2 Let us think of him who bought us: 476. After Receiving. And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life. LET the world their joys partaking, 'Tis by this his friends are fed. Join the kindred hosts on high; SECTION EIGHTH nodi è MISCELLANEOUS. 1 477. Desiring the Presence of God in Affliction. C.М. How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?-PSAL. xiii. 1. THY gracious presence, O my GOD, 3 O happy scenes of pure delight 4 Her part in those fair realms of bliss Nor can they rest below.. 5 LORD, shall the breathings of my heart 6 Then shall my cheerful spirit sing 478. The benefits of Affliction. 8-7-4. I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.-PSALM схіх. 75. IN the floods of tribulation, While the billows o'er me roll, JESUS whispers consolation, Hallelujah, praise the LORD. 2 [* Thus, the lion yields me honey, From the eater food is given, Strengthen'd thus I still press forward, Singing as I pass to heaven, "Sweet affliction," And my sins are all forgiv'n.] 3 So, in darkest dispensations, Doth my faithful Lord appear, With his richest consolations, 66 Sweet affliction," Thus to bring my SAVIOUR near. * Judg. xiv. 14. 4 In the sacred page recorded word of Thus the word securely stands, A Nought shall pluck thee from my hands Hallelujah, Every word my love demands. 5 All I meet I find assists me In my path to heav'nly joy; Hallelujah, Praise the LORD. 6 Bless'd there with a weight of glory, Still the path I'll ne'er forget, A But, exulting, cry, it led me : 479. Christian Meeting. L. M. Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. - MAT. xviii. 20. KINDRED in CHRIST, for his dear sake, 2 [To you and me by grace 'tis given 3 May he, by whose kind care we meet, 4 Forgotten be each worldly theme, 5 [We'll talk of all he did and said, 6 Thus, as the moments pass away, 480. Christian Meeting. 7s. Teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD. COL. iii. 16. SWEET the time, exceeding sweet, |