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Law and terrors do but harden

All the while they work alone;
But the sense of blood-bought pardon
Can dissolve a heart of stone.

3 JESUS, all our consolations

Flow from thee, the sov'reign good;
Love, and faith, and hope, and patience,
All are purchas'd by thy blood;
From thy fulness we receive them,
We have nothing of our own;
Freely thou delight'st to give them
To the needy who have none.

361.2. Renouncing Self for Christ. L.M.

And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. Jon. i. 16.

A GUILTY soul by sin opprest,
Weary of wand'ring after rest,
Wretched, and naked, poor, and blind,
I now my want of all things find.

2 All things I want; but one is nigh
My want of all things to supply :
Pardon, and peace, and liberty,
JESUS, I all things have in thee.

362. Support in God's Covenant under



Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all my desire.-2 SAM. xxiii. 5.

MY GOD, the cov'nant of thy love
Abides for ever sure;

And in it's matchless grace I feel
My happiness secure.

2 What though my house be not with thee,
As thy commands require;
That covenant is all my hope,
Salvation, and desire.

3 Since thou, the everlasting God,
My Father art become;
JESUS, my guardian and my friend,
And heaven my final home.

4 I welcome all thy sov'reign will,
For all that will is love;
And when I know not what thou dost,
1 wait the light above.

5 Yea, comfort in the darkest gloom
Thy cov'nant shall impart;
And, when mine eyelids close in death,
Shall still sustain my heart.

363. Seeking Relief. C.M.

I said not unto the seed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain.-
ISAIAH xlv. 19.

JESUS, we come before thy throne,
To open all our grief:

Now send thy promis'd mercy down,
And grant us quick relief.


2 Ne'er didst thou say to Jacob's seed,
Seek ye my face," in vain ;
And canst thou now deny thine aid,
When burden'd souls complain.

3 The same thy power, thy love thesame,
Uninov'd the promise shines;
Eternal truth surrounds thy name,
And guards the precious lines.

4 Though Satan rage, and flesh rebel, And unbelief arise,

We'll wait around his footstool still,
For Jesus hears our cries.

363.2. Relief Sought and Found. L.M.

Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no Physician there? JEREMIAH viii. 22.

WHY droops my soul, with guilt op


Why do these fears disturb my breast? Is there no balm to heal my wound? No kind Physician to be found ?

2 Yes, in the Gospel's faithful lines, JEHOVAH's grace and mercy shines; There, dress'd in love, the SAVIOUR


With pitying eye, and outstretch'd hands.

3 Raise to the cross thy weeping eyes,
Behold! the Prince of glory dies!
He dies extended on the tree,
And sheds a sov'reign balm for me.

4 Millions, who now his throne surround, Here sought relief, here mercy found; His cross dispell'd their gloomy fears, Heal'd all their wounds, and dried their tears.

5 And shall my trembling soul complain,
"I sought relief, but sought in vain?
"That Jesus, who for sinuers died;
"Heard all my groans, and still denied?"

6 LORD, prostrate at thy feet I lie,
There to receive a cure or die;
Oh may thy love remove my pain,
And healing grace triumphant reign.

364. Troubled, but making the Lord his Refuge. C.M.

I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. Isa. viii. 17.

DEAR refuge of my weary soul,
On thee, when sorrows rise,
On thee, when waves of trouble roll,
My faiuting hope relies.

2 To thee I tell each rising grief,
For thou alone canst heal;
Thy word can bring a sweet relief
For every pain I feel.

3 [But Oh! when gloomy doubts prevail,
I fear to call thee mine;
The springs of comfort seem to fail,
And all my hopes decline.

4 Yet, gracious LORD, where shall I flee?
Thou art my only trust,
And still my soul would cleave to thee,
Tho' prostrate in the dust.]

5 Hast thou not bid me seek thy face?
And shall I seek in vain?

And can the ear of Sov'reign Grace,
Be deaf when I complain?

6 No; still the ear of Sov'reign Grace
Attends the mourner's prayer:
O may I ever find access

To breathe my sorrows there!

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