Books printed for WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, Edinburgh. 9 CHALMERS' EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. THE CHRISTIAN REVELATION. By the REV. THOMAS CHALMERS, Minister of Kilmany. The contents of this Volume form the substance of the article CHRISTIANITY in the EDINBURGH ENCYCLOPEDIA. Its appearance is due to the liberality of the Proprie tors of that Work-nor did the Author conceive the purpose of presenting it to the world in another shape, till he was permitted and advised by them to republish it in a separate form. It is chiefly confined to the exposition of the historical argument for the truth of Christianity; and the aim of the Author is fulfilled, if he has suc ceeded in proving the external testimony to be so sufficient, as to leave infidelity without excuse, even though the remaining branches of the Christian defence had been less strong and satisfactory than they are. M'CRIE'S LIFE OF KNOX. The Third Edition, Handsomely Printed in 2 vols. 8vo. with Portraits of Knox and Regent Murray, Price L.1, 1s. boards, of THE LIFE OF JOHN KNOX: containing Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland; with Biographical Notices of the principal Reformers, and Sketches of the Progress of Literature in Scotland, during a great part of the Sixteenth Century; to which is subjoined an Appendix, consisting of Letters and other Papers, never before published. BY THOMAS M'CRIE, D. D. Minister of the Gospel, Edinburgh. "How unfair, and how marvellously incorrect, these representations (of Knox's character) are, may be learned from the perusal of the work before us,-a work which has afforded us more amusement and more instruction, than any thing we ever read upon the subjeet; and which, independent of its theological merits, we do not hesitate to pronounce by far the best piece of history which has appeared since the commencement of our critical career. It is extremely accurate, learned, and concise, and at the same time very full of spirit and animation; exhibiting, as it appears to us, a rare union of the patient research and sober judgment which characterize the more laborious class of historians, with the boldness of thinking, and force of imagination, which is sometimes substituted in their place."-EDIN. REV. No. XXXIX. "Dr M'Crie is really a great biographer, such as it has not been the lot of Knox's equals, or even his superiors, always to attain; for, however ably the characters of Luther and Calvin have been treated in the general histories of their times, where has either of them found a biographer like the present ?"-" Dr M'Crie's materials are both ample and original. To these materials he has brought a power of combining and enlivening them peculiar to himself."-QUARTERLY REV. No. XVIII. "Every page of this book gives full testimony that the writer of it is, by natural constitution, from habit and on principle, a cordial lover of civil and religious liberty. He is a learned man, and an independent thinker."-" No Scotsman should ever pronounce the name of Knox without veneration and gratitude. Beyond all question or controversy, he was the greatest benefactor to his native country whom her history records."-CHRISTIAN OBSERVER, Jan. 1813. "Whether we consider the new light which it has thrown upon a most interesting period of our history; the justice which it has done to the character of our great reformer, whom it was so customary to brand with the names of fanatic and barbarian; the correct view which it has given of other men, with whose deserts we were till now but imperfectly acquainted; the distinctness of narrative which is to be found in the text, and the fulness of illustration which abounds in the notes; the patient research and sound judgment, the happy combination of sobriety and zeal, the regard to evangelical truth, and the attachment to civil and religious liberty, which are everywhere conspicuous;—we scarcely think that Dr M'Crie's work can be too highly esteemed, or at least that any person, whose opinion is worthy of respect, can refuse to assign it an elevated place in the scale of literary merit."-EDINBURGH CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTOR, No. XL. ELEMENTS of POLITICAL SCIENCE. By JOHN CRAIG, Esq. 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The Third Edition Improved, 12mo. price 2s. 6d. bound. The above publications are intended as a regular series of School-books. The SPELLING-BOOK, part first, presents a complete view of the general principles of Eng-. lish Pronunciation, arranged in such a manner as secms best fitted for the purposes of teaching, and illustrated with copious exercises in the form of short sentences, and little stories peculiarly accommodated to the capacity of children. The chief merit of the plan consists in carefully excluding, from the exercises which accompany each rule, every word which has not been previously explained, or which does not come under some of the heads formerly illustrated. In this way, simplicity aud consistency are given to English pronunciation, without altering the spelling or disfiguring the page, and the learner is freed from all thosé embarrassments which arise from the constant recurrence of anomalous words.-PART 2d contains stories of greater length, which are intended as promiscuous exercises upon the preceding rules. The chief anomalies of English pronunciation are now introduced, and placed at the head of each class of lessons, in order to impress them more strongly upon the mind of the pupil. To the whole are added Notes, in which the author attempts to explain what appears to him the best method of teaching the rules. THE GRAMMAR contains a full and comprehensive view of the different parts of speech, copious exercises for parsing, with explanatory foot-notes to assist the learner, and a complete collection of rules and remarks on syntax, accompanied with exercises on false grammar. 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Boards, WERNER'S NOMENCLATURE OF COLOURS, An- With Additions, arranged so as to render it highly useful to the Arts and Sciences, By PATRICK SYME, Flower Painter, Edinburgh; Painter to the Wernerian and Caledonian Horticultural Societies. This Work contains 108 COLOURS, painted with the greatest care and accuracy, Lately Published by the same Author, PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR LEARNING FLOWER-DRAWING: Elegantly printed in royal 4to, and illustrated by Twelve Beautifully Coloured The Publisher of this beautiful Work flatters himself, that it will be found one The Flowers being selected with the greatest care as to simplicity and elegance of |