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investigations must be more or less referred.

ART. I.-1. Researches into the Physical the subject, and one to which all future
History of Mankind. By James C. Pri-
chard, M.D., F.R.S., Corresponding Mem-
ber of the National Institute of France.
Third Edition. 5 vols. 8vo. 1836-1847.
2. The Natural History of Man; comprising
Inquiries into the Modifying Influences of
Physical and Moral Agencies in different
Tribes of the Human Family. By the
same. 1843.

While acknowledging and seeking thus
late to repair the omission, we may fairly
allege as to the subject itself, that it can
never be out of season or date as long as
man has his place on the earth. For what
inquiry of higher import, or more lasting
interest, than that which regards the physi-
cal condition of the human species as first
3. The Natural History of the Human Spe- created and appearing on the surface of the
cies, its Typical Forms, Primaval Distri- globe? What investigation in all science
bution, Filiations, and Migrations. By more vast and curious than that which, from
Lieut.-Col. C. Hamilton Smith, R.H., observation of the numerous races and phy-
F.R.S. Edinburgh, 1848.
sical varieties of man, and from the equally
4. On the Results of Recent Egyptian Re- numerous forms and diversities of human
searches, in reference to Asiatic and Afri- language, deduces conclusions as to the
can Ethnology and the Classification of more simple and elementary states from
Languages. A Discourse read before the which these wonderful results have been de-
Ethnological Section of the British Asso-veloped, and the manner and course of their
ciation at Oxford. By C. C. J. Bunsen,
D.C.L., Ph. D. 1847.

5. Sir C. Lyell's Elements of Geology. Chaps. xxxiv. to xl.

development? Questions like these, even if already settled to our reason and knowledge, would yet have a constant hold on the minds of all thinking men, in their simple relation. to that greatest of all phenomena-the existWe are liable, we fear, to some reproach ence of human life upon the earth. But, in for not having earlier noticed the works truth, they are far from being thus settled. which are placed first in the above list; and A spacious field is open to research, in we feel this the more because a year has which certain paths are laid down, and cernow elapsed since Dr. Prichard was lost by tain landmarks fixed in guidance and prepremature death to the science of his coun- paration for further culture; but where no try. His various writings, directed to topics harvest of complete knowledge has yet been of the deepest interest to all mankind, are reaped, and where even the boundary of characterised by an industry, ability, and what can be effected by human effort is still candour of research well meriting the repu- obscure.

tation they have obtained both at home and In this very circumstance we find further abroad. In regard to those more directly excuse for taking up the subject thus late. before us, by conjoining the physiological Better defined as a department of science, part of the inquiry with its historical and and its importance more fully appreciated, philological relations, they form the most the study of the physical history of manample and complete text we yet possess on kind, in all its varieties of race and distri



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