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Resolutions of the Committee in reference to a Public Distribution.

advantage. Whatever be the period agreed on, it will conduce to the order and regularity of the proceedings if the days be positively fixed by a By-Law; so that the Collectors and subscribers may be previously acquainted with the time appointed, and make their arrangements accordingly.

4. The following, or similar Resolutions, should be adopted by the Committee of a Bible Association, at least six weeks previous to the time appointed for a public distribution :

1. That the next public distribution of Bibles and Testaments be held at the Boys' Free School, on the evening of Monday, the 15th of October; and that 4. B. Esq. be invited to preside on the occasion. 11. That a copy of the preceding resolution be transmitted to the Committee of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society; with a request,

that they will appoint a deputation, to engage and fit up the place of meeting, and conduct the business of the evening.

111. That the following Gentlemen he respectfully invited to take part in the proceedings of the public distribution; viz.

(Here follow the Names.)

IV. That the Collectors be requested to inform all the subscribers for Bibles and Testaments, in their respective districts, of the day appointed for the public distribution; and that no subscriber can be then supplied who shall not have completed his or her subscription on or before Monday, the 24th of September.

v. That the Collectors return their lists, properly filled (see Specimen subjoined), to the Bible Secretary, at the Committee-meeting, on the 1st of October.

VI. That the Minute Secretary be requested to order a sufficient number of hand-bills, announcing the public distribution; and to have them laid on the table, at the next meeting of the Committee, with a supply of "Free Contributors' Tickets."-See Specimen subjoined.

5. At the next meeting of the Committee, the Collectors' lists are delivered in; and the Bible Secretary fills up, and gives to each Collector, the proper number of public distribution tickets (see Specimen subjoined); which they subsequently sign, and deliver to the respective subscribers for whom they are intended. The Bible Secretary also makes out a list of all the subscribers to be supplied at the public distribution, with a specification of the kind of Bible or Testament which they are severally to receive; which list is placed before the chairman.

At the same meeting, the hand-bills are given to the Collectors, with a request that they will circulate them in their respective districts; and they also receive a ticket for every free contributor then on their books, which they subsequently deliver to the parties.

The other duties which devolve on the Secretaries and Collectors, in reference to the public distribution, have been already explained in Section I. of this Chapter.

Specimen of the COLLECTORS' LISTS.-PUBLIC Distribution Ticket.


The entries in Italics, in this and the following Specimens, are to be
considered as Manuscript.



The Collectors for the District No. 1 recommend the following persons to the Committee, to be supplied with Bibles and Testaments at the next distribution; viz.

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These Tickets are of the same size as the Specimen, and are stitched in books, containing about fifty each. The Bible Secretary inserts the No., which is placed against the subscriber's name in the Bible Book (see No. xVIII. First Specimen, Chap. VII. Section V.), by which any necessary reference is materially facilitated. When the Tickets are cut out, and delivered to the Collectors, the checks should be carefully preserved.

Specimens of the PUBLIC-DISTRIBUTION and Free-ContributoRS' TICKETS.

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This is of the same size as the specimen, and is printed on stout paper. One is given by the Collectors to every free contributor of a penny a-week and upwards, and confers a privilege which is highly and gratefully appreciated. As the hand-bills and placards give sufficient publicity to the time of meeting, it is omitted in this ticket; and a considerable saving of expense is thus effected, as one impression answers for several years.





At the Free School, Old Town without.


9. At a meeting convened for a public distribution, the chair should be taken precisely at the hour appointed, by the President, or some other officer of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society. The Bibles and Testaments are placed on a table before him; each description being separated, to prevent mistakes. The subscribers who are entitled to receive copies present their tickets at the doors, but retain them in their

Order of Proceeding at a Public Distribution.

own hands: they are then conducted to seats appropriated exclusively to them, either in front of the chair, or around the room, so as to admit of an uninterrupted approach to the table when they are called on to receive their copies. On a due attention to this part of the business much of the interest of these meetings depends. The free contributors deliver their tickets at the doors, and are conducted to their appointed seats; and the platform is occupied by those Gentlemen only who conduct the business.

The Secretaries of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society should always prepare an order of proceeding, and place a copy of it before the Chairman. The following is recommended for this purpose:

Order of PROCEEDING AT A PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION. 1. The Chairman ........

2. A. B.

3. C. D.

4. E. F.

5. G. H.

opens the business of the meeting; explains the object and design of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and of Bible Associations as connected with it; and details the recent proceedings of the Institution both abroad and at home.*

moves the Resolution No. 1

"That this meeting feels desirous of expressing its increasing attachment to the pure and single principle of the Bible Society; and its gratitude to Divine Providence, for the blessings which it has been the instrument of conferring on the nations of the earth."

seconds the Resolution No. 1.

The Chairman having put the question, moves the Resolution No. 2

"That this meeting entertains an earnest hope that the welfare and happiness of the labouring classes will be essentially promoted by the operations of the Bible Association established in this district."

seconds the Resolution No. 2.

The Chairman, having put the question, requests the subscribers who have received tickets to approach the table, in regular order, and to hand their tickets, successively, to one of the Secretaries of the Auxiliary Society, who announces the description of the Bible or Testament specified in the ticket :-the proper copy is handed by another Gentleman to the Chairman, by whom it is delivered to the subscriber, who immediately returns to his or her former seat. When the distribution has been completed,

If any officer or member of the Parent Society be present, the Chairman generally refers to him for this statement of the operations and results of the Institution.

Public Distributions are not an essential part of the System.

6. 1. K.

7. L.M.

8. The Chairman

moves the Resolution No. 3

"That this meeting acknowledges, with grateful respect, the obliging manner in which the Chairman has conducted the business."

seconds the Resolution No. 3, and puts the question.

acknowledges the Resolution, refers to the plates for receiving contributions, and dissolves the meeting.

10. It has already been observed, that the plan of " Public Distribution" does not constitute an essential or necessary part of the system of Bible Associations; nor is it expedient to introduce it where the mode of delivery described in Chap. VII. (Section V. No. vIII.) has been adopted. How far it may be applicable to country Associations, generally, is a subject on which the author does not presume to decide: but, while he acknowledges that he partakes of those fears which have been suggested by some judicious friends, he would respectfully submit, that the question is not whether this mode of distribution be altogether unexceptionable, but whether the benefits do not overbalance the disadvantages. On the one hand, it has been contended, that those meetings are inconsistent with the simplicity of the Society;-that they confer on it the character of ostentation or display ;—and that the tendency of Bible Associations to elevate the moral character of the poor, is counteracted by a proceeding which confirms the habits of pauperism. On the other, the results of experience and observation have been adduced; and, as it is by these that the Committees of Local Associations will judge and decide, the following testimonies are extracted from the Reports of those societies which are best qualified to pronounce an opinion on the subject:

Godalming, 1815.-"It is impossible to give an adequate description of these meetings: the sight of the Bibles before distribution is peculiarly interesting; and when they are transferred to the hands of the grateful poor, the sight, thus varied, becomes truly affecting. To these meetings the poor come from several miles distant.

Henley, 1816." We have been quite happy in witnessing the delight which the poor felt at our last public distribution of Bibles. Those who received Bibles spoke of it with gratitude; and others, who were spectators, with much interest; and, in consequence of it, voluntarily offered a free subscription."

Abingdon, 1818.-"Your Committee would record their conviction of the utility of public distributions. Within the last year, three of these interesting exhibitions have taken place; at which 622 Bibles and Testaments were put into the hands of the poor."

Daventry, 1818.-"It is impossible for your Committee to pass by in

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