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ture. For as the office, fo adoration refpecting the office, doth not take away the difference of natures, that is,doth not confound or equall the natures,or the properties of the natures. So we crave of God, that he would intercede for us, which he doth accor ding to both natures, because Interceffion is the office of the whole perfon: which parts in this office he performes one way according to his Deity, another according to his humanity, and fo of the reft.

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How Christ doth bring his people into Covenant,
or fellowship with himfelfe.

Hrift being appointed of the Father the King and Head of his Church, and after a moft excellent manner thereunto annointed and advanced of the Father, and having fubjects given unto him, it cannot be but he must have his Kingdome and fubjects. He is a King as in perfonall right, fo in act: He hath his Kingdome and territories wherein he exercifeth his regall power. He is a King as to punish enemies, fo to feed and governe his people, which are given unto him to be made obedient unto his Scepter.

The way whereby Chrift enters upon his kingdome,is ever by Conqueft. For though the foules of the Elect are his, given by free donation, purchafed with a great price, yet his enemies have the firft poffeffion, which must be calt out by ftrong hand; and his people themselves by nature rebellious, unwife, difobedient, untill they be fubdued and brought into fubjection. High imaginati ons must be abated, and proud rebellious lufts battered and beaten downe, before Chrift come to rule and reigne in the foule. The converfion of the nations to the faith of Chrift is made by an holy warre, deftruction, and defolation; wherein the King of kings fighteth againft, fubdueth, and bringeth under the difobedient, which formerly did rife up against him. But this wafting or defolation is not the loffe of temporall life, or fpoiling of corporall

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goods, or any outward defolation which is feen with the eyes, or heard with the eares; but a moft happy defolation, whereby pride and haughtinefie of minde is deprefied, and the minde lifted up to things above; the power of the fleth is quelled, and the Spirit doth gather ftrength; the edge of vices is dulled, and all kinde of vertue doth bud and bloffome: and where the flesh did rule, the Spirit doth rule.

But what then,doth Chrift compell men to fubject themselves unto him? In no fort, but of unwilling he makes them willing, totally or throughly willing. The people of Chrift are free and voluntary, who offer themselves willingly unto the Lord, and a Chro 30.8, yeeld themselves unto his fervice. Therefore they are faid to come unto Chrift, to runne unto him, to ferve him with a perfc& heart, and a willing minde.

Exod. 35.21.


Ifai.5 5.5.

1 Chron.18.9.

Tim. 1.9.



Ifai.6 5.1,2.


Afit. pr.27.


Joh. 17.9,20. Joh.10.28. and 17.2.

Men are gathered into the Kingdome of Chrift by effectuall holy vocation, whereby Chrift doth not only invite them by his Word to repent and beleeve,but by his Spirit doth affuredly bring them unto himself, or unto the participation of the Covenant of mercy. Vocation according to the purpose of God is free, not depending upon any precedent condition on our part required, or whereby we are fitted or prepared to receive-grace offered, nor upon the good ufe of any naturall gift vouch fafed. Juftification is of grace by faith in Christ, and so is Salvation: but Vocation is of free grace without any condition at all. It is not of him that Willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy, who of his rich mercy quickneth them that are dead in finne, and faith, Behold me, to them that inquire not after him; and hideth the great things of the Gofpell from the wife and prudent, but revealeth them unto babes, according to that good pleasure of his will. Thus Abraham was called, when he ferved other gods: and Paul, when he breathéd out threatnings against the Saints: and Matthew, when he fate at the receipt of custome.

The perfons called into fellowship with Chrift, are all and only they that are given unto him of the Father. To these Chrift revealeth the Father; thefe open unto Chrift, and he commeth unto them for them he hath laid downe his life; they hall heare his voyce; for them he hath prayed that they might beleeve through the Word, and unto them he will give etermall life.


A&t.2.3 9. Tois eis μanegr2idem eft τοῖς μας qued Tois ce xegv. Conftat exim præpofitionem eis ejusmodi adverblis adjunétam fæpè vacare, talia junt dis ad was exspa, a

The SubjeЯs called in the Kingdome of grace, or under the new Covenant, are Jewes and Gentiles, both neere and farre off, but fpecially the Gentiles, when the Jewes were broken off Matt.8.11,12, for a time. Many shall come from the East and Weft, and shall fit I down with Abraham, and 'Ifaac, and Jacob in the Kingdome of Heaven, and the children of the Kingdome shall be caft out into utter darkneffe. The promife is made to you, and to your children, and to all that are afarre off, even as many as the Lord your God fball call. To all that are afarre off, that is, to the Gentiles, at that time removed from the Covenant, but in time to be brought back, or gathered to Chrifts fold. The time of ignorance Godregarded not, or was highly difpleafed with, but now he admonisheth all men every that this SalWhere to repent. Be it knowne therefore unto you, that this Salvation of God is fent to the Gentiles. Christ therefore is faid to be, fubitò, e the light of the Gentiles, that he fhould be the Salvation unto the end of the world. In this fenfe is that of the Apostle to be underftood, who will that all men shall be faved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth: for there is one God, and one Mediateur betwixt God and man, the man Christ Jefus. Thon haft redeemed us to God by thy blond, out of every kinred, and tongue, and people,

and nation.

The terme or point from which they are called, is Satan,finne, and the world; Satan as a Tyrant holds men captive at his will, untill Chrift that is ftronger then he, binde him, and caft him out. Satan holds them captive through ignorance; having put out their eyes of understanding, and through their inordinate affections, and lufts, whereby they are drawn afide: whileft we are under the Law,fin hath dominion over us, that we obey it in the lufts, and give up our members as weapons of unrighteoufneffe to. commit wickedneffe.

The fubject or matter of Vocation, are men naturall, worldly, animal, carnall finners, ftrangers from the life of God, dead in fins, and therefore unworthy to be called, and not only unable to make anfwer, but wilfull and rebellious to refift and refuse the call and invitation of the Gospell; Men walking in the vanity. of their minde, having their cogitations darkened, ferving dumbe idols.

aver cras adhuc, cis am,femel. Act.17.30.

and 28.38.
and 13.46,47.
Rev. 5.9.

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2 pct.1.4.

and 5:14.

■ Pet. 2.10.


Eph. 4. 17,18.

If it be faid, the Scripture mentioneth fome that were worthy of their calling or of peace that was offered. That is not to be Mat. 10,11,12,

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under 13.


understood of any worthineffe of gracious acceptation that can be in a naturall man, upon the good ufe of naturall abilities and endowments, but of a further measure of light, which the Lord imparteth to them that are in part enlightened already. He fpeaketh of the Jewes, amongst whom many were godly, but to whom greater light was to be granted, the Meffiah being exhibited. He fpeakes not of the difference betwixt these to be called, and others not to be called effectually, but of the difference between fome called already, and fuch as were of the number of them that were not called. The godly will not deny himself to be a loft fheep, as he had need to be converted more and more. If then the fubject of Vocation be man a finner, captive, dead in Ephef.2.1,3, trefpaffes, then the bound or terme from which he is called is the ftate of life animal, and of finne and mifery, because of finne, fcil. from guilt and condemnation, from the power and fervitude of finne. The terme unto which he is called is God, or Christ, righteoufneffe, and Salvation, or eternall life. God the Father in his Sonne is both the author and the terme of Vocation; he of his rich grace and mercy in Jefus Chrift calleth us to come unto himCor.1.17,18. felf, from whom we had strayed and departed. Chrift alfo is the aCor.5.18,19, author of Vocation, and the terme whereunto the called do come.

1 Pct.2.9.


2 Pet. 2.10. Rom.6,17,18,

2 Tim. 1.9.

1 Cor. 1.9.


Eph. 1.3.4. Joh. 1.14,16. 1 Thef.2.12.

They are called unto the state of grace and fupernaturall good,and all fpirituall bleflings in this life, communion with Chrift in whom is the fulneffe of grace and truth, and the state of glory Rom.8,28,29, and confummate fruition of God.



Vocation is partly externall, partly internall. Externail, by the Miniftery of the Word, ordinarily propounded by men, extraordinarily propounded immediately of God to the minde and will without the help of man. God doth fometimes use the miniftery of private perfons to bring men unto faith and repentance, and he is pleased to bleffe the word of Exhortation or admonition fpoken by them: but ordinarily he maketh use of his messenMat.18.19, 10, gers and fervants to that purpose. Therefore our Saviour fent forth his Difciples to preach unto all nations: and the Minifters are called Gods Fellow-helpers or Labourers, Planters,Waterers, Ministers by whom the Church beleeveth. I deny not but in fome cafes men may be converted by reading, or ftudying the Scriptures, feeing it is the matter and not the manner which doth convert: and it cannot be fhewed that God will not work

1 Cor.3.5,

2 Cor. 6.1.
a Cor.3.3,6.
1.Cor. 3.5.



by reading, when the preaching of the Word is not neglected. The knowledge of arts and tongues may be acquired by good. books, but molt ordinary by inftruction by lively voice: and beft, when both are exercifed with diligence and care: and fo by the reading of the Scriptures a man may obtaine faith, but most commonly it commeth by the hearing of faith, though they profit most that joyn both together.

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and 2.16.
and 16.25.
2 Cor.5.18,20.
Tim. 1.9.


I Cor. 2.23,24. 2 Thef. 2.13,14

The inftrument of Vocation is the Word of God, or the Gofpell of Jefus Chrift: I meane,the whole doctrine of the Covel `2 Thef.2.1 3. nant, and not fimply the promifes of forgiveneffe and eternall life in Jefus Chrift; which is called the hearing of faith, and Heb.2.1. the word of faith, and the preaching of faith, the Gofpell of Rom.10.17. Chrift, the preaching of Jefus Chrift, the word of reconciliation. Ifai.s3. Gal 1.22. So life and immortality is brought unto light through the GoRom. 15.19. fpell and the Apoftles where-ever they came preached Jesus, who unto them that are called both Jewes and Gentiles, is the power and wisdome of God. Gad from the beginning (faith the Apostle to the Theffalonians) bath chofen you to Salvation, through fanctification of the Spirit, and the faith of truth, whereunto he called you by our Gofpell, to obtaine the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. If the fight of mifery be neceffary to effectuall calling, that is manifefted by the Gofpell: for it teacheth, that without faith it is impoffible to please God; And if man ftand in need of a Saviour,he is loft in himfelfe; fo the preferibing of the remedy doth discover the malady. Without hope of pardon there is no true turning unto God: but the Gofpell propoundeth mercy to them that humble their foules and confeife their finnes. If men may be perfwaded and drawn to come unto Christ, allured and inticed by faire and fweet promifes, then the Gofpell is the fole inftrument of converfion: but converfion is a faire or flattering perfwalion, if Hof.2.14. I may fo call it. Terrours drive no man unto God of themselves, Eph. 2.170 but rather from him, unleffe he be pleafed to work by them: and gentle perfwafions may prevaile, if God vouchsafe to put in with them.

God doth freely give his Word to whom he pleafe, as long as he please, and in what manner it feemeth beft unto him in his infinite wifdome. He gave his Law unto Jacob, his Statutes and Judgements unto Ifrael, he hath not dealt fo with every Nation. Thei Pfal.147. times of ignorance God regarded not. Greater things were Aft. 17.30%)


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