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successful, now is to support new styles and patterns for finished goods in countries importing raw cotton so as to expand usage of U.S. cotton in these countries. This cooperator is continuing its effecive Far East programs of cooperative advertising and promotion abroad, sending U.S. cotton trade teams to important cotton importing countries, bringing foreign mill decision makers to the U.S.; and providing technical assistance to U.S. cotton's foreign customers. Its programs are being expanded in Europe.

Mink Breeders Association: Starting foreign market development cooperation with FAS in 1968, this cooperator achieved exports valued at $22 million. The value of these exports in 1977 was $67 million; a three-fold increase stimulated by modest federal support (0.5%). Major markets are the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Greece and Japan.

Cling Peach Advisory Board: Products promoted by the Board are canned clingstone peaches and canned fruit cocktail. For many years the major market was Western Europe; a market now eroding as a result of European Economic Community expansion and its protective agricultural policy. But marketing diversity pays off as demonstrated by a three-fold increase in exports to Japan in 1977. And activities are being initiated for smaller new markets.

American Seed Trade Association: This Association's activities have seen appreciable growth in the value of exports which has encouraged surveys of new markets in the developing areas of Asia, South America and Africa, and the promotion of new varietie within established markets.

Avocado Advisory Board: This Board is a very recent cooperator but has already developed very promising prospects in Japan.

Florida Citrus Commission: The Commission is a long-time cooperator particularly in European markets. Its primary commodity interest is orange juice for which it has developed a unique "three party" approach. Under this plan the promotional activitie directed by the Commission, are financed equally by the Commission, the foreign distributor and FAS. Additionally, stress has been placed on fresh grapefruit in Europe and Japan. New market investigations include Hong Kong and the Middle East. Again, Mr. Chairman, the Agricultural Cooperator Council appreciates the opportunity to submit its views on--and justification of--the need for increased federal funding of USDA's foreign market development program to maintain and expand exports of U.S. agricultural products; our nation and our respective industries have a major economic stake in the accomplishment of this objective.

1978 Members of the Agricultural Cooperator Council

American Angus Association

American Brahman Breeders' Association

American Hereford Association

American Quarter Horse Association

American Seed Trade Association

American Soybean Association

Burley and Dark Leaf Tobacco Export Association, Inc.

California Almond Growers Exchange

California Cling Peach Advisory Board

California Raisin Advisory Board

Cotton Council International

Dairy Society International

D-N-E Sales, Inc.

Emba Mink Breeders' Association

Florida Department of Citrus

Great Plains Wheat, Inc.

Holstein-Friesian Association of America

International Brangus Breeders' Association, Inc.

Leaf Tobacco Exporters Association

Mohair Council of America

National Association of Animal Breeders

National Peanut Council

National Renderers' Association, Inc.

Poultry and Egg Institute of America
Protein Grain Products International
Rice Council for Market Development
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International
Tanners' Council of America, Inc.
Tobacco Associates, Inc.

U.S. Feed Grains Council

U.S. Meat Export Federation

Western Wheat Associates, U.S.A., Inc.



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USDA, FAS, Foreign Market Development Activities History, Phases and Achievements

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Value of U.S. agricultural exports

INPUT/OUTPUT Funds supplied by FAS as percent of value of U.S. agricultural exports. POS NEG Number of years during which the trade balance is positive or negative.


[blocks in formation]

Fiscal Year Expenditures of Federal Funds and Cooperator Contributions, and Total Agricultural Exports

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Col. 4: Cooperator expenditures from own and related funds including foreign.
Col. 5: Total expenditures for foreign market development.

Col. 6 & 7: Share of total expenditures by source.

Col. 8:

Value of total U.S. exports of agricultural commodities.

Col. 9 & 10: Market development costs as percent of value of total exports.



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