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As if he had said, Do not deceive thyself, Nicodemus. is not of this world. Thou hast formed false ideas of it. kind can see it, and thou canst not enter into it thyself. ance and moral virtues, thy zeal for the religion of your fathers, and the exactness with which thou fulfillest thy exterior duties, have not yet prepared thee for the presence of God. If thou be not delivered out of the estate in which thou art at present, know that thy soul will always remain encompassed with darkness as thick as that which envelopes an infant who has not yet seen the light. Thou rejoicest in a life animal and earthly; but thou hast lost in Adam a life spiritual and Divine. Thou hast lost the life of God out of thy soul, and thou canst not recover it but by being born again. Without a spiritual birth it will be as impossible for thee to see God, and rejoice in the brightness of his face, as for an infant not yet born to discover the sun, and rejoice in his light.

This doctrine, altogether strange as it must appear to the natural man, could not be wholly unknown to a Jewish doctor. God had promised to the Israelites, by the mouth of his prophets, that "he would put a new spirit within them; that he would take away the heart of stone out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh; that he would circumcise," or change entirely, "their hearts; that they might love him with all A their soul, and with all their strength." David had demanded of God with torrents of tears, "that he would create in him a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within him." And Ezekiel had cried to all the ind people, "Put away from you all your iniquities, make you new hearts and and new spirits; for why will you die, O house of Israel?" We may ng believe that, after these promises, these prayers, these declarations, these menaces, expressed so clearly in the Old Testament, a sincere Jew must have some idea of that spiritual change which distinguishes the faithful from the children of this world. But as in the present day, among the people of God, there are some who conscientiously fulfil many moral duties, and walk with sincerity in the exterior ordinances of religion, without, at the same time, knowing by experience what the new birth is, so it was in the times of our Saviour. Nicodemus, notwithstanding all his virtue, his religion, his zeal, his sincerity, and his love for instruction, was not yet regenerated and consequently he augmented the number of those righteous persons, who think they have no need of deep repentance or spiritual renovation.







Being therefore struck with astonishment at hearing the words of Christ, and being yet so blind as to understand them in a gross and literal sense: "How can a man be born again?" cried he, "when he is old; can he enter a second time into his mother's womb, to be born?" "That which is born of the flesh is flesh," replied Jesus. In vain would you be born a second time of flesh and blood, which cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. You could not thereby be in a state to enter into that kingdom, for you could only carry out of your mother's womb a nature corrupt, sensual, and earthly. It is of a spiritual birth I speak; for only "that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." And as the kingdom of God is purely spiritual, I repeat to thee again, "Verily, verily, if a man be not born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into it." If the pure waters of grace, of which those of baptism are emblematic, do not render white as snow those sins which are red as scarlet; and if


the powerful operation of the Spirit of God do not renew all the faculties of his soul, causing him to be born again of incorruptible seed, by which he may recover the image of his Creator, and become thus a partaker of the Divine nature, he shall have no part in the inheritance of the saints in light; the entrance of that kingdom shall be shut against him for ever.

And, as if it were not sufficient to have twice declared regeneration absolutely necessary to salvation, and to have supported his second solemn declaration by the word (not to say the oath) verily, repeated also twice, the Son of God, seeing surprise painted upon the face of Nicodemus, and discovering by those eyes which sound the hearts and the reins, that he could not receive his doctrine, because he could not comprehend by what operation of the Spirit a soul could be regenerated; the Son of God, I say, prays him, as with tenderness, not to be astonished if he should say to all those who were present, as well as to him, "Ye must be born again." And fearing lest that which is mysterious in the renewing of the soul, should cause him to reject what he had said as absurd and impossible, with a patience and wisdom truly admirable, he strives to make him see the possibility of feeling the effects of the grace which regenerates, and at the same time the impossibility of describing exactly its operations.

How great brevity and force are united in the reasoning of our Saviour! "The wind," says he, "bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but thou canst not tell whence it cometh, nor whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit." As if he had said, You do not doubt but the wind is something real: meantime you can neither paint it nor describe it to a man who could neither feel nor hear it; much less could you say whence it ariseth, or whither it goeth. In like manner a sinner who is regenerated, into whose soul God has breathed the breath of spiritual life, knows that the clouds of his understanding are dissipated that God has called him out of darkness into his marvellous light, and that the Sun of righteousness has risen upon him. He discovers with transports of holy joy the happy revolution it has made within him. He sees that he has passed from death unto life; and he feels that he is the child of God, because he has "the Spirit of adoption, which cries in his heart, Abba, Father!" Because the consolations of the Lord, as a spiritual zephyr (if I may so express myself) refresh his soul; and because he was made partaker of a power which was before unknown to him, and of a felicity which "eye hath not seen, which ear hath not heard," and which has never elevated the heart of the man who is not regenerated. But although he feels these changes in himself, it is impossible for him to paint them, or describe how the Spirit of God has wrought them. No, he cannot make a man, whose eyes the Lord has not opened, see this kingdom of God which is established in his soul. He cannot make him taste these waters springing up into life eternal, this happiness unutterable, which inundates the heart of a believer. It is the pearl of great price, the concealed treasure, and the "new name which none knoweth but he who receiveth it." It is the word of life, the hidden manna, which each must see, which each must touch with his own hands, which each must taste with his own mouth. It is the "mystery of the faith preserved in a pure conscience." It is

the seed incorruptible, without which no man can be born of God, nor see the kingdom of heaven.

An answer so positive might have satisfied Nicodemus, but his incre dulity forced him to cry out, "How can these things be?" How true it is, that the natural man, though he should be just, sincere, temperate, and in some sort religious, "cannot comprehend the things of the Spirit of God!" How true it is, that "they are foolishness to him," and that he regards them always as things impossible, unless God reveals them to him as he does not to the world. Be not then surprised at their behaviour to whom we often announce the profound truths of Christianity. The virtuous Nicodemus himself cried out, "How can these things be?" The half Christians may also cry out, This is carrying things too far; this is yielding to enthusiasm; this is to lose ourselves in the clouds. The best way to stop the mouths of these unbelievers is to answer them as our Lord answered Nicodemus: "Art thou," said he, "a teacher in Israel, and knowest not these things? That which we know we declare, and that which we have seen we testify:" but, blinded by your false wisdom, "you receive not our testimony." If I have spoken to you of things material and terrestrial, of the properties of the wind which you feel, and which you hear blowing every day upon the earth, and ye believe not, being neither able to understand, or render a reason for it, how could you believe and comprehend my discourse if I should speak to you of spiritual and heavenly things; of the secret operations of regenerating grace, the particularities of that second birth, without which no man can see the Lord? It is thus that Jesus Christ confounds the ignorance and incredulity of this teacher in Israel, who knew not yet that which he should teach to others. Thus he gives him to understand, and us with him, that religion does not consist in speculative dissertations upon the doctrines which it proposes, but in an experimental knowledge of its mysteries, in an unshaken faith in the promises of God; in the joyful anticipation of that good which this faith procures for us, and in the living and powerful sentiments which lead instantly to the practice of all the duties of a new life. Reader, do you desire to profit by these instructions of the Son of God? If you believe that he who cannot lie or deceive, has declared that you must be born again in order to enter his kingdom, do not lose a moment in vain speculations. Fall upon your knees before him who can soften your heart, and cause the scales to fall from your eyes. Demand of him that he may enable you to see and feel the absolute necessity of regeneration, and that you may receive the grace to seek it with tears of sincere repentance. This is that which Nicodemus did. Notwithstanding the repugnance which he at first felt to receive the doctrine of regeneration, being convinced by the words of our Saviour, he at length devoted himself. He believed, and became a new creature; for the Gospel teaches us, that he who dared not come to Jesus but by night, and had spoken to him only to make objections, confessed him openly, (and by consequence his doctrine,) even when all his disciples had abandoned him. O let us be strengthened, that we may be as ready to imitate his faith, as the worldlings are to object with him, "How can these things be?"


What are we to understand by these expressions, "To be born again; to be regenerated?"


ALTHOUGH Our Saviour refused to answer an unprofitable question of the Jewish doctor, upon the manner of a soul being regenerated, it is nevertheless not impossible to explain what is the state of a soul that is born again, and in what regeneration doth consist. In general we may say, it is that great change by which a man passes from a state of nature to a state of grace. He was an animal man; in being born again he becomes a spiritual man. His natural birth had made him like to fallen Adam, to the old man, against whom God had pronounced the sentence of death, seeing it is the wages of sin. But his spiritual birth makes him like to Jesus Christ, to the new man, "which is created according to God in righteousness and true holiness." was born "a child of wrath," proud, sensual, and unbelieving; full of the love of the world, and of self love; a lover of money, and of earthly glory and pleasure, rather than a lover of God. But by regeneration he is become a " child, and an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ." The humility, the purity, the love of Jesus, is shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Spirit which is given to him, making him bear the image of the "second Adam." He is "in Christ a new creature: old things are passed away, and all things are become new." faculties and powers of his soul are renovated. His understanding, heretofore covered with darkness, is illuminated by the experimental knowledge which he has of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ. conscience, asleep and insensible, awakes and speaks with a fidelity irreproachable. His hard heart is softened and broken. His will, stub. born and perverse, is softened, yields, and becomes conformable to the will of God. His passions, unruly, earthly, and sensual, yield to the conduct of grace, and turn of themselves to objects invisible and heavenly; and the members of his body, servants more or less to iniquity, are now employed in the service of righteousness unto holiness. Hence his soul, his body, his spirit, run with equal rapidity into the straight path of obedience, and all that is within him cries out, "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of Jesus Christ my Saviour, by which I am crucified unto the world, and the world unto me. I know no man after the flesh. I live not, but Christ liveth in me, and the life I live is by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

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Such is the prodigious change which a living faith produces in the soul of a repentant sinner. Such is the change which the apostle calls "a new creation, a resurrection from the dead, a passing from death unto life, the power of God unto salvation unto every one that believeth, and by which he is raised with Christ, and walks in newness of life."

But to be more particular. We may reasonably suppose that when our Lord said to Nicodemus, "A man cannot see the kingdom of God without being born again," he meant to compare the spiritual birth of a child of God with the natural birth of a child of Adam: thus, to have just ideas of the first, it is needful to consider the second, and to rise from that which is visible and material, to that which is invisible and celestial.

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An infant which is not yet born, feels neither the air nor the fluids by which it exists. It understands not: the organs of sense are not in a condition to act. It discovers nothing; its eyes being closed to the light, and all sorts of objects. It is true, that when it approaches the birth, a principle of life is manifested, and some feeble movements begin to distinguish it from a mass of matter; but the objects which surround it are not the less unknown. Although it is in the world, it has no more idea of that which passes therein, than if the world did not exist; not only be. cause the senses are not yet unfolded, but because of the thick veil which surrounds and hinders its discovering the objects that are so near it. So it is with the man who is not regenerated. In God "he lives, and moves, and has his being.' But he is not sensible of his presence, nor of that Divine breathing which nourishes the spiritual life of those who are born again. The things of God, which present themselves continually to the minds of the children of God, make no impression upon him. God calls, but he understands not his voice. Christ offers himself to him as "the bread that cometh down from heaven," but he cannot "taste that the Lord is good." God would manifest himself to him, "as he does not unto the world," but the eyes of his understanding are covered with so thick a cloud that he cannot discover him. He is a "stranger and foreigner," as St. Paul declares; "he is alienated from the life of God by the ignorance that is in him;" an ignorance that makes him insensible of its existence. He may have some beginnings of spiritual life and motion before he is regenerated. He may feel good desires, and make efforts to turn to God; but his spiritual senses are not yet unfolded, and the veil of obscurity still covering his soul, he cannot see the Sun of righteousness, nor the day of life eternal; he is not yet born of God.

Let us continue the parallel. The birth of an infant is commonly accompanied by sorrows inexpressible. This blessing costs sighs, tears, and even piercing cries. "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," says God to Eve, after she had sinned; and this sentence is also more or less executed in a spiritual sense, upon all sinners who enter into life by regeneration. If Lydia felt the sorrows of repentance but for a moment before the Lord opened her heart; if three thousand persons were pricked to the heart during the preaching of St. Peter, and were immediately after regenerated, receiving remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Ghost; the Scripture teaches us that David, Hezekiah, Manasseh, and St. Paul, did not pass so soon or so easily from death unto life. But however the circumstances may differ, it is certain that the change which accompanies the new birth, is such that none can be insensible of it who have experienced it. A child is no sooner born, than he exists in a manner altogether different. He breathes; he feels the air that surrounds him; and by an alternate motion receives it in, and sends it forth continually. All his coporeal senses are affected by, and employed upon, their proper objects. His eyes are opened to the light, and hence he perceives an infinite variety of new things. His ears are struck with a thousand different sounds; and the faculty which he has of touching, tasting, and feeling, discovers to him every moment something of those material things that are under the sun. Regeneration causes an equal revolution in the soul of a sinner. He is no sooner born of God, than

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