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patroneffes, for the distieguifhed honour they had done me, in a fhort addrefs I had prepared for the purpose.

The weather was uncommonly warm, which made it the more extraordinary, to have a theatre crowded by beauties of the first diftinction. Her Grace of Bolton, in the honour of whofe patronage I have always exulted, regardless of the weather, filled her boxes, as if it had been the depth of winter. I was fo fortunate as to have my benefit over, the eve of the unhappy riots.

The young woman who had been recommended by my eldest fon to me for affiftance, had perfuaded me to join with her in a note of hand at fix months date, in order to discharge a debt she had contracted. This note had been fome time due, but I prevailed upon the holder to keep it till my benefit, when it was paid; as was likewife every fhilling of the emoluments I received from it. Though I could ill fpare the money to pay this note, in my prefent fituation, yet being in daily expectation of hearing from my fon, or at leaft of being reimburfed by the young woman herfelf, when the received the allowance he had appointed her before he went, I kept up my fpirits. And this I did the more readily, as his excel


dency Comte Haflang had promised to afft me till my affairs were fettled, by allowing me a fmall fum monthly. "The promifed ftipend was regularly paid me, for a fhort time after I removed into Duke-freet; but his lordship being attacked by a very fevere illness, I received a letter from him informing me, that the expences incidental to his indifpofition, put it out of his power to perform his promise at that time, but on a future day I fhould receive it. What made this difappointment the greater, was, my being laid up with a fit of the rheumatifm, which had confined me to my bed for fome weeks, and rendered me unable to get up but to have the bed made.

Whist I lay in this fituation, a perfon, whom I had known foamerly in a genteel line of bufinefs, but had not feen for years, called uponme. She came, as she faid, to request I would give my opinion upon the abilities of a young gentlewoman, whom the imagined had talents for the ftage, and wishing to appear in Juliet. I told her it was impoffible, in the fituation fhe then faw me, to comply with her request; but as foon as I was able to leave my room, I would fend her word, if fhe would favour me with her addrefs.

Having received this answer, fhe withdrew, defiring me to drink Madeira. Upon my frankly replying, that Madeira was a wine I could by no means afford, fhe begged I would permit her to fend me a few bottles, as the lady she wished to introduce to me had fome particularly good. I thanked her. She took her leave; and I thought no more of my vifitant or her wine, till I was informed that a boy had brought fome Madeira from Mrs. Stewart, with her compliments. He told the maid he would call for the basket the next day. Hearing this, I bid her inform me when the boy came, that I might fend a card of thanks, and reward him for his trouble.

Accordingly, the next evening I was told he was below. But behold, whilft I was giving the girl the gratification I intended for the boy, two fellows rufhed into the room, and acquainted me they had an action for a very confiderable fum against me; adding, that I must immediately get up and go with them. I requested to know the name of the creditor that had taken fuch a step. They informed me, and added, that the debt was for linen drapery. I affured them that I knew no fuch perfon, nor had I for years bought any article of that kind, but from Mr. Evans of Maryle-bone-ftreet.


It was in vain that I remonftrated; the debt, they faid was fworn to; and they had even the audacity to tell me, that if I had bail ready, they had particular orders not to take it.

I reprefented my condition, but they were inflexible. I was therefore obliged to make a virtue of neceffity, and yield to their authority. I then requested they would permit me to rife, without their being prefent. To this they at length complied, but not without enjoining me to be expeditious, as they were in hafte, and I must be fo too. No words can defcribe my feelings upon this occafion. To be expofed to fuch brutality, without having furnished any legal pretence for it, was fhocking beyond conception. My poor faithful girl was so terrified, that she greatly adden to my diftrefs; for though accustomed to misfortune, nothing of a fimilar kind to this had she as yet been witness to.

The fellows ridiculed her feelings; and having planted themselves at each door, during the time I was getting up, they there gave way to their mirth. In their converfation, they mentioned the name of the female that had vifited me the preceding day. In a moment the duplicity of the


woman ftruck me with all its force.

The intent

of her visit was now difclofed. The pretended Juliet, the prefent of Madeira, and the calling again for the basket, were all now plainly difcoverable to be only preparatory fteps to the op preffive scene that was acting. Confounded at fuch treachery, I could fcarcely believe my fenfes; especially as he was a Scotch woman, a country whole natives are in general bleffed with fincerity as well as honefty. Nor was it poffible to account for fuch an act of barbarity towards a perfon who had formerly fhewn her many civilities; towards one who never intentionally injured another, even in thought; and whole fituation would claim compaffion from any being, poffeffed of a spark of humanity.

As foon as I could get myself ready, I entered the coach with my honourable attendants, who escorted me to Armstrong's in Cary treet. The confidence of its being a falfe debt fupported me. But when I heard the name of the folicitor who had taken out the writ, I gueffed at the defign of it. Being indebted in a very large fum to Mr. Stacie at the Bedford Arms, which I was fecu rity for my fon, Captain Metham, before he went to Jaimaica, I had demanded of this at


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