Combating Terrorism: Funding Data Reported to Congress Should Be Improved

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DIANE Publishing, 2002 - Всего страниц: 69
Congress responded to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, with dramatic funding increases to combat terrorism. Even before these attacks, Congress was concerned about increased funding in this area, and based on findings from a 1997 GAO report, mandated that the OMB report annually on funding to combat terrorism. In this review, GAO was asked to analyze such funding trends, describe difficulties in coordinating combating terrorism budgets, assess data reported to Congress, and describe the executive branch's efforts to maximize the effective use of combating terrorism funds. The review relied on OMB's definition of "combating terrorism" to include both homeland security and overseas combating terrorism missions. Charts and tables.

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Стр. 12 - We will also make copies available to others upon request. In addition, the report will be available at no charge on GAO's Web site at If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact me at (202) 512-7215 or
Стр. 68 - June 28, 2002. Homeland Security: Proposal for Cabinet Agency Has Merit, but Implementation Will Be Pivotal to Success. GAO-02-886T. Washington, DC: June 25, 2002. Homeland Security: Key Elements to Unify Efforts Are Underway but Uncertainty Remains.
Стр. 57 - Act (GPRA) is the primary legislative framework through which agencies will be required to set strategic goals, measure performance, and report on the degree to which goals were met.
Стр. 44 - Security aligns and focuses homeland security functions into six critical mission areas: intelligence and warning, border and transportation security, domestic counterterrorism, protecting critical infrastructure, defending against catastrophic terrorism, and emergency preparedness and response. The...
Стр. 62 - Washington, DC: June 7, 2002. National Preparedness: Integrating New and Existing Technology and Information Sharing into an Effective Homeland Security Strategy.
Стр. 68 - August 30, 2002. Homeland Security: Effective Intergovernmental Coordination Is Key to Success. GAO-02-1013T. Washington, DC: August 23, 2002.
Стр. 8 - DC, in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. We requested comments on a draft of this report from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or his designee. We received written comments from the OMB Controller. OMB's comments are discussed in the Agency Comments and Our Evaluation section and reprinted in appendix VI.
Стр. 68 - Washington, DC: July 17, 2002. Homeland Security: Title III of the Homeland Security Act of 2002. GAO-02-927T. Washington, DC: July 9, 2002. Homeland Security: Intergovernmental Coordination and Partnerships Will Be Critical to Success. GAO-02-899T. Washington, DC: July 1, 2002.

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