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companion, than the avowed wanton, who excites a short-lived passion, soon extinguished by remorse, and, if I may be allowed the expression, fully compensated for by the returning tenderness of the repenting husband.

I am, &c.

To the AUTHOR of the MIRROR.


E. B.

I MARRIED, for love, a most charming woman, who has made me the happy father of two very fine children I have a thousand a-year estate, and enjoy a most perfect state of health; yet a very slight and contemptible cause was near destroying all those fair prospects of happiness, by interrupting the harmony of a union founded on mutual liking, and cemented by mutual esteem. In your observations on the female world, you have suffered to escape your notice a dangerous and most destructive race, whose hearts, hardened by vanity, are equally impenetrable to the shafts of love, and insensible of the charms of friendship; yet the business of their lives is to excite passions they never mean to gratify, and sentiments they are incapable of returning. My dear Mrs. B., unfortunately for us both, some months ago renewed an intimacy, formed in her childish days, with one of those females. To Maria I was introduced as the husband of her friend; as such I was received by her, without reserve, and soon treated with the most flattering distinction. Maria possesses all those powers of allurement which men for ever condemn, and can never withstand: she can assume every shape that is fitted to captivate the senses, or delight the


imagination, and can vary her appearance sure. So consummate is her art, that on not, for an instant, suspect her of any desig behaviour; and even at this moment, that cident has laid open her whole character to should not answer for my resolution were enter the room, and smilingly take my ha was her frequent custom, with such a mix sweetness and tenderness in her looks!-I fear I should be weak enough to forget t opinion of her is founded on the clearest pr her dissembling arts, and stand before her se demned, as the defamer of innocence and und ing simplicity.

Luckily I am out of her reach: I left my house immediately upon the discovery I made fair hypocrite's real disposition. I mean to for my dear Mrs. B. and with her pay a visit t capital, and there use all my efforts to mal amends for any uneasiness my foolish infatu may have given her; but first I wished to mak public acknowledgement of it; and, as Mari serves no mercy, I shall shew her none, e concealing her family name.

For five months, Mr. MIRROR, the Proteus animal had found out a thousand different way charm me. Was I in spirits, she was all life good humour; when in a graver mood, I f her all sense and seriousness.

reading excited in me a tender and not unplea melancholy, the sympathetic tear stood ready her eye. A few days since, upon my reading her the story of La Roche, so beautifully told your papers, she wept leaning upon my should and I own to you, Mr. MIRROR, as her tears upon the finest bosom Nature ever formed, w her white hand lightly pressed upon my arm.


thought I had never beheld so interesting an object. Mrs. B. came suddenly into the room; her grave cold manner was at the moment disagreeably contrasted to Maria's animated feelings. For the first time since our marriage, I thought I saw a change in Mrs. B.'s temper, and that she was not the very amiable woman I took her for. She took amiss something I said, and I left the room in disgust. strolled down a shady walk that goes round part of my improvements: at the end of it I found Maria seated on the grass, with one of my little girls on her lap. She rose at my approach, and, desiring the child to walk before us, took me under the arm, and, in the gentlest terms, expostulated with me on the abruptness of my manner. She had, she said, after a vain attempt to soothe her, left Mrs. B. in tears. She acknowledged I had not given her very serious cause of uneasiness, but that a man of my sense should make allowance for the trifling blemishes of a very good woman; adding, with a smile, My dear Mr. B. we are none of us angels.? -I was puppy enough to be ready to exclaim, Upon my soul, you are one.'-I contented myself with saying, Whoever you marry, Maria, will have no reason to complain of your temper.' She blushed, drew out her handkerchief to cover her face with it, as if to conceal her emotions, but gave me such a look from below it! A servant appeared to tell us that dinner waited, and we went into the house together.


In the afternoon one of my little girls came into the parlour, where I was sitting alone: See what I found in the walk, Papa?' said she, holding out I took it from the child, and, seeing it was Maria's hand, was about to go up stairs to restore it to its owner, when my own name written

a paper.

[blocks in formation]

in large characters, struck my eye. manners were overpowered by the immed pulse of my curiosity; I opened the pa read what follows; it was part of an u letter to a friend in town.

You ask what havoc I have made am beaux at? Alas! my dear Bell, y 'but little of my situation when you talk of not a creature one would allow to pick fan within ten miles of us. Having nothin my hands, I have struck up a sort of sen Platonic flirtation with a Mr. B. who lives a small distance of our house. I knew at school, and she was one of the first who me upon my arrival here. Her violent pr her beloved gave me a sort of desire to se and, I own, I found him tolerable enough in 'pearance, and by no means deficient in unde ing, but vain of his slight pretensions to and very fond of being thought profound the first glance I saw into him, and coul 'twist him round my finger. It is very di to observe by what foolish principles your who think themselves very wise, are gov Flatter this man's vanity, and you might lea 'round the world. Now I know you will me, in return for my frankness, with a l upon coquetry, married men, impropriety so forth. Take my advice, my dear Bell 'save yourself the trouble; it would be all 'purpose. A coquette I am, and a coque will remain to the last day of the existence o powers of pleasing.'

The paper was there at an end. It raised in the strongest indignation and contempt for writer. And I felt so ashamed of my folly,

I determined not to see my dear Mrs. B. until I had made some atonement, by sending you an account of my errors and repentance.

I am, &c.

J. B.

N° 96. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1780.


To the AUTHOR of the MIRROR.

I AM neither ugly, nor old, nor poor, nor neglected; I have a clear conscience: nor have I suffered any calamity by the inconstancy of lovers, or the death of relations I am not unhappy. The world would laugh at me if I should say I were unhappy. But I am not happy. I will tell you my case: I confide in your feelings; for you seem to understand, what few people understand, that a person may be in easy circumstances, have a clear conscience, and enjoy sufficient reputation, and yet be -no, I will not say miserable, but not happy.

I am the only daughter of an eminent merchant. My father made his own fortune; and a very good fortune he has made of it. He married my mother before his situation was so comfortable as it is at present. They are neither of them niggardly. Having wherewithal to live, not only with ease, but with some degree of splendour, they choose, as they say, to enjoy the fruit of their labours. Accordingly, we live in an elegant house, have a handsome carriage, keep a good number of servants, and see a great deal of company. You will easily con

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