Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Opinion and Judgment: Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis CriminalityU.S. Got. print. Office, 1947 - Всего страниц: 190 |
The Law as to the Common Plan or Conspiracy | 54 |
The Accused Organizations_ | 84 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
activities administration appointed April armament armed forces army Article attack August Austria Bohemia and Moravia Bormann carried charged Charter chief common plan concentration camps conference crimes against humanity Crimes against peace crimes and crimes Czechoslovakia declared decree defendant Goering defendant Keitel directive Doenitz economic Einsatzgruppen evidence extermination foreign Frick Fritzsche Fuehrer Funk Gauleiters Gestapo Government Hess High Command Himmler Hitler indictment invasion issued January Jewish Jews Jodl June Kaltenbrunner Kreisleiters leaders Leadership Corps March ment military murder National Socialist Nazi Party Neurath Norway November NSDAP occupied territories October Pact Papen participated Plenipotentiary Poland police and SD political prepared prisoners of war propaganda punishment Raeder rearmament Reich Cabinet Reichsbank responsible Ribbentrop Rosenberg RSHA Sauckel Schacht Schirach Schuschnigg security police seizure September Seyss-Inquart signed Soviet Union speech Speer Staff tion Treaty Tribunal finds Tribunal sentences U-boats violation Waffen SS wage aggressive war crimes warfare Yugoslavia