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duties of waggon-mas-
ters, ib.; they cannot
deal in waggons, horses,
&c. except as agent for
United States, s. xiii.
86, 87; their pay, s. xiv.
87; quartermaster gene-
ral to appoint forage-
master, and assistants,
s. xv. 87; they are not
to purchase forage ex-
cept as agents for the
United States. ib.; their
pay, &c. s. xvi. 87;
quartermaster general
to examine the pay-roll
of the corps of artificers,
ch. LIX s. iii. 113, 114.
Neither quartermaster
general, nor his depu-
ties, or assistant depu.
ties to trade, directly
or indirectly, except for
the United States, ch.
XCII s. i. 197; nor
take gain or emolument
for transacting business
of the department, ib.;
quartermaster general
may appoint barrack-
masters, s. ii. 197; their
pay, rations and emolu.
ments the same as fo
rage masters, ib.; addi-
tional allowance to the
quartermaster general
by the Secretary of
War, for office rent,
fuel, &c. s. iii. 197,
198; quartermaster ge
neral, deputy and assist
ant quarter masters, te



give bond, with secu
rity to be approved by
the Secretary of War,
s. iv. 198; quartermas-
ter general not liable
for money or property
in the hands of the su-
bordinate officers of his
department, ib.; the 6th
section of the act to
establish a quartermas-
ter's department, and
for other purposes, re-
pealed, s. v. 198.

RANGERS, the President authorised to raise, for the
protection of any state or territory threaten-
ed with invasion by the Indians, companies
of rangers, not exceeding six, ch. XI s. i.
12, 13; to be armed, equipped, and organiz-
ed, as the President may think proper, ib.;
officers thereof may be appointed by the
President in the recess of the Senate, s. v.
14; companies how constituted, s. ii. 13;
their pay, s. iii .13; entitled to the same
compensation as persons serving in the mili-
tary establishment, s. iv. 13; subject to the
rules and articles of war, ib.; and to the pro-
visions of "An act fixing the military peace
establishment of the United States," s. iv.
13, 14-Appropriation for paying ex-
penses incident to them, ch. XXIII s. i. 37,
-The President authorised to raise
an additional company of rangers, ch. CIX
s.i. 277, 278.- -The President authorised
to raise ten additional companies of rangers,
in lieu of one of the regiments authorised
by the act to raise an additional military
force, of the 29th of January, 1813, ch.
CLXXIII 386, 387.


RATIO of representation in Congress. See Congress.

REDDICK, THOMAS F. to be allowed at the rate of

$1,500 per annum for his
services as clerk of the board
of land commissioners for
the territory of Louisiana,
ch. LXXXII 171.

REDFIELD, JOHN, junr. to be discharged from
arrest and imprisonment, ch.

CLXVIII 376; conditions of re-

lease, ib.

REFUGEES, from Canada and Nova Scotia. See lands.
REGISTRY, Certificates of, to be provided by the Se-

cretary of the Treasury, ch. CXCII s. i.
421; to be issued from and after the 31st
of December 1814, ib, ships and vessels
of the United States duly registered enti-
tled to new certificates gratis, s. i. 421, 422;
collectors to issue new certificates, ib.

REPRESENTATIVES in Congress, apportionment of
See Congress.

RESOLUTIONS,-granting permission to judges of the

supreme court to use the books in the
library of Congress, ch. CXXXIX
317 Authorising the Secretary
of the reasury to employ a person
to digest the returns relative to arts
and manufactures of the United
States, ch. CXL 318.--Requesting
Georgia to assent to the formation of
two states of the Mississippi territo.
ry, ch. CXLI 319--Requesting the
President to recommend a day of
public humiliation and prayer, ch.
CXLII 319, 320.-Relative to
the brilliant achievements of Cap-
tains Hull, Decatur, Jones, and
Lieutenant Elliott, ch. CCVI s. i. ii.
455, 456; the President to present
medals and a sword, ibRequest.
ing the President to cause to be pre-
pared and laid before Congress a sys




[blocks in formation]

ROADS, a road from the foot of the rapids of the river
Miami of Lake Erie, to the western line of the
Connecticut reserve, &c. ch. VIII s. i. 9; esta-
blished and accepted pursuant to the treaty of
Brownstown, ib.; to be opened and made un-
der the direction of the President, s. ii. 9;
three commissioners to be appointed by the
President, s. i. 9; to make out accurate plats
of the surveys of said road, &c. and certify and
transmit the same to the President, ib.; to re-
ceive $3 per diem, s. iii. 9, 10.—The Presi-
dent to authorise a road to be opened from the
line established by the treaty of Grenville, to
the north bend in the state of Ohio, ch. XII s.
i. 14, 15. See post roads.


SALARIES,-the act of 1804, relative to those of th
Secretary of State, Treasury, War, Navy,
&c. continued for three years, (approved
April 24, 1812) ch. LXVI s. i. 123, 124;
additional appropriation of $7,752 50 cents
s. ii. 124. See appropriation.

SALT WORKS. See lands.

SEAMEN,-The employment of them regulated on
board the public and private vessels of the
United States, ch. CLXXXIV 401; none but
citizens of the United States or persons of
color, natives of the United States, to be em-
ployed after the war, s. i. 401; naturalized
citizens not to be employed unless they pro-
duce to the commanders of public ships or
the collectors of the customs authentic certifi


cates of naturalization, s. ii. 401, 402; lists of
the crews of private vessels to be examined
and certified by the collector, s. iii. 402; no
person to be employed unless his name be in-
serted in such list, ib.; collector to cause the
list to be recorded, ib.; a certified copy from
the record to be evidence in court, ib.; the
President to make further regulations from
time to time, s. iv. 402; but not repugnant to
the provisions of the act, ib.; no seaman or
seafaring man to be admitted a passenger on
board vessels of the United States in a foreign
port, without the written permission of the
proper officers of the sovereign of the party,
s. v. 403; consuls or commercial agents of a
foreign power may object to the citizenship of
seamen about to enter, and may be present at
the examination of the proofs thereof, under
such regulations as the President may pre-
scribe, s. vi. 403; commanders of public
vessels subject to a penalty of $1,000 for em-
ploying persons contrary to the act, s. vii, 403,
404; masters and owners of private vessels
knowingly employing prohibited persons, re-
spectively to pay $ 500, s. viii. 404; penalties,
how recoverable, ib; American seamen may
be received in foreign ports, and foreign sea-
men employed abroad if the laws of the country
do not forbid it, s. ix. 404, 405; the provisions
of this act to have no effect with respect to
nations who do not enter into reciprocal
stipulations, s. x. 405; nothing in the act to
prevent arrangements by treaty or convention,
s. xi. 405; persons arriving in the United
States after the act goes into operation not
allowed to become citizens without five years
continued residence within the territory of
the United States, s. xii. 405; forging certifi-
cates of citizenship made felony, s. xiii. 405,
406; suits for forfeitures to be commenced
within three years, s. xiv. 406.

SECRETARY of State. See lands, &c.

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