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Department of Agriculture-Continued

Indemnity payments to certain dairy farmers.3
Rural housing grants.

Sugar Act program.
Atomic Energy Commission: Grants and fellowships.
Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration.
Department of Defense:

Army National Guard.
Air Force National Guard.
Civil defense.

Overseas eductional programs and activities.
Funds appropriated to the President: Office of Economic Opportunity.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare:
Office of the Commissioner:

Cooperative research.
Assistance to refugees in the United States.

Juvenile delinquency and youth offenses.
Office of Education:

Educational improvement for the handicapped.
Foreign language training and area studies.
Defense educational activities.
Cooperative research.
Elementary and secondary education.
Expansion of teaching in education of the mentally retarded,
Expansion of teaching in education for the deaf.
Educational television facilities.
Higher Education.
Libraries and community services.

Research and training.
Public Health Service:

Mental health activities.
Arthuitis and metabolic disease activities.
Allergy and infectious disease activities.
Neurology and blindness activities.
Chronic disease and health of the aged.
National Cancer Institute.
National Heart Institute.
National Institute of Dental Research.
National Library of Medicine.
Community health practice and research.
Cancer research facilities.
Hospital and medical facility research.
Injury control.
General research and services.
General research support grants.
Nursing services and research.
Water supply and water pollution control.
Air pollution control.
Vilk, food, interstate and community sanitation.
Occupational health.
Radiological health.
Accident prevention.

Hospital construction activities. 3 Agricultural Act of 1970 also indemnifies certain bookeepers found to have suffered losses because of Federal programs or activities.

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare-
Public Health Service Continued

Construction of health research facilities.
Dental services and resources.
Communicable disease activities.
Child health and human development.
Environmental health services.

Urban and industrial health.
Welfare Administration:
Children's Bureau:

Services for crippled children.
Child welfare research and demonstr
Child welfare training grants.

Maternal and child health services.
Burcall of Family Services:

Assistance for repatriated U.S. natio

Aid for refugees in United States. Department of the Interior:

Commercial fisheries: Vanagement investig

and development of American fisheries.

Federal Water Pollution Control Administrat Department of Justice: Law enforcement assistan Department of Labor:

Manpower development and training activiti
Unemployment compensation for Federal

servicemen. National Foundation on the Arts and the Human National Science Foundation: Research grant

awards. Veterans' Administration:

Automobiles, etc., for disabled veterans.

Readjustment benefits and vocational rehabil It will be apparent from an examination of thes is some inevitable duplication. It is in many determine the incidence of these subsidy and su The school lunch, food stamp, ind commodity di: help the farmer by increasing food consumption beneficiary of these programs are schoolchildren an While the school milk program is beneficial to the d more valuable is it to the children who receive the class postage rates are far from covering the co magazines and newspapers within this class, but subsidy is shared among publishers, advertisers, su readers. The shipping and air transport industi from subsidy programs, but private and commerci:

The vast majority of the subsidy programs do, t] might be termed a multiplier effect with regard t





The subsidy and subsidylike programs included those of the Post Office Department, the provisi amortization of defense facilities, and aids to i Just as not all of the programs listed under agricul designed exclusively as subsidies to farmers, so no of the postal and other subsidies considered here i to businessmen. However, in general, these and t] ping and other transportation companies in the fol be considered as subsidies to business, in contrast subsidies to agriculture.


The difficulties in ascertaining what should and considered as a subsidy are well illustrated in th postal services which are carried on at a loss and the postal deficit. This deficit, over the 10-year 1959 through June 30, 1969 has amounted to over

The subsidy element in the postal deficit diffei from the direct subsidy payments already consid are made to individuals or private businesses to en or the performance of additional services. Inste history, the Post Office has carried various class formed many other services at a loss, based on a c appropriately attributable to each class of service. of the allocation of these costs to the various post undertaken by the Post Office Department since 1 tainment Division, using accounting and statistical measure (1) the revenue realized from each class (2) the incurred costs chargeable to each class of of its "use" of the facilities and personnel, and (3) the difference between revenues and such costs for This cost ascertainment system does not attempt to ice differences as the value of priority or defermei class of mail or service, relative values of the var public, and the relative values of the items handle

On the basis of the cost ascertainment calcul dollar loss has consistently been in second-class m primarily newspapers and periodicals. The rates conviction that the widespread distribution of new and other periodical literature is in the interes people and is stimulated by low postal rates. At lishers of newspapers and magazines, and perhap in them, benefit directly from these low rates and repeatedly opposed attempts to raise them. It r

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