Half-hours with the Best Authors: With Short Biographical and Critical Notices ...Porter & Coates[ |
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Alexander Wilson Alpnach amongst appeared Aurengzebe beautiful Beguinage birds Bishop of Senlis blessed brown thrush called Charité church Cinna D'Alegre danger Dara death Decameron delight divine Don Quixote doth earth eyes face faithful father fear feel feet Flora flowers fortune George Crabbe give Griselda hand happy hath head hear heard heart heaven honor hour Huguenot John Bird Sumner king knew knowledge labor lady land live look Lord Madame Marius Master Kingston mercy mind morning Mount Pilatus nature never night passed person Petrarch pleasure poet Poor Richard says pray prayer prince rich RICHARD DE BURY Richard Plantagenet round scarcely seen sent Sir Roger song soon soul spirit sweet thee things thou thought tion told took trees walk whole wind young