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science would teach you that lines which fall perpendicular to the surface of a sphere cannot be parallel, because they would all meet, if prolonged to the centre of the sphere; while lines that fall perpendicular to a plane or flat surface, are always parallel, because if prolonged, they would never meet.

Emily. And yet a pair of scales, hanging perpendicular to the earth, appear parallel?

Mrs. B. Because the sphere is so large, and the scales consequently converge so little, that their inclination is not perceptible to our senses; if we could construct a pair of scales whose beam would extend several degrees, their convergence would be very obvious; but as this cannot be accomplished, let us draw a small figure of the earth, and then we may make a pair of scales of the proportion we please. (fig. 1. plate I.) Caroline. This figure renders it very clear: then two bodies cannot fall to the earth in parallel lines? Mrs. B. Never.

Caroline. The reason that a heavy body falls quicker than a light one, is, I suppose, because the earth attracts it more strongly ?

Mrs. B. The earth, it is true, attracts a heavy body more than a light one; but that would not make the one fall quicker than the other.

Caroline. Yet, since it is attraction that occasions the fall of bodies, surely the more a body is attracted, the more rapidly it will fall. Besides, experience, proves it to be so. Do we not every day see heavy bodies fall quickly, and light bodies slowly.

Emily. It strikes me, as it does Caroline, that as attraction is proportioned to the quantity of matter, the

earth must necessarily attract a body which contains a great quantity more strongly, and therefore bring it to the ground sooner than one consisting of a smaller quantity.

Mrs. B. You must consider, that if heavy bodies are attracted more strongly than light ones, they require more attraction to make them fall. Remember that bodies have no natural tendency to fall, any more than to rise, or to move laterally, and that they will not fall unless impelled by some force ;(now this force must be proportioned to the quantity of matter it has to move: a body consisting of 1000 particles of matter, for instance, requires ten times as much attraction to bring it to the ground in the same space of time as a body consisting of only 100 particles.

Caroline. I do not understand that; for it seems to me, that the heavier a body is, the more easily and readily it falls.

Emily. I think I now comprehend it; let me try if I can explain it to Caroline. Suppose that I draw towards me two weighty bodies, the one of 100lbs., the other of 1000lbs., must I not exert ten times as much strength to draw the larger one to me, in the same space of time as is required for the smaller one? And if the earth draws a body of 1000lbs. weight to it in the same space of time that it draws a body of 100lbs. does it not follow that it attracts the body of 1000lbs. weight with ten times the force that it does that of 100lbs. ?

Caroline. I comprehend your reasoning perfectly; but if it were so, the body of 1000lbs. weight, and that of 100lbs. would fall with the same rapidity; and the consequence would be, that all bodies, whether light or heavy, being at an equal distance from the ground,

would fall to it in the same space of time: now it is very evident that this conclusion is absurd; experience every instant contradicts it: observe how much sooner this book reaches the floor than this sheet of paper, when I let them drop together.

Emily. That is an objection I cannot answer. I must refer it to you, Mrs. B.

Mrs. B. I trust that we shall not find it insurmountable. It is true that, according to the laws of attraction, all bodies at an equal distance from the earth, should fall to it in the same space of time; and this would actually take place if no obstacle intervened to impede their fall. But bodies fall through the air, and it is the resistance of the air which makes bodies of different density fall with different degrees of velocity. They must all force their way through the air, but dense heavy bodies overcome this obstacle more easily than rarer and lighter ones

The resistance which the air opposes to the fall of bodies is proportioned to their surface, not to their weight; the air being inert, cannot exert a greater force to support the weight of a cannon-ball, than it does to support the weight of a ball (of the same size) made of leather; but the cannon-ball will overcome this resistance more easily, and fall to the ground, consequently, quicker than the leather ball.

Caroline. This is very clear, and solves the difficulty perfectly. The air offers the same resistance to a bit of lead and a bit of feather of the same size; yet the one seems to meet with no obstruction in its fall, whilst the other is evidently resisted and supported for some time by the air.

Emily. The larger the surface of a body, then, the more air it covers, and the greater is the resistance it meets with from it.

Mrs. B. Certainly observe the manner in which this sheet of paper falls; it floats awhile in the air, and then gently descends to the ground. I will roll the same piece of paper up into a ball: it offers now but a small surface to the air, and encounters therefore but little resistance: see how much more rapidly it falls.

The heaviest bodies may be made to float awhile in the air, by making the extent of their surface counterbalance their weight. Here is some gold, which is the most dense body we are acquainted with, but it has been beaten into a very thin leaf, and offers so great an extent of surface in proportion to its weight, that its fall, you see, is still more retarded by the resistance of the air than that of the sheet of paper.

Caroline. That is very curious; and it is, I suppose, upon the same principle that iron boats may be made to float on water?

But, Mrs. B., if the air is a real body, is it not also subjected to the laws of gravity?

Mrs. B. Undoubtedly.

Caroline. Then why does it not, like all other bodies, fall to the ground?

Mrs. B. On account of its spring or elasticity.) The air is an elastic fluid; a species of bodies, the peculiar property of which is to resume, after compression, their original dimensions; and you must consider the air of which the atmosphere is composed as existing in a state of compression, for its particles being drawn towards the earth by gravity, are brought closer together

than they would otherwise be, but the spring or elasticity of the air by which it endeavours to resist compression gives it a constant tendency to expand itself, so as to resume the dimensions it would naturally have, if not under the influence of gravity. The air may therefore be said constantly to struggle with the power of gravity without being able to overcome it. Gravity thus confines the air to the regions of our globe, whilst its elasticity prevents it from falling like other bodies to the ground.

Emily. The air then is I suppose, thicker, or I should rather say more dense, near the surface of the earth, than in the higher regions of the atmosphere; for that part of the air which is nearer the surface of the earth must be most strongly attracted.

Mrs. B. The diminution of the force of gravity, at so small a distance as that to which the atmosphere extends (compared with the size of the earth) is so inconsiderable as to be scarcely sensible; but the pressure of the upper parts of the atmosphere on those beneath, renders the air near the surface of the earth much more dense than the upper regions.) The pressure of the atmosphere has been compared to that of a pile of fleeces of wool, in which the lower fleeces are pressed together by the weight of those above; these lie light and loose, in proportion as they approach the uppermost fleece, which receives no external pressure, and is confined merely by the force of its own gravity.

Caroline. It has just occurred to me that there are some bodies which do not gravitate towards the earth. Smoke and steam, for instance, rise instead of falling.

Mrs. B. It is still gravity which produces their as

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