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mitting drudgery for a subsistence, never fail to find it in some shape or other. Of this propensity, unfortunately, designing or licentious writers have availed themselves, to corrupt the heart in its most unsuspecting moments, and to drop poison into the very life-blood of society. It is well for the world, that this desire of amusement can be as effectually gratified by the perusal of Voyages and Travels, as by the unhallowed fictions of certain novelists; and it is still better, that, in gratifying this desire, they are fitted also to correct the prejudices and cultivate the understandings of that large portion of the people that peruse them. A judicious Collection of Voyages and Travels, then, may be confidently prescribed to the masters of families, as one of the best and most agreeable inmates they can possess.

How far this work is now entitled to distinguished consideration in any or all of the respects just mentioned, it would be presuming on the public favour, already bestowed, to specify in this place; yet surely some latitude is sufferable to self-congratulation as well as to gratitude, on the circumstance of its appearing at this distance from its commencement, in the confident hope of an increasingly favourable reception. The period, indeed, to which the work has now advanced, must be held as operative in exciting this expectation; as there can be no doubt, that the interest afforded by scientific expeditions, or important undertakings, is (if other circumstances be equal) in proportion to the nearness to our own times in which they are executed. Still, however, some confidence may be fixed both on the knowledge of what it has been found possible to accomplish, and on the consideration that the plan of the work, and the industry at least with which it has been hitherto carried on, have obtained very general approbation. These motives, it will readily be believed, are adequate to prompt all who are concerned in the publication, to employ every means available towards a continuance, if not an increase, of that public sanction and favour so essential to its ultimate success. They pledge themselves to these in their different departments, and they advance secure in the consciousness of diligently labouring for such reward.



Voyages and Travels of Discovery in the middle ages; from the era of Alfred, King of England, in the ninth century, to that of Don Henry of Portugal, at the commencement of the fifteenth century.


General Voyages and Travels, chiefly of Discovery; from the era of Don Henry, in 1412, to that of George III. in 1760.


General Voyages and Travels of Discovery during the era of George III. which were conducted upon scientific principles, and by which the Geography of the globe has been nearly perfected.

No. XXIII. commences this Part.

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Particular Voyages and Travels, arranged in systematic order, Geographical and Chronological.

Note. This part will be divided into five books, comprehending, I. Europe.-II. Asia.—III. Africa—IV. America.—V. Australasia and Polynesia.


Historical Deduction of the Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by sea and land, from the earliest times to the present period.

The following analysis of what has been accomplished in the first Two Parts of the general plan, may prove useful to the reader, as a temporary Index to the Work; and may, at the same time, serve to shew the public in general with what judgment, and from what materials, the Collection which thus claims their notice has hitherto been executed.

A Table of Contents to the Twelve Volumes already published.


CHAP. I. Discoveries in the time of Alfred, King of England, in the ninth century. SECT. 1. Discovery of Iceland by the Norwegians. 2. Voyages of Ohthere to the White Sea and the Baltic. 3. Remarks on the situation of Sciringes-heal and Hæthum, by J. R. Forster. 4. Voyage of Wulfstein in the Baltic. 5. Voyage of Sighelm to India. 6. Travels of John Erigena tó Athens. 7. Geography of the known world as described by King Alfred. & Travels of Andrew Leucander. 9. Voyage of Swanus to Jerusalem. 10. Voyage of three Ambassadors from England to Constantinople. 11. Pilgrimage of Alured to Jerusalem. 12. Ditto of Ingulphus.

CHAP. II. Original discovery of Greenland by the Icelanders in the ninth century.
III. Early discovery of America by ditto, in 1001.

IV. Travels of two Mahometans into India and China, in the ninth century.
V. Travels of Rabbi Benjamin from Spain to China, in the twelfth century.
VI. Travels of an Englishman in Tartary, in 1243.

VII. Sketch of the Revolutions in Tartary.

VIII. Travels of John de Plano Carpini, to the Moguls, &c. in 1246.

IX. Ditto of William de Rubruquis into Tartary about 1253.

X. Ditto of Haitho, in 1254.

XI. Ditto of Marco Polo into China, &c. from 1260 to 1295.

XII. Ditto of Oderic, in 1318.

XIII. Ditto of Sir John Mandeville, in 1322.

XIV. Itinerary of Pegoletti between Asof and China, in 1355.

XV. Voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, in 1380.

XVI. Travels of Schildtberger into Tartary, in 1394.

XVII. Ditto of the Ambassadors of Shah Rokh, in China, in 1419.

XVIII. Voyage and Shipwreck of Quirini, in 1431.

XIX. Travels of Josaphat Barbaro from Venice to Tanna, (now Asof,) in 1436.


CHAP. XX. Account of various early pilgrimages from England to the Holy Land, between 1097 and 1107.

XXI. Discovery of Madeira.

XXI. Account of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands.


BOOK. I. History of the discoveries of the Portuguese along the coast of Africa; and of their discovery of, and conquests in India, from 1412 to 1505.

CHAP. I. Summary account of the discoveries of the world, from their commence

ment to the year 1555, by Antonio Galvano.

11. Journey of Ambrose Contarini into Persia, in the years 1473, 4, 5, and 6.


Books Printed for WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, Edinburgh.


CHAP. III. Voyages of discovery by the Portuguese along the western coast of Africa, during the life and under the direction of Don Henry.


IV. Original journals of the voyages of Cada Mosto, and Pedro de Cintra, to the coast of Africa, from 1455, onwards.

V. Voyages of discovery by the Portuguese along the coast of Africa, from the death of Don Henry, in 1463, to the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope in 1486.

VI. History of the discovery and conquest of India by the Portuguese, between 1497 and 1505, by Herman Lopes de Castaneda.

VII. Letters from Lisbon in the beginning of the 16th century, respecting the discovery of the route by sea to India, &c.

N. B.-All these Chapters are subdivided into Sections, which contain many curious particulars, especially those respecting the discoveries of the Portuguese.


· BOOK II. History of the discovery of America, and of some of the early conquests in the New World.

CHAP. I. History of the discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus, written by his son Don Ferdinand Columbus.

II. Ditto ditto, written by Antonio de Herrera.

III. An account of the Voyages of Americus Vespucius to the New World, written by himself.

IV. Summary account of the discoveries and settlements of the Spaniards in the West Indies, from the death of Columbus, to the expedition of Hernando Cortes against Mexico.

Note. This Chapter contains twelve Sections of distinct subjects, which the limits of this advertisement will not permit to be enumerated.

V. History of the discovery and conquest of Mexico, written in 1568, by Captain Bernal Diaz del Castillo, one of the conquerors.

Note.-Among other articles, this Chapter contains relations of the expedition of Hernandez de Cordova in 1517, and that of Juan de Grijalva in 1518.

VOLUME IV.-PART II. CONTINUED.-BOOK II. CONTINUED. CHAP. V. Continued. Being a minute and circumstantial narrative of the opera. tions of the Spaniards under Cortes, for the conquest of Mexico, comprised in twentythree Sections.

VI. History of the discovery and conquest of Peru, by Francisco Pizarro; written by Augustus Zarate.

VII. Continuation of the History of Peru after the death of Pizaro, by the same. VOLUME V.-PART II. CONTINUED.-BOOK II. CONTINUED. CHAP. VII. Continued. Being a continuation of the History of Peru, after the death of Pizarro, to the defeat of Gonzalo Pizarro, and the re-establishment of tranquillity in the country; written by Augustino Zarate, comprised in seven Sections. VIII. Continuation of the history of Peru from the former period, to the death of the Inca Tupac Amaru; extracted from the commentaries of Garcilasso de la Vega. IX. History of the discovery and conquest of Chili, taken from various sources. X. Discovery of Florida, and an account of several ineffectual attempts to conquer and settle that country by the Spaniards,-from the general history of America, by Herrera.

VOLUME VI-PART II. CONTINUED.-BOOK II. CONTINUED. CHAP. XI. An account of early English Voyages of discovery to America; in ten Sections.

XII. Relation of the Voyages of Jacques Cartier, from St Maloes to Newfoundland and Canada, in 1534 and 5.

BOOK III. Continuation of the discoveries and conquests of the Portuguese in the East; with some account of the early Voyages of other European nations to India. CHAP. I. Account of the discoveries, &c. &c. from 1505, to 1539; in seven Sections.

II. A particular relation of the expedition of Solyman Pacha, from Suez to India, against the Portuguese; written by a Venetian officer in the Turkish service on that occasion.

III. Account of the Voyage of Don Stefano de Gama, from Goa to Suez, in 1540; written by Don Juan de Castro,

Books Printed for WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, Edinburgh.


IV. Continuation of the account of the Portuguese transactions in India, from 1541.

VOLUME VII.-PART II. CONTINUED.-BOOK III. CONTINUED. CHAP. IV. Continued. Being an historical account of the transactions of the Portuguese in India, up to the middle of the 17th century; comprised in sixteen sections, of distinct subjects-taken from De Faria's Portuguese Asia.

V. Voyages and Travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, and India, by Ludovico Verthema, or, as he has been called, Lewes Vertomannus, in 1503-8.

VI. Voyages and Travels in India, &c. by Cesar Frederic, in 1563-81. VII. Accounts of Early English Voyages to Guinea, and other parts of Africa. Note. This Chapter has eighteen Sections, noticing the following subjects:SECT. 1. Second Voyage to Barbary, in 1552, by Captain Thomas Windham. 2. A Voyage to Guinea and Benin, in 1553, by Captain Windham and Antonio Anes Pinteado. 3. Voyage to Guinea, in 1554, by Captain John Lok. 4. Voyage to Guinea, in 1555, by William Towerson, merchant of London. 5. Second ditto, in 1556, by ditto. 6. Third ditto, `in 1558, by ditto. 7. Instructions for an intended Voyage to Guinea, in 1561. 8. Account of a Voyage to Guinea in 1562, written by William Rutter. 9. Supplementary account of the foregoing Voyage. 10. Voyage to Guinea in 1563, by Robert Baker. 11. Ditto in 1564, by Captain David Carlet. 12. Ditto, and to the Cape de Verd Islands, in 1566, by George Fenner. 13. Account of the Embassy of Mr Edmund Hogan to Morocco, in 1577, by himself. 14. Account of the Embassy of Mr Henry Roberts, from Queen Elizabeth to Morocco, in 1585, by himself. 15. Voyage to Benin beyond Guinea, in 1588, by James Welsh. 16. Supplement to the foregoing. 17. Second Voyage of ditto, in 1590. 18. Voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassel to the Rivers Senegal and Gambia, in 1591. VIII. Some miscellaneous early Voyages of the English.

Note. This Chapter consists chiefly of relations of expeditions against the Spaniards and Portuguese, and is consequently scarcely reconcileable with the plan of the work; but as former English collections made a rule of inserting the notices it contains, there seemed some degree of propriety in preserving it here. It consists of seventeen Sections, some of which are abundantly interesting, as may be seen by inspecting the table of contents in the volume.

IX. Early Voyages of the English to the East Indies, &c. before the establishment of an exclusive company.

Note This Chapter contains eleven Sections, of which three only are in this volume, viz.

SECT. 1. Voyage to Goa, in 1579, in the Portuguese fleet, by Thomas Stevens. 2. Journey over land to India, by Ralph Fitch. 3. Supplement to ditto.

The remaining eight Sections are given in VOLUME VIII. and are as follows:SECT. 4. Voyage of Mr John Eldred, by sea to Tripoli, and thence by land and river to Bagdat and Basorah, in 1583. 5. Account of the Monsoons in India, by William Barret, who died in 1584. 6. First Voyage of the English to India in 1591, by Captain George Raymond and James Lancaster. 7. Supplement to ditto, by John May. 8. The unfortunate Voyage of Captain Ben. Wood towards the East Indies, in 1596. 9. Voyage of Captain John Davis to the East Indies, in 1598. 10. Voyage of William Adams to Japan, in 1598. 11. Voyage of Sir Edward Michelburne to India, in 1604.

CHAP. X. Early Voyages of the English to India, after the establishment of the East India Company. SECT. 1. First Voyage of the Company in 1601, under Captain James Lancaster. 2. Account of Java, and of the English at Bantam, from 1603 to 1605. 3. Second Voyage of the Company in 1604, under Captain Henry Middleton. 4. Third Voyage of the Company in 1607, under Captain William Keeling. 5. Narrative by William Hawkins, of occurrences during his residence in the dominions of the Great Mogul. 6. Observations of William Finch, who accompanied Hawkins. 7. Voyage of Captain David Middleton, in 1607, to Bantam and the Moluccas. 8. Fourth Voyage of the Company, in 1608, under Captain Alexander Sharpey. 9. Unfortunate Voyage of Captain Richard Rowles. 10. Fifth Voyage of the Company, in 1609, under Captain David Middleton. 11. Sixth Voyage of the Company, in 1610, under Sir Henry Middleton. 12. Journal of the same by Nicholas Downton. 13. Seventh Voyage of the Company, in 1611, under Captain Anthony Hippon. 14. Notices of the same by Peter Floris. 15. Eighth Voyage of the Company, in 1611, under Captain John Saris.

8 Books Printed for WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, Edinburgh.



CHAP. X. Continued. SECT. 15. Continued. 16. Ninth Voyage of the Company, in 1612, under Captain Edward Marlow. 17. Tenth Voyage of the Company, in 1612, by Mr Thomas Best. 18. Observations made on the foregoing, by different persons. 19. Eleventh Voyage of the Company, in 1612, in the Salomon. 20. Twelfth Voyage of the Company, in 1613, under Captain Christopher Newport.

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CHAP. XI. Continuation of the early Voyages of the English East India Company. SECT. 1. Voyage of Captain Downton to India, in 1614. 2. Supplement to ditto. 3. Journey of Richard Steel and John Crowther, from Agimere to Ispahan, in 161516. 4. Voyage of Captain Peyton to India, in 1615. 5. Notices concerning the Proceedings of the Factory at Cranganore, by Roger Hawes. 6. Journal of Sir Thomas Roe, Ambassador from James I. to Shah Jehanguire, Emperor of Hindoostap. 7. Relation of a Voyage to India, in 1616, by Mr Edward Terry. 8. Journey of Thomas Coryat from Jerusalem to the Court of the Great Mogul. 9. Account of the wrongs done the English at Banda by the Dutch, in 1617-18. 10. Fifth Voyage of the Joint-Stock by the Company, in 1617, under Captain Pring. 11. Voyage of the Ann-Royal from Surat to Mokha, in 1618. 12. Journal of a Voyage to Surat and Jasques in 1620. 13. Relation of the War of Ormus, and of the Capture of that Place by the English and Persians, in 1622. 14. Account of the Massacre of the English at Amboyna, in 1623. 15. Observations during a residence in the Island of Chusan, in 1701, by Dr James Cunningham.


BOOK IV. Historical Account of early Circumnavigations.

CHAP. I. Voyage of Ferdinand Magellan round the World, in 1519-1522.

II. Voyage of Sir Francis Drake round the World, in 1577-1580.

III. Voyage of Sir Thomas Candish, or Cavendish, round the World, in 15861588.

IV. Voyage of Oliver Van Noort round the World, in 1598-1601.

V. Voyage of George Spilbergen round the World, in 1614-1617.

VI. Voyage of William Cornelison Schouten and Jacques Le Maire, round the World, going by Cape Horn, in 1615-1617.

VII. Voyage of the Nassau Fleet under Jacques Le Hermit, round the World, in 1623-1626.

VIII. Voyage round the World, in 1683-1691, by Captain John Cooke, accompanied by Captains Cowley and Dampier.

IX. Voyage round the World, in 1703-1706, by William Funnell.

X. Voyage round the World, in 1708-1711, by Captain Woods Rogers, and Stephen Courtney.

XI. Voyage round the World, in 1719-1722, by Captain John Clipperton.
XII. Voyage round the World, in 1719-1722, by Captain George Shelvocke.

CHAP. XII. Continued.

XIII. Voyage round the World, in 1721-1723, by Commodore Roggewein. XIV. Voyage round the World, in 1740-1744, by Captain George Anson, (afterwards Lord Anson).

VOLUME XII-PART III. GENERAL VOYAGES, &c. BOOK I. An Account of the Voyages undertaken by Order of George III. for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere.

CHAP. I. Voyage of Commodore Byron round the World, in 1764, 5, and 6, in his Majesty's ship the Dolphin, accompanied by the Tamar Frigate.

II. Voyage of Captain Wallis round the World, in 1766, 7, and 8, in his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin.

III. Voyage of Captain Carteret round the World, in 1766, 7, 8, and 9, in his Majesty's Sloop the Swallow.

IV. Voyage of Lieut. Cook round the World, in 1768, 9, 1770, and 1, in his Ma jesty's Bark the Endeavour.

Vol. XIII. Will be occupied by the remainder of Cook's first Voyage,

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