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on board private armed
vessels, s. xv. 246, 247;
embargo and non-expor-
tation laws not to affect
letters of marque, &c. s.
xvi. 247; two per cent. to
be retained as a fund for
widows and orphans of the
slain, and for wounded
and disabled persons, &c.
s. xvii. 247, 248-- -Priz-
es condemned, to be sold
by marshals within six-
ty days thereafter, on
conditions to be prescrib-
ed by owners of the cap-
turing privateer, ch. CLV
s. i. 350; credit not to ex-
ceed 90 days, ib.; own-
ers to approve promissory
notes and endorsers, ib.;
marshals to pay over pro-
ceeds to owners and pri-
vateersmen, s. ii. 350,
351; marshals entitled to
a net commission of one
per cent. s. iii. 351; but
in no one case to ex-
ceed $250, ib.; marshal to
file accounts of sales, &c.
within 15 days, on oath,
with the clerk of the dis-
trict court under penalty
of $500, s. iv. 352; cap-
tured vessels and cargoes
not libelled, and not attach-
ed by an adverse claimant,
nor on behalf of the Unit-
ed States, may be remove
from one port to another,
5. v. 352, 353.-The


two per cent. reserved in
the hands of collectors and
consuls by the act of June,
1812, to be paid into the
Treasury, ch. CLXIV s.
i. 370; to continue a fund
as already provided, ib.;
the Secretary of the Navy
to put disabled privateers-
men on the navy pension
list, s. ii. 870, 371; rates
of pensions to officer and
men, s. ii. 370, 371; com-
manding officers to enter
the names and rank of per-
sons wounded, &c. in his
journal, s. iii. 371; the
collectors to transmit a
transcript of such entries.
to the Secretary of the
Navy, s. iv. 371, 272.

LEWIS, WINSLOW, the Secretary of the Treasury,

under the direction of the Presi-
dent, authorised to purchase his
patent-right to the new and im-
proved method of lighting light
houses, ch. XXXIV s. i. 63, 64.

LIBRARY, of Congress, a joint committee of three mem-
bers of each House, empowered to expend
the appropriation for the support of it.
See appropriation.

LOANS,-President authorised to borrow not exceeding
$11,000,000, ch. XLI s. i. 72, 73; interest not
to exceed 6 per cent. ib.; may be reimbursed in
twelve years after January 1st, 1813, ib.; certifi-
cates of stock to be constituted, s. ii. 73; to be
transferrable, ib.; certificates of stock may be sold
under the power to borrow, but not under par,
ib.; funds, pledged for repayment of the loan, s. iii.
73, 74; banks in the District of Columbia may
subscribe to it, &c. s. iv. 74, 75.-Agents
may be appointed by the Secretary of the Trea-



sury, with the approbation of the President, to
sell stock in the loan of eleven millions, ch.
CXXXVI 312; commission allowed to the
agents, 312, 313.The President author.
ised to borrow $16,000,000, ch. CLXIII s. i.
367; may be reimbursed in twelve years from
the 1st of January, 1814, s. i. 368; the Presi-
dent may authorise certificates of the stock to
be sold, ib.; the President to cause to be laid be-
fore Congress an account of all the monies ob-
tained by selling stock, and the rate of sale, s. ii.
368; the Secretary of the Treasury may, with
the President's approbation, employ agents to
sell stock or obtain loans, s. iii. 368; commis-
sion allowed to agents, ib.; surplus funds of the
annual appropriation of $8,000,000 for the pay-
ment of the public debt, pledged for the redemp-
tion of the loau, s. iv. 369; duty of the commis-
sioners of the sinking fund in relation thereto,
ib.; the faith of the United States pledged to es-
tablish sufficient revenues to redeem the loan
and pay the interest, s. iv. 369; banks in the
District of Columbia may lend money thus to
be borrowed, s. v. 370.

LOUISIANA, admitted (April 30th, 1812) a state into
the Union, ch. L. s. i. 96; boundaries of
the state defined, preamble, 95; state enti-
tled to one representative in Congress, s.
ii. 96; laws of the United States to be in
force there, s. ii. 97; extent of its judicial
district, s. iii. 97; salary of the district
judge $3,000 per annum, payable quarter
yearly at the Treasury of the United
States, ib.; attorney to receive $600
per annum, besides fees, s. iv. 97;
marshal to receive $200 annually for ex-
tra services, s.iv. 98.-Limits of the
state enlarged, ch. LVII s. i. 109, 110;
provision to be made for the representa-
tion in the legislature of the part incorpo-
rated, s. ii. 110; subject to the revision
of Congress, ib.; judicial proceedings in


the district court of the territory of Or-
leans transferred, &c. ch. XCIII s. i..
199; dockets, &c. to become dockets,
&c. of the district court of Louisiana, s.
ii. 199; certain acts repealed, s. iii. 199,



MILITIA,-President to call upon the executives of the
several states and territories for their quotas
of (100,000) militia, ch. LV s. i. 105; Presi-
dent to ascertain the proportion, and how,
ib.; to be officered by the states and territo-
ries, s. ii. 105; President to apportion the ge-
neral officers among the states and territo-
ries, ib.; commissioned officers, when called
into actual service, to receive the same pay,
&c. as officers of the army, ib.; to serve six
months after arriving at the place of rendez-
vous, s. iii. 105; non-commissioned officers,
musicians, and privates to be paid, &c. as
provided by law, ib.; the President may call
out the whole or any part of the detached
militia, s. iv. 106; to be subject to the penal-
ties of act of the 28th of February, 1795, ib.;
President to select any portion for actual
service, ib.; not subject to corporeal punish-
ment, s. v. 106; modes of punishment, s:
vi. 106; stoppage of pay and rations, con-
finement and drumming, substituted for
whipping, s. vii. 106, 107; act to continue in
force till 10th of April, 1814, s. ix. 107.-
Militia fines to be certified to the comptroller
of the Treasury, ch. CLX s. i. 362, 363; mar-
shals to pay fines collected, deducting 5 per
cent. into the United States' Treasury within
two months, s. ii. 363; the comptrollerto noti-
fy district attorneys to proceed against mar-
shals failing to pay, ib, non-commissioned
officers, musicians, and privates, entitled to
the same pay, &c. when called out, as regu
lars, s. iii. 263, 264...


MILITARY FORCE, additional. See army.

MINIFIE, CHARLES, the comptroller of the Treasu
ry to settle his account, ch.
LXXIV 143.

MINT, to be continued at Philadelphia, ch. CXL 336.
MISSISSIPPI Territory, the boundaries thereof enlarg
ed, LXXXIV 175. River Mississippi.

See Missouri.

MISSOURI,-territory of Louisiana denominated Mis.
souri, ch. XCV s. i. 201; new organization
of government, ib.; powers of the govern-
or, s. ii. 201; removeable by the President,
ib.; appointment of secretary and his duty,
s. iii. 201, 202; his commission revocable
by the President, ib.; powers of the legisla-
tute, s. iv. 202; no legislative act effectual
without the governor's approbation, ib.;.
constitution of the legislative council, s. v.
202, 203; President and Senate to appoint
and commission members, ib.; constitution
of the House of Representatives, s. vi.
203, 204; one representative for every 500
free white male inhabitants, ib.; qualifica-
tions of representatives; ib.; how vacancies
are supplied, ib.; qualifications of electors,
ib.; the governor in the first instance to lay
out counties and superintend elections,
s. vii. 204, 205; the general assembly to re-
gulate elections afterwards, ib.; time of
meeting of the general assembly, s. viii.
205; rules of proceeding of each branch,
ib.; privilege of the members, s. viii. 205,
206; qualifications necessary to persons
holding office in the territory, s. ix. 206;
and of persons entitled to vote for mem-
bers of the general assembly and delegates
to Congress, ib.; judicial power of the
territory, s. x. 206; superior court, ib.;
sessions, s. x. 207; clerks to be appointed
by the courts and commissioned by the

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