Lunar Eclipse. The moon was eclipsed on the 14th. The following are the particulars of the phenomenon. The production of grain, and particularly wheat, is a measure of vital importance, considered either as connected with agriculture, or as affecting the welfare of the community; the citizen has no less reason to congratulate himself on the prospect of future abundance than the farmer, whose interest is presumed to be more immediately at stake; and any measure which may have the effect of diverting the attention of experienced and liberal-minded men from the cultivation of the soil, or of with drawing capital employed in the production of grain, must eventually redound to the disadvantage of the one, as well as of the other. Now what is the present prospect? Whoever has recently passed from one extremity of the kingdom to the other, in any direction, will be able to answer "universal abundance." A larger breadth of land than usual has been planted with wheat, nearly the whole of which is already so far advanced in yegetation, as to be deemed secure from any injury which can at present be foreseen. Again, What is the present price of wheat? Just high enough barely to remunerate the grower, and low enough abundantly to satisfy the consumer, and this, too, after a harvest deficient in productiveness. If this be admitted, is it policy to agitate a question which may be attended with mischievous consequences to one party, and confer no benefit upon the other? This is now the difficult question. From the inadequate supply of barley, oats, 1826. Corn Returns-Price of Stocks-Bankrupts. beans, and peas, upon the market, we are led to infer that the deficiency of last harvest was even greater than we had imagined; and although the value of these several articles is proportionately enhanced, yet the growers, in most cases, have not an equivalent; and, moreover, as the consumer has had free access to the foreign market, there can be no reasonable grounds for complaint upon that score. The turnip-crop, in point of bulk, exceeds the former expectations of the growers, but it is generally admitted that the fattening quality of the root is likely to prove less satisfactory: however, as a considerable quantity of mangel-wurzel is stored for spring use, and the failure of Swedish turnips is confined to certain districts, it may be pre. sumed that the shambles will be furnished with a 527 more liberal supply of prime meat towards the approach of summer. The price of wool still remains unusually depressed, although there has recently been some appearance of amendment: indeed, a trifiling improvement has been effected; but there is evidently a want of spirit amongst the buyers, which argues but little in favour of its continuance. Accounts from the hop districts concur in the general productiveness of the crop, the superabundance of which is affirmed to be a source of regret to the planters, and of inevitable ruin to the speculators. Nor is the vintage of 1826 a whit less notorious, although its consequences may prove of somewhat different tendency to those who are interested in the production and sale of vinous liquors. CORN RETURNS. Aggregate Average Prices of Corn, Oct. 13th, 54s 6d-20th, 54s 3d-27th, 54s ld-Nov. 3d, 54s 3d FROM OCTOBER 23, TO NOVEMBER 21, INCLUSIVE. Oct. 23. J. LOWE and G. AUSTIN, Manchester, oilmerchants. H. HALSALL, Ormskirk, Lancashire, innkeeper. M. WICKHAM, Liverpool, joiner. J. SOMERFIELD, Bloxwich, Walsall, Staffordshire, awlblade maker. W. MAUD and R. MAUD, Andover, A. BAGE, Shrewsbury, Hants, common common brewers S. J. Oct. 27. C. GARRETT and C. SMITH, Bishopsgate Within, London, woollen-drapers. W. H. HAVILAND, Gloucester, wine and spirit-merchant. YOUNG, Nottingham, bobbin-net or lace-machine maker. J. PITT, Edwin Kalph, Herefordshire, corndealer. J THOMAS, Birmingham, cheesefactor. KNIGHT and B. KNIGHT, Great Horton, near Bradford, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners. R. SIMPSON, Manchester, corn-dealer. H. CRAWFORD, Liverpool, and Belfast, Ireland, merchant. G. REED, Newcastleupon-Tyne, victualler. J. E. DUFFIELD, Goswellstreet, Middlesex, woollen and Manchester warehouseman. J. TAYLOR, Wharf, South side of the Basin, Paddington, excavator. W. HARDCASTLE, Piazza, Middlese Lancash DAINTON, Piccadilly, Middlesex, furnishing ironmonger. T. RABERTS, Manchester, draper. W. SIOR. South-row, New-road. Somers-town, Middlesex, bookseller. F. BURNEIT, Strand, chemist. S. LEVY, Whitechapel High-street, silversmith. W. HILTON, Capland-street, Lisson Grove, Middlesex, stage-master. Oct. 31. J. JOHNSON, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, cabinet-maker. C. W. CLARKE, Holborn-hill, MiddleBex, druggist. W. MILHENCH, Bolton, Lancashire, grocer. C. DANIEL, Thirsk, Yorkshire, currier. J. CHALLINOR, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, grocer. J. STEVENS, Mumford-court. Milk-street, Cheapside, warehouseman. S. RAY, King's-place, Blackmanstreet, Southwark, builder. C. GILLMORE, Unionstreet, Southwark, victualler. R. CLEOBURY, Cheapside, London, tailor. W. WATERS and T. C. WATERS, Bristol, ironmongers. J. BARBER, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, linen-draper. J. OKEY, Cambridge, cattle and sheep salesman. J. Nov. 3. W. HUTCHINSON, St. Philip and Jacob, Gloucestershire, grocer. G. HARGREAVES, Liverpool, broker. J. BRIDGFORD, Manchester, victualler. J. ACTON. Copthall-court. London, scrivener. CLARKSON, Windmill-street. Finsbury-square, Middlesex. merchant. J. RICKERBY, Burrell Green, Great Salkeld, Cumberland, lime burner. 1. COX, Trowbridge. Wilts, victualler. W. LEAHY and J. M. DAVEY, of the Grove, Great Guilford-street, Surrey, engineers. W. KING, Shepton Montague, Somerset M. shire, dealer. W. HOPKINS the younger, Northamp ton, builder. J. WOOD and W. WOOD, Hollingworth, Cheshire, cotton-spiuners. T. BALLARD, Dockhead, Bermondsey, Surrey, grocer and cheesemon Ker. J. BERRY, Chesham, Bucks, ironmonger. WREFORD, New Bond-street, Middlesex, milliner. F. HACKER, Canterbury, brick-maker. S. HICKLING, Birmingham, hatter. R. KERSHAW, Dukinfield, Stockport, Cheshire, timber-merchant. H. WILLATS, High-street, Lambeth, Surrey, potter. W. BEAN, jun. Upper George-street, Portman-square, Middlesex, horse-dealer. J. FILDES, Lamb's Conduit-street, Middlesex, upholsterer. J. DEMPSEY and J. REIS, Well-street, Wellclose-square, Middlesex, sugar-refiners. L. HILL, Fleet-street, London, jeweller. T. BURGESS and T. HILL, Great Windmill-street, Haymarket, Middlesex, booksellers. C. ABBOTT, Nag's Headcourt, Gracechurch-street, London, tavern-keeper. J. GREEN, Wellclose-square, Middlesex, linen-draper. linen-dr 1. SLADE, Greenwich, Kent, builder. J. A. CÓX Oxford-street, Middlesex, woollen-draper. J. SILLS and J. SILLS, Three Cranes and Hambro' Wharfs, Upper Thames-street, London, merchants. D. MARK LOVE, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, miliman. R. HAVILAND, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, distiller. J. DYSON, Dry Clough, Almonbury, Yorkshire, merchaut. W. ASTON, Mark-lane, London, ship and insurance-broker. J. WRAY, Wood-street, Cheapside, silk and bombasin-manufacturer. K. J. INMAN, Bridge House Place, Kennington Causeway, Surrey, ironmonger. R. J. CHIPPINDALL, Pulteney Terrace, Conduit Fields, Pentonville, Middlesex, picture-dealer. C. LYNCH, of the Crooked Billet, Wych-street, Middlesex, alehouse-keeper. W. BRANSBY and M. COURT, Sowerby, near Thirsk, Yorkshire, and Rochdale, Lancashire, curriers. H. GARDNER, Paradise-street, Rotherhithe, Surrey, cabinet-maker. J. SAVILL, Woodford, Essex, grocer. J. JACOB, Deptford, Kent, coal and timber-merchant. J. CUTMORE, Exmouthstreet, Commercial-roud, Middlesex, licensed victualler. W. TRAHOR, Bridge House Place, Southwark, general merchant. J. ELSTON, Middlesex-place, Hackney road, calico-printer. J. WOOD, Marylebone-street, Piccadilly, Middlesex, victualler. J. H. HUNTER, Lambeth-road, Surrey, dealer. KENWO Nov. 7. W. FISHER the elder, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, carpenter. W. SHELLEY, Newcastle-underLyme, Staffordshire, tanner. R. COX, Nottingham, warehouseman. J. LAY, Cheltenham-place, Lambeth, Surrey, stationer. J. WOOD, Lombard-street, London, scrivener. J. LAMB and J. LAMB, Liverpool, saddlers. W. BRANSBY and M. COURT, Sowerby, near Thirsk, Yorkshire, and Rochdale, Lancashire, curriers. J. MOODY, Freeschool-street, Horslydown, Surrey, tin-plate worker. R. WILLIAMS, Liverpool, merchant. w. PIPER, Hammersmith, barge-builder. J. BAUM, Hackney Wick, victualler. J. KENWORTHY and J. B. KENWORTHY, Ironmonger-lane, warehousemen. T. BUCKLAND, Billiter-street, London, shipinsurance broker. C. M'DONALD, Liverpool, surgeon. T. HOMER and R. HOMER, Dudley, Worcestershire, iron-founders. W. F. JOHNSON, Bridgewater street, Somers-town, provision-dealer. S. RAWLINS and M. SMITH, Hanley, Staffordshire, tobacconists. B. MARSHALL, Nottingham, stone-mason. T. COLE, Exeter, builder. E. HERBERT, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, linen-draper. T. HORSFALL, Halifax, Yorkshire, drysalter. R. GWINNELL, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, plumber and glazier. W. SCOTT, of the White Lion Inn, Lower Brook-street, Grosvenor square, Middlesex, victualler. W. METCALFE, Bristol, tailor and draper. C. ELLIS, Heanor, Derbyshire, cabinet-maker. R. B. WATSON, Leeds, Yorkshire, merchant. P. SYMS, Witheridge, Devonshire, shopkeeper. T. BONHAM, Hogston, Bucks, butcher. G. PEACE, Denby Dale, Penistone, Yorkshire, grocer and fancy-cloth manufacturer. J. COCKS, Norwich, tailor, J. DAVIS and T. RITSON, Manchester, machine-makers. E. Nov. 10. C. T. BASKETT, Poole, wine and spiritmerchant. J. RAMSDEN, Wellhouse-in-Golcar, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth manufacturer. w. SMITH, Bristol, provision-merchant. nt. J. FERGUSON, Newark, Nottinghamshire, mercer. T. FLOWER, Melksham, Wilts, timber-dealer. M. S. SCHLESINGER, Upper Stamford-street, Waterloo road, Surrey, merchant. R. WROOTS, Great Titchfield-street, Middlesex, linen draper. W. PRICE and C. PRICE, Baldwin's Gardens, Gray's Inn-lane, Middlesex, glassmonufacturers. J. ALLEN, Oxford, chinaman. SHAKELL. Southampton, cabinet-maker and upholsterer. W. PENNINGTON, Crosthwaite, Westmoreland, paper maker. W. BOUSFIELD. Gutter-lane, Cheapside, London, warehouseman. M. JACOBS, Charles-street, Soho-square, Middlesex, glass-merchant, W. LAMB, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer. J. HALL. Shrewsbury, Salop, and J. HAYCOCK, Liverpool, merchants. H. OLDERSHAW, Bulwell, Nottinghamshire, miller. J. BROMLEY, Stafford, shoe-manufacturer. J. AVELING, Great Charlotte-street, Fitzroy-square, Middlesex, grocer. C. E. HORN, Judd-street, Bruns W. R. WRIGHT, wick-square, musie and musical-instrument seller. SHAW and J. L. ALEXANDER, Clifton-street, Fiusburysquare, merchants. W. STRUTTON, Commercialroad, Lambeth, Surrey, timber merchant. J. WORTHAM and F. WORTHAM, Oxford street, Middlesex, and Leamington, Warwickshire, linen-drapers. W. PARKINSON, Greek street, Soho, carver and gilder. J. EVANS, Marchmont-street, Burton Crescent, linendraper. J. MEYER, Grace's-alley, Wellclose-square, Middlesex, umbrella-manufacturer. Hollinwood within Oldham, Lancashire, hat-manufseturer. S. KILE, St. Clement, Oxfordshire, bookseller. Nov. 14. W. HULLEY, Chowbent, Lancashire, rollermaker. G. BURRELL, Wakefield, Yorkshire, clothmerchant. R. BOARDMAN, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, money-scrivener. R. A. PULLAN the younger. Leeds, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturer. W. COATES the elder, and W. COATES the younger, Newcastleupon-Tyne, wine and spirit-merchants. T. NUNN, London, merchant. R. FORD, Sutton, Surrey, dealer. P. NEALE, Norwich, coach-maker. W. TOGHILL, Chalford, Gloucestershire, clothier. G. NOAH, Pall Mall, Middlesex, tailor. N. DREWETT, Emsworth, Hauts, mariner. J. WALTER, St. Augustine's Back, Bristol, stationer. J. MURRAY and S. BRISBANE, Chorlton-row, Manchester, joiners. C. STONES. Manchester, cotton-spinner. C. J. SMITH, Great Preston, Yorkshire, dealer. J. MARKS, Bristol, tailor and draper. E. LEDGER and J. F. LEDGER, Wakefield, Yorkshire, wool-staplers. J. BRADLEY, Leeds, Yorkshire, linen-draper. J. HENDY, Blakeny, Gloucestershire, shopkeeper. E HOLLINWORTH, Stayley, Mottram in Longendale, Cheshire, woollen-manufacturer. S. WALLIS, Chew Stoke, Somersetsbire, dealer. R. CLARENCE, Clare, Suffolk, chymist. J. T. GRITTON, Tipton, Staffordshire, iron-masterR. LAWRENCE and W. A BROWN, of the Imperial Brewery, White Cross-street, Cripplegate, London, alebrewers. T. Nov. 17. G. T. FISHER, Half Moon-street, Hanoversquare, coal-merchant. S.S CHRISP. Peterborough, ironmonger. J. WOOD, Wooldale, Yorkshire, merchant. C. ALLISTON and R. SMITH, Belvidereroad, Lambeth. soap-manufacturers. T. TUCKER and T. GEARY, John's Mews, Little James-street, Bedford-row, coach-painters. D. MACPHERSON, Chandos-street, Covent-garden, victualler. J. DURANT, Maidstone, tailor. G. CROASDILL, Canterbury, maltster. J. NICHOLSON, Rochdale, Lancaster, bookseller. J. EDWARDS, Halifax, common-brewer. B. BUNN and W. ALLEN, Worcester, flax-dressers. JTAYLOR, Golcar, Huddersfield, York, clothier. SHELLEY, Lewes, Sussex, coach-maker. E. ALLISON and T. ALLISON, Leeds, mercers. J. BEARE, Westminster, general merchant. D. DE PASS King's Lynn, Norfolk, draper. H. NICHOLSON, Chiswell. street, bill-broker. H. ORUM, Sutton, Surrey, limeburner. P. KELLY, Finsbury-square, bookseller. C. MANN, Nine Elms public-house, Battersea, victuallar. J. W. WHINFIELD and H WHINFIELD, Mill-wah, Poplar, engineers. J. BROWN and J. ANBERSON, Newcastle-upon-Tyns, house-carpenters. CHELL and J. MITCHELL, High-street, Southwark, woollen-drapers. A. POPE, Chapel-street, Stockwell, victualler. G. CRAFTS, Wycombe-Marsh, Buckinghamshire, paper-maker. T. GRIFFITHS Bolton-enle-Moors, Lancashire, banker. T. MITCHELL, Leicester, woolstapler. T. CRESSWELL, Cross-lane, fish-factor. M. RAPHALL, Hermes-street, Pestonville, merchant, B. ALLEN, Great Queen-street, Lin coln's lun-fields, coach-plater. E. MIT Newcastle Nov. 21. W. GWATKIN, Chepstow. Monmouthshire, carpenter. G. HAWES and J. B. MOOR, Bridge-house Place, Southwark, hardwaremen. J. DRAKE, Camberwell, merchant. J. WHITE, Boar's Head, Newportmarket, vintner. J. S. BLAND. Charlotte-street, Rathbone-place, haberdasher. T. CROSS, Southamp ton-street, Covent-garden, coachmaster. R. STRACHAN, Lime-street, ship-broker. R. WEAVER, Plymouth, linen-draper. R. RAGG, Liverpool, lace-manufseturer. H. SMITH, Bristol, scrivener, tobacconist. W. WOOD, Salford, ord, innkeeper. S. SHAW, under-Lyme, maltster. J. MATTHEWS, St. Philip and Jacob, Gloucestershire, collar-maker. G. SHEPHERD, J. PANTRY, and W. MASSEY, Barusley, Yorkshire, linen manufacturers. J. EVELEIGH, Manchester, merchant. G. KERRIDGE, Beccles, Suffolk, grocer. J. DENTITH, Liverpool, silversmith. 1. THOMPSON, Bilston, Staffordshire, japanner. J. COOKE, Northumberland-place, Commercial-road, furnishing-ironmonger. R. DAWES, Abingdon, Berkshire, carpetmanufacturer. R. WRIGHT. Howland-street, St. Pancras, apothecary. J. MACKENZIE and J. MURBIE, Oxford, tea dealers. T. CROSSLEY, Aldermanbury, trimming-manufacturer. H. PITT, Cuckfield, Sussex, victualler. R. TREVETT, Finsbury-place South, bootmaker. J. NATHANSON and M. W. DRUDINGER, Mansell-street. Goodman's-fields, wholesale toymerchants. J. R. M'BURNIE, Coleman.street buildings, merchant, Adams, Ex-president, memoir of, 429. Administration de la Justice, notice of, 276. Adventures of a French Sergeant, notice of, 318. African Expedition, 113-discoveries, 201, 246. Travellers, 288-settlement, 372. Agricultural Report. See Report. Society at Hereford, 128. Agriculture of the Netherlands. 118. Foreign, notices of, 470. Albufera, the Duse of, his decease, 161. Ale and Porter Preserves, 513. Alien Bill, new one, 392. Alla Giornata, notice of, 271. Ambergris, origin of, 198. Amherst (Lord), his conduct in the Burmese war, 392. Ammunition carriages, improvement of, 467. Analysis of Medical Evidence, notice of, 407. 229. longevity, 157. Animal, singular one, near Worcester, 81. of the House of Hanover, notice of, 229. Antimony found in Coruwall, 306. French, 202. Siborg (Mons.), on, 424-at Brescia, 467-American, 469. Egyptian, 508, 509. Mexican, 509: Anti-Slavery reporter, 409. Antrim (Countess of), improveraents by, 171. Armoury, Tower, 480. Arts, Fine. Lord Heathfield's statue, 14. " —, 107, 1941, 241, 280, 327, 370, 414, 456, 501. -, Edinburgh School of, 398. B. Bank, The, increase of business in, 257-persons holding property in the funds, 304. Banks of Scotland, 170. Bankrupts and Dividends. See Dividends. Basni i Skazki, notice of, 54. Bell, new diving, 160. rock light-house, 170. Bergen, museum at, 204. Dictionary of the Fine Arts, 270. Aphorisms, and Opinions of Parr, notice of, 361. Bird, account of a rare one, 150. Appointments, Promotions. See Promotions. Arabian armour, 115. Arachaca, The, 294. Architects, Lives of, notice of, 185. Architecture, prize in, 467. Arctic overland expedition, 286. Results of, 505. VOL. XVIII. NO. LXXII. Birmingham, trade of, 349-memorial from, 337. Blood, M. Legalas respecting, 291. Boccaccio, house of, 335. Bog, man found in one, 350. Bogue (Rev. Mr.), memoir of, 42. 3 Y Boieldieu (M.), his present from the King of Coins, forgery of, 67. Boletus Igniarius, 421. Bones, Fossil, in France, 466. Books, List of New, 25, 83, 131, 171, 219, 251, 299, 339, 386, 427, 474, 515. Borlase, historical fact recorded by, 126. Botany of Spitzbergen, 288. new genus, 463. Botanic Garden, Maund's, reviewed, 25. Botanical experiment, 12. Botñeld (Mrs.), memoirs of, 121. Bower (J.), his patent, 297. Bridge at Menai, 81-at Portland, 127. London, 393-Chester, 434-At Scar borough, 525. Brighton improved, 217-flower at, 308-No 165. Britton's Architectural Antiquities, notice of, Buckingham, Duke of, his Address, 522. Buprestis, The, 199. Burns's Club, 131. Burnt Rock destroyed, 166. Bydragen tot de Huishouding Von Staat, &c. Byron (Lord), picture of, 456. с. Calcott, engravings from the works of, 229. Cambridge and University proceedings, at, 10, 77, Campbell, (Mr. T.) his election as Lord Rector of Canal, Liskeard and Love, 44-Stockholm, 45 Cannon founding, experiments on, 66. Canoe discovered, 438. Carbonari, execution of, at Rome, 67. Carbonic Acid Gas, experiments on, 419. Carlisle cattle show, 347. Carne's Letters from the East, notice of, 96. Caswallon, King of Britain, notice of, 447. Catholic religion, review of, 451. Cats, uses of their bristles, 246. Caution respecting spirits, 393. Chalmers (G. Esq.), memoir of, 74. Chamber of Commerce at Birmingham, meeting ef, 47. Bristol, 127. Champollion (M.), his decypherings of MSS. 468. Chancery Court, 433. Chantrey (Mr.), his statue of George IV, 168. Chapman (Rev. C. J.), memoir of, 255. Chard, coal at, 217. Charities, Paristan, 507. Chatsworth, improvements at, 44. 78, 522. Chemist at Caen, 20. Chimneys, patent, 160. Chinese empire, 470. Chiverton (Sir J.), a romance, 318. Christenings and Burials in London, 124. Chronological Historian, notice of, 231. Coasting trade at Bristol, affairs of the, 395. Cochrane (Capt. J. D., R.N.), memoirs of, 210. (Hon. B.), memoir of, 477. Cocoa tree, 21. Coffin found at Chichester, 80. la France, 31. College of Physicians, 372-at Philadelphia, new, Colliery, explosion of, 306. Colonies, political events in the, 2, 50, 139, 180, 228, 266, 314, 402, 443, 491. Combe, (T. Esq.), memoir of, 479. Cradock's Memoirs, notice of, 495. Notices of New Books, 25, 51, 93, 141. 181, 229, 269, 317, 357, 405, 445, 493. Cromer, lights seen at, 217, 307. Cuvier's Discourse, sur les Revolutions de la Dahlia, time to plant the, 70. Danish Literature, 378. Dante, MS. of, 159. Das Evangelium der Jesuiten, notice of, 146. nument to, 512. Davy (Rev. W.), memoir of, 391. Dean, Forest of, discovery in, 216. Deaths and Marriages. See London Incidents. Death's Doings noticed, 450. De Clifford, notice of, 233. Deflection of the magnetic needle, 110. Demetriades (C.), memoir of, 40. Denmark, schools in, 468. Devizes, skeleton found at, 437. Devon Post-office, improvements in, 216. Diorama, the new, 196. Disappointment and other Poems, 449. 1 |