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[blocks in formation]

Dividends, Bankrupts, and Sequestrations, 33, 87,
134, 175, 223, 263,311, 351, 400, 434,488, 527.
Dobree, Professor, memoir of, 42.

Doncaster Agricultural Society, 437.

[blocks in formation]

Donegan's Greek and English Lexicon, notice of, Fox, Character of C. J. notice of, 51.

[blocks in formation]

Downman (Lieut.-col.), memoir of, 41.

Doyle (Dr.), presents to, 170.

Foy (General), memoirs of. 74.
Freeholders in Northumberland, 167.
▬▬▬ of Surrey, meeting of, 168.

French Review, new, 507.

Fresco painting revived, 378.
Friendship's Offering, notice of, 499.

Drama, The, 6, 55, 101, 147, 189, 235, 277, 323, 365, Fruits of Faith, The, notice of, 405.

[blocks in formation]

and flowers, to preserve, 425.
Fussel (J.), his patent, 119.

[blocks in formation]

Geology of the Severn, 64.

German Popular Stories, notice of, 52.
-Universities, 511.

Stories, Gillies, notice of, 498.
Giddy (T. Esq.), memoir of, 40.
Gifford (Lord), memoir of, 477.

See Promotions, Giornale Ecclesiastico, notice of, 54.

Economy, Rural. See Rural Economy.
Edifices de Rome Moderne, notice of, 276.
Edinburgh College completed, 398.

Episcopal Church at, 525.

Education in America, 117.

Scotland, commission for, and for

universities, 309.

the Highlands, 309.

Egenhandige Anteckningar, &c. notice of, 101.
Egypt, medals of, 334-population of, 293.
Election, the City, 304.

Elms, destruction of, 118.

Elm, De Genlis respecting one, 207.

Engine, locomotive, at Stockton, 45.

English Stories, notice of. 53.

Entomology, Letters on. 52.

Equivocal generation, 379.

Erasmus, review of Life of, 25.
Eton Montem, 306.

Etymons of English Words, notice of, 230.

Everard (Lieut. R.N.), memoir of, 41.
Exchange, New, at Newcastle, 524.

Exhibitions, London, 9, 152, 196.

Giuli, the Tre, notice of, 406.
Glance at the Audience, 147.

Glasgow, registration of population, 170.
, revival of Trade at, 218.

Glass, new manufacture of, 420.

Glastonbury Abbey, not despoiling, 308.
Glove Trade at Worcester, 525.
Godiva, fete of, at Coventry, 308.
Goethe, his works, 20.

Gold, artificial, a new alloy, 112.
Granby, notice of, 26.

Graves (Mr. R.), memoir of, 43.

Greatherd (B. B. Esq.), memoir of, 162.

Great Malvern, present to the Vicar of, 261.
accident at, 349.

Greece and her Claims, by Blaquiere, notice of, 54.
Vindicated, notice of, 184.

Greek Revolution, by Leake, notice of, 143.

inscription, ancient, 249.

Greenock, horse-shoe found at, 218.

Guerra per li Principi Cristiani guerreggieta con-

tra i Saracini, notice of, 54.

Guide de l'Ornemaniste, notice of, 276.

Gunby (John), his patent, 207.

Gurney (Mr.), his steam boiler, 296.

Expedition, Capt. Parry's new, 505.

[blocks in formation]

Fish, Fossil, 258.


[blocks in formation]

Egyptian, 510.

transference of, from salt water to fresh, History of the Crusades, notice of The, 320.

Fishing vessels, account of, 38.

Flax, machine for, 20.

Florida, Agricultural Society of, 21.

Fluids, patent for evaporating, 71.

Fluorine and Chlorine, new compounds of, 465.

Fonthill, purchases at, 80, 169.

Abbey, 129.


against the Albigenses,

Holt (Gen.) his decease, 310.

Honor O'lfara, a Novel, noticed, 497.
Hondelser Paa en Reise, notice of, 146.
Hooper, monument to Bishop, 483.
Hop plants, 471.

Hops, duty on, 483.


Hours at Home, Mrs. Wilson's, notice of, 142.
Huchinson, (C. H.) memoir of, 517.
Hull (John Forster), notice of, 388.
Humboldt's Narrative, notice of, 184.
Hyde Abbey School, meeting of, 307.
Hydrocianic Acid, 373.

Hydrophobia, remedy for, 419.


Iglesias (Don P.), memoir of, 41.

Ifracombe, new mail packet from, 127.

Illuminating MSS. new modern practice of, 470.
Imperial state carriage, 9.

Improvements in Westminster, 164-London, 213.
Manchester, 307.

Incidents, London, 38, 76, 124, 164, 213, 256, 304,
344.392, 432, 480, 520.

Incledon (C.), memoir of, 211.

India, Political History of, noticed, 320.
Indian method of twisting iron, 200.

Infantry movements, the Theory of, 52*.

Infirmary, Stamford, 348.

Influence of sugar in precipitation of iron, 374.
Innocents, The, notice of, 28.

Inquisition of Spain, notice of, 452.
Insects, powers of defence of, 113.

Institution, Western Literary and Scientific, pro-
ceedings in, 11, 197, 370.

Bath, 13, 47, 308-lecture at, 80, 244-

Mechanics', 260.

National Benevolent, 39.
Exeter Mechanics', 44, 483.

Taunton, 47.

new, in London, 75.

Carlisle Mechanics', 78.

new, at Dover, 78.

Royal, lectures at, 113, 197, 284, 328.
Colchester, 127.

Honiton, 78.

British, 107.

at Tunbridge, 128.

at Lewes, 129-proceedings at, 168.

Ipswich Mechanics' 168, 217, 260, 309,

349, 437, 485, 524.

French, 247, 422.

Plymouth, 258.

Liverpool Royal, 318.

at Hull, 525.

A Word to Members of Mechanics'

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Liverpool, battery at, 216.
Livy, 'books of, found, 467,
Locusts, specimen of, 505.

London Bridge, state of the new, 433.
consumption, 481.

Longevity in France, 115.

in Russia, 205.

Lorenz Stark, notice of, 321.
Loss of memory, 111.

Louvre, antiques of the, 289.

Love's Victory, or the School for Vice, notice

of, 54.

Lunar Iris, 62.

Eclipse, 526.


Macclesfield, state of, 215, 306.

trade in, 483.

Mackenzie, translation of his works, 65.
Macnamara (Admiral), memoir of, 123.
Machine for canal digging, 510.

Magnetic needle, 290.

Magnetism, 467.

Magrath, of Dublin (Mr.), his patent, 473.

Maii (M.), his discoveries, 115.

Manceau, patent to Mademoiselle, 425.
Manuscript, discovery of Queen Elizabeth's, 15.
of St. Augustine, 469.

Marly, water-works at, 378.
Marriages and Deaths. See Incidents.
Martyr, The, a drama, notice of, 230.
Mathematics applied to the arts, 447.
Matthews (G. E.), memoir of. 123.
Mattocks (Mrs.) memoir of, 430.
Maudsley and Field, their patent, 119.
Mechanical powers, improvement of. 24.
Medals, Royal Society's present of, 61.
Medical Jurisprudence, Dr. Gordon Smith's, 15.

School at Manchester, 259.
Meetings at Norwich, 46-Newport, 47-Glaston
bury, ib.-Exeter, 78-Thaxted, ib.-Preston,
79-Lincoln, ib.-Diss, ib.-Nottingham, ib.-
Ipswich, 80-Birmingham, ib.-Leeds, 81-
Berks, 126-Bucks, ib.-Cheshire, ib.-Derby,

127-Leicester, 128-Newcastle, 129-Taunton,
ib.-Suffolk, 129-Leeds, ib.-Abingdon, 166-
Camelford, ih-Carlisle, ib.-Plymouth, 166–
Durham, ib.-Kent, 167-Manchester, Chamber
of Commerce, ib.-Leicester, ib.-Holyhead
Road. 168- Belfast, 171- Birmingham, 217 —
Manchester, 218-Aberdeen, 218-Dublin, 218,
261-in London, for relief of manufacturers,
256,346-Devon, 258 Cranbourne Chase, ib.
-Romsey, 259-Wallingford, 346- Aylesbury,
306-Dorset Agricultural, 347-Southampton
Bible Society, 347-Ross Horticultural, ib.-
Maidstone Agricultural,348-Lancaster Banking,
ib.-Leicester Bible, ib.-Dean Forest, ib.-
Calne, 349-Ship owners of London, 304-Yeo-
vill, 306-Hampshire Agricultural, 396-Bridg-
water, 397-East Bergholt, ib.-Bangor, 398-
General Assembly, ib.-of Weavers, 481-Bed-
ford. 482-Aylesbury Florist, 482-Bristol, 483-
Andover, ib.-Lincolnshire, ib.-Ross Agricul
tural, 484-Norwich and Lowestoff Canal, ib.-
Northampton Infirmary, ib.-Pyle, 486-Edin.
burgh School of Arts, ib.-Cork, ib.-General
Agricultural, 520.-Southwark on Corn Laws,
ib.-of Demarara Proprietors, ib.-of Common
Hall, ib.-at Plymouth, 522-Durham, 523-
Essex, ib.-Andover, ib.-Huntingdon, ib.-
Brecon, 525-Nairn, ib.
Members of new Parliament, list of, 344.
Memoirs, Biographical.

See Biographical Me-

sur les Lois des Naissances a Bruxells,
notice of, 100.

of Casanova, noticed, 275.

Memorandum, curious one, 523.
Menai Ferry, 130.

Merchant Company, meeting of, 169.
Mercy (Mr.), his patent, 208.

Meridians, new, necessary, 155.

Mercury, depression of, in thermometers, 462.
Messina, work on Straits of, 66.
Meteor near Dumfries, 197,

in India, 512.

Meteorological Report. See Report.
Mexico, panorama of, 152.

Milan, publications at, 67.

Mildew in wheat, to prevent, 69.

Milner (Dr.), memoir of, 301.

Mine, silver, in Coquimbo, 424.

Mines, iron, in France, 467.

Minstrel's Tale, The, notice of, 405.

Naval Sketch Book, notice of, 94.

force of the United States, 380.

Navigation, Mr. Robertson's invention for, 298.
Netherlands, prizes offered by Institutions of, 423.
New Courts at Westminster, 327.
Newgate, state of, 124.

[ocr errors]

Newspaper, new one at Dover, 478.
Night before the Bridal, notice of, 18.
North American expedition, 62.
Northern expedition, 111.
Norwich, distresses at, 259.

exhibition of pictures, 348.
Museum, additions to, 396.
Note Bill, the Small, 464.

Notes and Reflections during a Ramble in Ger-
many, notice of, 496.

Noticia sobre la Jeografia Politica de Columbia,

Nottingham, phenomenon at, 259.
Novel manufacture, 513.
Numismatics, Essay on, 423.

[blocks in formation]

Miriam, a Tale, notice of, 274.

Modern Traveller, The, noticed, 54.

Mogul Empire, Bermer on, notice of, 358.

Monodramic exhibitions, 191.

Monomanie Homicide, notice of, 275.

Montagnards, Les, notice of, 234.


Packets, new, at Liverpool, 79.

Pageants and Mysteries, notice of, 273.

Palmer (Mr.), his patent, 384.

Montgomery, inhabitants' present to Mr. Lloyd, Panama, canal at, 159.


Monument at Bath to Col. Nooth, 168.

at Edinburgh, 437.

at Gloucester, 45.

Moose deer, head found, 374.

Moral Statistics of the Highlands, notice of, 496.
Morecomb Bay, enclosure of, proposed, 396.
Morphia Meconiate of, mode of obtaining, 63.
Mortality in Newcastle-on-Tyne, 167.

of the months, 374.

Munro, death of John, a singular character, 81.
Murray (Lindley), decease of, 161.

Museum, the British, new buildings of, 480.

Music, 57, 105, 149. 192, 240, 278, 325, 368, 502.
Musical publications, 188.

infant sisters, 106.

Mustard-tree of the Scriptures, 382.

My Thought Book, notice of, 52.


Panorama of Madrid, new, 410.
Pantcha Tantra, notice of, 322.
Paper and bread, 433.

Papiergeld durch Getraidevorrathe Verburg, &c.
notice of, 100.

Parkes (S. Esq.), memoir of, 478.

Parini, Quatuor Poemata, notice of, 55.

Parkins (T.), his patent, 160.

Parisian gaming houses, revenue of, 66.

Parliamentary History and Review, notice of,

Parodies on Popular Songs, 409.

Paragreles, experiment of, 467.

Parr (Dr.), his bequest, 129.

Parry (Captain), freedom of Lynn voted to, 167.
new Expedition, 505.

Passatempi Morali, notice of, 229.

Patents, New, 24, 71, 119, 160, 208, 250, 298, 338.
383, 425, 473. 513,

two French, for a new stucco, 72.

Pauperism in the Netherlands, 67.

Napoleon, Maitland's Narrative respecting, notice Payen (M.), his patent, 120.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

353, 401, 441, 489.

Primer, notice of, 322.

Pompeii, excavations at, 116.

Poor, mode adopted respecting, at Horwood, 167.
Irish, 526.

Population of Venice, 159-French colonies, 201-
America, 205, 380-Netherlands, 334-Russia,

Portugal and Brazil, population of, 21.
Portumna, fire at, 82.

Potatoes, to preserve, 337-for swiae, 382-small,
383, 471.

Prelates, resolution respecting, 48.
Price (D. L. Esq.), memoir of, 123.
Printing, early, at St. Albans, 523.
Producteur, Le, notice of, 410

Promotions, Preferments, Appointments, 39, 76,
125, 165, 214, 257, 305, 344, 393, 433, 481, 521.
Prophetess, The, noticed, 449.

Prospect, The, and other Poems, 187.

Prospetto della Storie Literaria di Sicilia, notice
of, 99.

Provincial Occurrences, 44, 77, 126, 166, 215, 258,
306, 346, 394, 434, 482, 522.

Prus (Dr.), his new doctrine, 203.
Psittacidæ, 12.

Publications, English, 25, 51, 93, 141, 181, 229,
269, 317, 357, 405, 415, 493.

Foreign, 30, 54, 99, 146, 188, 234, 275,
321,363, 410.

Pyrites, 111.

Pyrophorus, explosion of, 375.

[blocks in formation]

Rifleman's Comrade, The Young, 497.
Riot at Norwich, 128.

River navigations, 120.

Road, new, at Abergavenny, 46-Sherborne, 258-
Carlisle, 435-Croydon, 524.

Roads, report of mail, 218-Bromley-lane-end,

Wellington, 347-Wiveliscombe, 349.
Launceston and Falmouth, 482.

Rock, Great Skillig, 218.

Rockets, new French, 510.

Romanzoff (Count), memoirs of, 122.
Roman Tablets, notice of, 495.

Rome, jubilee at, 116-arts at, 335, 380.
discoveries in, 204.

church of St. Paul, at. 292.

Rose (Mr. G. E.), memoir of, 163.

Rural Economy, 22, 69, 118, 206, 294, 336, 381,
425, 470.

Russia, periodicals in, 20.

Russian literature, 68.

theatre, 292.

discovery ships, 512.

Rutland (Duchess of), memoir of, 73 -maus0-
leum of, 217-tablet to, 308.

Ryan's Poems, notice of, 28.

[blocks in formation]

Six Months in the West Indies, notice of, 143.
Sketches of Portuguese Life, noticed, 271.
Slave ship in Cornwall, 77.

Suakes, remedy for the bite of, 336.
Society of Physicians, 14.


Literature, proceedings in, 15, 60, 109, 390.
Colchester Philosophical, 16, 166, 347, 395,
435, 483.
Royal, proceedings of, 59, 154, 197, 244,
Linnean, ditto, 61, 110, 156, 285, 370.
Horticultural, 65-Northumberland Hor-
cultural, 129-Hereford, 396-Durham, 436.
of Ancient Literature, at Copenhagen, 67.
Bedford Horticultural, 77.
Hull Literary, 81.
Geological, 113, 419.
Newcastle, 129.
Leeds, 130, 169, 309.
Asiatic, Royal, 155, 329, 370.
Ipswich Philological, 168.
Scottish Antiquaries, 170.

Society of British Artists, 194.
Astronomical, 197, 370, 461.
French Philotectinic, 202.
Aylesbury Auxiliary Slave, 215.
London, of Arts, 215.


Northern, 218, 464.

Zoological, 245.

Asiatic, of Paris, 248, 290.

Horticultural, Buckingham, 258-York,

Aylesbury Anti-Slavery, 258.
Cambrian, 261.

Yorkshire Philosophical, 525.
of Antiquaries, 328.

Medico-Botanical, 329, 462, 503.
Plymouth Branch, 347.
of Arts, 284, 503.

of Civil Engineers, 285.
Royale des Bonnes Lettres, 290.
Agricultural, of Moscow, 292.
Chelmsford and Essex Florist, 307.
Edinburgh Royal, 370.

Cambridge Horticultural, 394.
Dresden, 423.
Manchester, 435.
Northampton, 436.

University Life Assurance, 436.
Elgin and Morayshire, 438.
Central, of Agriculture, 467.
New York, 469.
Medical, 502.

Somers, Earl, his patriotie conduct, 523.

Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern, noticed,


[blocks in formation]

Spartacus, coin of, found, 159.

Speeches, the King's, 265, 489.

Spitalfields Mechanics' Institutions, state of, 165.

Stadium, The, 375.

Stafford, population of, 436.

Stage Coaches, Act respecting, 392.

Statistics in Cassel Almanack, 117.

of the two Americas, 293.

Steam-gun experiments, 13.

M'Curdy's patent for generating, 72, 250.
navigation, inventor of, 503.
boat Company in Wales, 486.

Stenography, Hinton's, notice of, 363.
Stocking manufacturers, distresses of, 436.
St. Michael's Mount, tradition of, 77.

Stocks, Prices of, 34, 87, 134, 175, 223, 263, 311,
351, 400, 439, 488, 527.

Stone, method of curing, 290.

Storia della Sardegna, notice of, 188.

Story of Isabel, notice of, 272.

Strata of Sussex, 525.

Subaltern, notice of The, 27.

Suffolk poor-rates, 309, 349.

Suicides, account of, 164.

Sulphur, fluidity of, 373.

Sun's light, effect of, 287.

Surgery at Delft, 248-extraordinary case of, 288.
Surgeons, abuses in College of, 110, new regula-
tions, 503.

Surveying at Labrador, 65.

signals, 421.

of Ireland, 525.

Suspirium Sanatorum, notice of, 25.

Switzerland, journals in, 158.

Sybils' Leaves, notice of, 232.

Symmons, (C., D. D.), memoir of, 431.

Sympathetic ink, 420.

Syrian cheat, 119.

Synonymes of the Spanish Language, notice of,


Tabor, (J. A.) his patent, 513.
Tales in Verse, notice of, 181.

Tamworth, History of the Borough of, 407.
Taylor's Poetical Remains, notice of, 51.

Tea plants, 118.

Telescopes, Mr. Ramage's, 198-Mr. Tully's, 288.
Temps Present, Le, notice of, 322.

Tewkesbury, vault found at, 307.

[blocks in formation]

Adelphi, 104.

Haymarket, 238, 278, 367, 411, 455.
English Opera, 365, 411, 455.
Minor, 413.

new mode of lighting, 467.

Thermometer, general account for 1825, 86.
new divisions of the, 371.

Thorine not a distinct earth, 62.

Thorvaldsen, his appointment at Rome, 423.
Thoughts on Domestic Education, notice of, 497.
Toad found in a colliery, 80.

Tompion the mechanist, chef d'œuvre of, 288.
Trade, state of, 432-families in Derbyshire en-
gaged in, 435

Traditions and Recollections, by Polwhele, notice
of, 98.

Travels in Chili and La Plata, notice of, 361.
- Cyrenaica, 375.

Treharwith Sand road, 434.

Trinity Board, notice of, 259.

College, Dublin, examinations at, 261.
Trowbridge, riots at, 260.

Truffles, to rear, 423.

Tunbridge Wells, water brought to, 167.
Tunnel, Thames', the, 257.

Turner (Major-gen.), memoir of, 478.
Turnips, to preserve from frost, 70, 472.
Turnpike Act, metropolitan, 520.
Tusculum, 19-excavations at, 159.
Twelve Nations, Contest of the, 187.

[blocks in formation]

Vaccine Institution, London, 213.
Valuable discovery, 337.

Variations in the composition of the atmosphere,

Varieties, Great Britain, 10, 59, 100, 154, 197, 244,
284, 328, 370, 419, 461, 504.

Foreign, 17, 65, 113, 157, 201, 247, 289,
333, 375, 422, 466, 507.

of Literature, Brady's, notice of, 25.
Vase presented to W. Borth, Esq. 79-to Mr.
Ellis, 216.

Vaud, deaf and dumb in the canton of, 469.
Vavasour (Sir T.), memoir of, 255.

Venice, Decline of, 380.

Verulam, no longer St. Alban's, 307.

Vessels, Perkins's patent for moving, 23.

[blocks in formation]

Wages of labourers, returns of, 75.
Wall-fruit, to ripen, 425.

Wallingford and Henley, improvements near, 522.
Water, hot, effect of, on flowers, 71.
Watts (Mrs.), memoir of, 388.

Theatre, Drury Lane, 6, 55, 101, 147, 189, 235, 277, Weber (Von), his MS. 287.

323, 365, 411, 453, 499.

memoir of, 301.

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