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LUKE, v. 1-10.




THE first historical event in the revelation of the gospel by our Saviour, was his appearance to be inaugurated in his great office by receiving the initiative rite of baptism at the hands of his herald, John— until that time he was not formally invested with its functions. Immediately afterwards he proceeded to exercise his ministry, in both its parts: he proclaimed the doctrines of the new dispensation; and, by a variety of miraculous works, gave proof of his personal divinity.

But, in order that the seed of the Christian faith might be so planted as to take sure root, and become fruitful, something more was needed than the efforts of a single preacher, though supported and con

firmed by miracles, and followed by the most extraordinary immediate effects. It was necessary to lay the foundation of a CHURCH, by selecting and detaching from secular pursuits a society of individuals fit for the office of permanent teachers, and retaining them about the person of the Saviour, till, having become thoroughly imbued with the principles of evangelical truth, they should be able in turn to instruct others in the work.

The design being no less than a complete universal religious revolution,-to supersede among the Jews the system to which that people was attached by the strongest national and individual feelings, and wholly to subvert the enormous edifice of paganism, supported by the wealth, defended by the power, and adorned by the arts, learning, and philosophy of all the other nations of the world,— it might have been expected that its Author would seek to ally himself for the promotion of so mighty an undertaking with the rich, the powerful, and the intelligent. How very different was the course pursued by our Saviour, is sufficiently intimated in the subject of this delineation; nor could anything more strongly denote his confidence in the Divine support, than the adoption of such a course.

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