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Speciae ap- of one million of dollars already appropriated propriations. by the first section of the act, entitled "An

act making certain partial appropriations for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen," be, and the same are hereby respectively appropriated, that is to say:

For the pay of the army of the United States; including the pay of the artificers and labor. ers in the quarter master general's and ordnance departments, and of the private servants kept by officers, and for the pay of the volunteers and militia in the actual service of the United States, five million one hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and three dollars.

For forage to officers, one hundred and nine thousand two hundred and twenty-four dollars.

For the subsistence of the army, and volunteers and militia, two million nine hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-one dollars.

For clothing, two million fifteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-four dollars.

For bounties and premiums, five hundred and fifty seven thousand seven hundred and forty dollars.

For camp and field equipage, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars.

For the medical and hospital department, two hundred thousand dollars.

For ordnance and ordnance stores, nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. For fortifications, four hundred and ninetyseven thousand dollars.

For arsenals, magazines, and armories, three hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and eight dollars.

For the quarter master general's depart.


ment, including fuel, straw, barrels, quarters, Specific ap tools, and all the expenses incident to transportation, two million three hundred thousand dollars.

For contingencies, three hundred and five thousand three hundred and seventeen dollars. For purchasing books, maps, and plans, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For the salary of the commissary general of purchases, three thousand dollars.

For the salary of the clerks employed in the offices of the adjutant general, of the commissary general, and of the quarter master general, eight thousand dollars.

For the purchase of books and apparatus for the military academy, twelve thousand dollars. For the Indian department, one hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred dollars.

For the repayment of the sum of five hundred and twenty-seven dollars, being a balance due the state of Maryland, of monies paid by that state to the United States, as the purchase money of public arms, which have not been fully supplied.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several sums specifically appropriated by this act, shall be paid out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate, pro tempore.

March 3, 1813.




AN ACT making appropriation for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.

BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the ex. penditure of the civil list in the present year including the contingent expenses of the seve ral departments and offices, for the compensation of the several loan officers and their clerks, and for books and stationery for the same; for the payment of annuities and grants; for the support of the mint establishment; for the expense of intercourse with foreign nations; for the support of light houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers; for defraying the expenses of surveying the public lands; and for satisfying certain miscellaneous claims, the following sums be, and the same are hereby respectively appropriated, that is to say:

For compensation granted by law to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, their officers and attendants, estimated for a session of four months and a half continuance, one hundred and ninety-six thousand two hundred and fifty-five dollars.

For the expense of fire wood, stationery, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the two Houses of Congress, fifty-two thousand dollars.

For all contingent expenses of the library of Congress, and for the librarian's allowance for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the President and VicePresident of the United States, thirty thousand dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of Specific apState, clerks, and persons employed in that propriations. department, including a deficiency of one thousand one hundred and twenty five dollars, in last year's appropriation, fifteen thou sand two hundred and fifty eight dollars.

For compensation to a clerk on old records in the said department, for the year eighteen hundred and thirteen, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to a messenger to the patent office, two hundred dollars.

For additional compensation to the clerks in the said department, not exceeding fifteen per centum, in addition to the sum allowed by the act, entitled "An act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks, and to authorise the laying out certain public roads, and for other purposes," one thousand and seventy-two dollars and fifty four cents.

For the incidental and contingent expenses of the said department, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For printing and distributing the laws of the second session of the twelfth Congress, and printing the laws in newspapers, includ ing the sum of six thousand two hundred and eighty two dollars, to make good a deficiency in the appropriation for this object in the year one thousand eight hundred and twelve, thirteen thousand six hundred and twenty two dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including a deficiency of ten dollars in last year's appropriation, thirteen. thousand three hundred and nine dollars and eighty-one cents.

Specific ap.

For expense of translating foreign langua propriations. ges, allowance to the person employed in transmitting passports and sea letters, and for stationery and printing in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, one thousand dollars.

For compensation to the comptroller of the Treasury, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including the sum of two thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine dollars for compensation to his clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, fifteen thousand eight hundred and sixty-six dollars.

For expense of stationery, printing, and incidental and contingent expenses of the comptroller's office, eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the auditor of the Treasury, clerks, and persons employed in his office, twelve thousand two hundred and twenty-one dollars.

For expense of stationery, printing, and incidental and contingent expenses of the auditor's office, five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Treasurer, clerks, and persons employed in his office, including a sum of one thousand dollars, for compensation to his clerks, in addition to the sum allowed by the act of the twenty-first of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, seven thousand two hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty five cents.

For expenses of stationery, printing, and incidental and contingent expenses of the Treasurer's office, one thousand three hundred dollars.

For compensation to the commissioner

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