenty-five years ago. He rejoiced at brother Bailey's return to Orissa, and in all that he would be able to accomplish; but he wished to state that, owing to the zenana work, or the openings there were to visit native ladies at their homesowing to the large and increasing number of native christian women, and to the great number of famine orphans, what Orissa particularly needed just now was christian women. The Rev. W. Hill, who for five years had been associated with Mr. Bailey at Berhampore, then proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman (whom he was glad to meet in England as well as India), also to Dr. Underhill and Rev. J. Lewitt, after which the meeting was concluded. Many friends were present from Nottingham, Leicester, and other places. The services were greatly appreciated, and it is hoped that the divine blessing will rest upon the promising Mission our brother hopes shortly to rejoin. Mr. Bailey sailed in the Bangalore, from Southampton, on Saturday, Sept. 10, and we trust that he will be favoured with a safe passage, and a still further useful and honourable career in the missionary field.


OUR mission services were held at Barton and in our other chapels on Lord's


day, Sept. 11, and following days. Mr. Wilkinson preached on the Sabbath, and attended as deputation. On the Monday evening, instead of a meeting at Barton, we had an excellent sermon on the "Spread of Christianity," by Rev. T. Goadby, B.A., of Derby. An interesting feature in these services was the juvenile missionary meeting, which was held at Barton on Monday afternoon. Nearly two hundred children were present on the occasion, and addresses were delivered by Messrs. Wilkinson, T. Goadby, T. Deacon, and the writer. About a hundred friends sat down with the children to tea. quote the remark of one of the speakers, "the Little Books have done wonders;" and if one or two energetic friends in each of our Sabbath schools would introduce and manage these "Little Books," and encourage the children by an occasional address, I am persuaded the matter would be enthusiastically taken up, and not only would the mission funds be greatly augmented, but the children themselves would be equally benefited. Why should not all our Sunday schools imitate the noble example set by Birmingham, Burton-on-Trent, &c., as seen in the subscription lists of the Missionary Report just published? By "Little Books" Barton has raised £10 more this

year than last. Will friends try the plan?



CUTTACK.-T. Bailey, July 13; Mrs. Buckley, June 16.

PIPLEE.-Miss Packer, Aug. 8.


Received on account of the General Baptist Missionary Society, from

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Subscriptions and Donations in aid of the General Baptist Missionary Society will be thankfully received by T. HILL, Esq., Baker Street, Nottingham, Treasurer; and by the Rev. J. C. PIKE and the Rev. H. WILKINSON, Secretaries, Leicester, from whom also Missionary Boxes, Collecting Books, and Cards may be obtained.





ONE of the chief commendations of a joyful ministering of God's word to men is the efficiency it never fails to impart to all work done under its benign influence. Joy in the Lord is strength, positive, actual power. It creates around us the most favourable atmosphere for evoking our resources, raises our entire nature to the highest pitch of energy, and gives unwonted elasticity and capacity of tension to all our faculties. When the heart is brimming over with gladness, labour is acceptable, opposition helpful, duty a delight, and responsibility a privilege. Joy enables a man to make the best and the most of himself in every one of his manifold relations. Loftier degrees of power are brought into play, vision is cleansed, and a healthy excitement diffuses itself throughout his nature. Weakening cares are lifted from the heart, and the whole man moves with little or no friction, and with all the suppleness and flexibility circumstances demand. As bodies expand under heat, so the soul enlarges under the genial influence of joy. Indeed men never reach their best before they have mastered the whole gamut of joy, from the lowest note of cheerfulness to the highest of rapture. Till then

there will be voiceless forces within them. Godliness with contentment is great gain-not without it. As some men do business without obtaining a fiftieth part of the profit gained by others, so some Christian, pastors never "nett" the "great gains" that flow from a joyful piety.

Vast is the difference between working for God from a sense of responsibility, strong, clear, and oppressive, and from a delight in work that grows out of fellowship with Christ, and exults even in sufferings for His sake. Jeremiah feels God's word within Him as a burning fire shut up within his bones, and is driven to his unwelcome tasks with tearful eye and breaking heart, unable to hold his peace and yet wretched to the last degree in delivering the message of the Lord. Paul is sorrowing yet always rejoicing, poor as one who lives from hand to mouth, and yet making many rich in imperishable wealth, without anything in his scrip, and yet holding a title to, and actually enjoying the profit of, all things. Responsibility has but one song, gloomy and funereal, mostly pitched in the same key, and ending with the same melancholy refrain, "I am weary with forbearing, and I cannot Ministers, and also before the London Baptist

* A paper read to the London Board of Baptist Association.


stay." Joy has many hymns of praise, and can sing even of " necessity" and delight in obligation; but generally these more serious claimants vanish to an immeasurable distance under the gladdening recollection that to one, who is less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that he should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. Responsibility is a goad. Joy is a magnet. One pricks and urges forward by a sense of painfulness that reduces all work to the severe limits of obedience to imperative and resistless orders. The other is life; and such is its magic it converts even hard toil into play, and makes it as welcome as song to the merry birds, or sport to romping children. Overwhelmed and well nigh crushed with the burden of the Lord, the afflicted prophet groans under his insupportable weight, and is lugubrious, denunciatory, despondent, and clothed with melancholy as with a garment. Strengthened with joy in God, and partaking of His infinitely happy nature, the glad pastor is affectionate, persuasive, and radiant with cheerfulness as the world with beauty on a spring morning. The teacher who would do his work under the most favourable conditions for strength and effectiveness, must never forget the exhortation which speaketh on this wise, "Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say rejoice."

But besides making the best of the minister, this holy joy secures the greatest good of the people. Our usefulness is augmented by it to an almost immeasurable degree. It breaks down prejudice, sets men free from themselves, and clears the way for conviction and comfort. It rests like a fertilizing dew on the seed corn of consolation, and developes the richest of harvests. It prepares for the sword of rebuke, and makes its strokes not less severe but more welcome and beneficial. Two conditions are eminently auspi

cious to the discharge of the highest function of the Christian ministry,the communication of character, of moral life. In one sorrow reigns. The other takes its tone and colour from the presence of joy. Weeping with those that weep, our words are pathetic, tender, and strong; and as the moisture saturates the hard and dry grain so that its envelope breaks at the silent movement of the expanding life, so our pure and real sympathies for suffering, struggling, world-beaten men, permeate their hearts and prepare them, not only for the reception of the incorruptible seed, but also for its subsequent germination. Pathos is power. Gentleness still makes men great. We must ourselves go down to the gate of tribulation if we would get them through it into the kingdom of heaven. But not less potent is the mystery of joy. Rejoicing with those that rejoice, prayer and teaching put on strength, overcome indifference, fasten attention, march forth to the chief citadels of opposition and win them to the sway of Christ. Joy is the ministers trusty pioneer, preparing the way to minds that otherwise would not open, just as the morning sun coaxes the flower to unfold its leaves and receive his blessing in its very heart. Joy is contagious. It radiates from a face that is illumined by the gladsomeness of God, and unstops the deaf ear with its warmth so that the message of salvation is heard as strains of pleasant music. The supreme spiritual delight at the centre of the preacher's being travels outward, and rests not till it has filled the air in which he moves with the exhilirating currents of gladness. A joyful ministry makes a strong and happy church.

God's best servants have been joyful men. It is quaintly said of the seraphic Joseph Alleine, "Love and joy, and a heavenly mind, were the internal part of his religion, and the large and fervent praises of God, and thanksgiving for His mercies, espe

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cially for Christ, and the Spirit, and heaven, were the external exercises of it. He was not negligent in confessing sin, but praise and thanksgiving were his natural strains; his longest, most frequent, and hearty services. He was no despiser of a broken heart, but he had attained the blessing of a healed and joyful spirit." Payson exclaims, "God's promises appear so strong, so solid, so substantial, more so than the rocks and everlasting hills; and His perfections-what shall I say of them? When I think of one I wish to dwell on it for ever, but another and another equally glorious, claims a share of admiration; and when I begin to praise, I wish never to cease, but to find it the commencement of that song which will never end." And in a similar frame of mind Pearce says. "Were the universe destroyed, and I the only being in it besides God, He is fully adequate to my complete happiness; and had I been in an African wood, surrounded by venomous serpents and devouring beasts and savage men, in such a frame I should be the subject of perfect peace and exalted joy." Doddridge writes to an absent friend," My days begin, pass, and end in pleasure, and seem short because they are so delightful. I have more of the presence of God than I ever remember. He enables me to live for Him and to live with Him. When I awake in the morning I address myself to Him, and converse with Him, and He meets me in my study, in secret and family devotion. It is pleasant to read, pleasant to compose, pleasant to converse with my friends at home, pleasant to visit the sick, the poor; pleasant to write letters of necessary business by which any good can be done, and pleasant to preach the gospel to poor souls; pleasant in the week to think how near another Sabbath is; and oh! how much more pleasant to think how near eternity is, and that it is but a step

from earth to heaven." And sure I am that the apostle Paul must have been a man overflowing with gladness, or he never could have floated from his prison at Rome the conquering banner, "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."* This sacred and calm joyfulness, often the result of much trial, is indeed one source of a really effective ministry, for it is the most blessed life; the most uplifted, and therefore the most impressive and saving. The Lord wills His ministers to be happy. He has provided strong consolation for us, and He would have our souls brimming over with gladness. Charged to tell such good news, commissioned to plead with men in God's name and to make offer of His infinite pity, tenderness, and grace, we ought, notwithstanding our sufferings, to be the joyfullest men in the world, aspiring at habitual thankfulness, and exhibiting a life of prevailing cheerfulness and praise. A sour, crabbed, cantankerous minister, pouring out of the vials of his moroseness fierce showers of denunciation, is as surely out of his place as Satan amongst the sons of God. A pastor who never gets out of the valley of the shadow of death is certainly not the best guide for pilgrims to the land of Beulah. The Lord save us and our churches from the misery and weakness of a joyless ministry.

Moreover the principal design of the Christian ministry is the production of present and permanent joy. The object of the religious teacher admits of manifold representations, and his work is many sided. He is set to save souls, to build men up on their holy faith, to feed the flock of God; but no statement ought to be regarded as final, or as adequate, which does not declare the ministration of a real and abiding joy to be the

*There are many other examples. Suffice it that we refer to the well known fact that the two most notable and useful preachers of our day, C. H. Spurgeon and H. W. Beecher, are two of the most joyful men living.

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