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ib.-motto, 502-value of the lite. rary movement, ib.-lament over Dimitri Livanás, 502-505. Greece, formation of the Balkan League, 221, 439.

King Constantine, styled the Bulgar-Killer, 220, 511-his address to the army on the Bulgarian atrocities, ib.-his accusations against them, 512-his denial of the Greek atrocities, 220, 522.

and King George, 212, 513character of the Greeks, ib.-the reign of Otto of Bavaria, 514 -character of King George I, ib.political corruption, 515-wild ministerial extravagance, 517-the war with Turkey, ib.-negligence of the King, 518-Crete, ib.-flight from Larissa, 519-parliamentary corruption, ib.-the Crown Prince, 519-521-the Military League, 521, 524-529-Court favourites, 522surrender to Turkey over Crete, 523-humiliation of the Princes, 527-Prince George's administration of Crete, 528-domestic foes of the dynasty, 529-character of King George I's rule, 530, 533condition of the army and navy, 531-financial situation, 532-population, ib.-errors of the Powers, 534-union with Crete, 535-the present position, 535–537.

Prince George of, High Commissioner of Crete, 212, 528-character of his rule, ib. Greek Anthology, 215, 23. See Anthology.

drama, its origin, 221, 451analogy with the Japanese Noh, 452.

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335, 336-the Petrie Papyri, 335summarised results, 337, 347, 352, 353-Menander, 337-342-the Oxyrhynchus fragments, 338, 342 et seq.-M. Lefebvre's discovery, 338- characteristics of Attic comedy, 340-the dialogue, 341the Pæans' of Pindar, 343, 351

Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt's discovered history, 344 et seq.three possible authors, 345-details of gains, 347, 348-Bacchylides, 347-Hyperides, 348-Timotheus and Herodas, 348-350-Aristotle's 'Constitution of Athens,' 350non-literary documents, 354future possibilities, 355. Greek philosophy, historical development, 204, 70.

Temples and Early Religion, 208, 252-the Acropolis of Athens, 253-use of the poros architecture, 254, 270-range of colouring, 255-works on, 256-258 --the Temple of Apollo the Helper, 258-Aphæa, ib.-excavations, 259, 265, 270-inscription, 260-the pediments, 261-surroundings, 262 -the rebuilding, 263-numbers of offerings, 264-record of the property found, 265-Temple of Hera, ib.-analysis of the offerings, 268, 269-porticoes and other buildings, 270-annual festival, ib.

tragedy, character of, 216, 106, 111-comedy, 107.

Greeks, number of, in Turkey, 210, 245 their devastation of Macedonia, 220, 508, 523-accusations against, 509-evidence of refugees, 510, 517-barbarities and massaores, 511-523-Intercepted Letters,' 511 note-accusations against the Bulgarians, 511-516-systematic plan, 521.

Green, A. S., The Making of Ireland,' 210, 259-her misleading statements, ib. See History, Irish.



Green, Charles, his use of coal-gas for balloons, 217, 222.

J. R., on Bishop Stubbs' inaugural lecture at Oxford, 202, 5.

Professor, criticism of his philosophy, 205, 417.

T. H., his 'Prolegomena to Ethics,' 210, 401 note. Greenfield, G. C., his estimate of the duration of the northern coalfield, 203, 137. Greenwell, Allan, Coal-dust and Colliery Explosions,' 214, 412. Greg, W. R., contribution to the Quarterly Review,' 211, 322–

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The Creed of Christendom,' ib.

W. W., 'Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama,' 211, 77 note, Gregorovius, Ferdinand, Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter,' 203, 109- Briefe aus der Corrispondenza Acciajuoli,' 207, 402'Passeggiate per Italia,' 215, 377.


Gregory, Lady, character of her plays, 215, 234-comic outlook on life, 235-'The Image,' ib.--' Full Moon,' 236-' Gaol Gate,' ib.

XIII, Pope, his reformation of the Calendar, 221, 273.

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Mr, Great Rift Valley,' 213, 84 note.

Grenfell and Hunt, Messrs, their discoveries at Oxyrhynchus, 208, 338, 342 et seq.

Greswell, Rev. W., 'The County of Somerset,' 209, 78.

Greville, Charles, his memoirs,' 212, 319.

Grévy, Jules, elected Speaker of the Assembly, 210, 88-resignation, 95.

Grey, Earl, extracts from his Address

at the Labour Co-partnership Association, 219, 525, 526-his views


on Federalism and Nationalism, 220, 288-his views on a National Convention, 221, 293.

Grey, Rt Hon. Sir Edward, his conduct of foreign affairs, 205, 289

-on Devolution, 563-character of his foreign policy, 206, 278; 209, 253- Fly-Fishing,' 207, 524-on the increase of the German Navy, 211, 567—his faith in party government, 212, 304-attitude on the reform of the House of Lords, 589, 610-his position in the Cabinet, 593-his views on the exclusion of Ulster, 220, 277-his scheme for 'Home Rule within Home Rule,' 280, 287-character of his foreign policy, 313-his proposal on the Home Rule Bill, 588-on the situation in Ireland, 221, 513-on the Anglo-French agreement, 547,

Sir George, on the federation of South Africa, 204, 291-the originator of the Referendum in Australia, 214, 530-his explorations in North-West Australia, 215, 106.

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Gribble, F., Chateaubriand and his Court of Women,' 214, 192 note. Griffin, Sir L., Ranjit Singh,' 213, 195 on the value of the Sikhs as soldiers, 202.

Mr, his description of the appearance of J. G. Lockhart, 210, 784.

Griffis, W. E., The Religions of Japan,' 208, 99.

Grimani Breviary, illustrations of, 211, 171.

Grimm, Jacob, the founder of German philology, 215, 433.

Gringmut, Mr, editor of the Moscow Gazette,' 205, 857.


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songs, 219, 426.

Groningen, a new combined Univer- Guillaume, Count of Peiteus, his sity and Hospital, 219, 228. Groot, Prof. J. J., M. De, 'Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China,' 207, 353-Religious Systems of China,' 355.

[blocks in formation]

Guiney, Louise Imogen, Milton and
Vaughan,' 220, 353.
Guinicelli, Guido, influence of his
poetry on Jacopo, 212, 59-cha-
racter of his poetry, 213, 410.
Guizot, M., contributor to the Quar-
terly Review,' 210, 768; 211, 302.
Gummere, Prof. F. B., Originality
and Convention in Literature,'

204, 26.

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Grossi-Gondi, F., 'Il Tuscolano nell' Gunkel, H., Genesis,' 206, 185.

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Guyot, Y., Conflits du Travail et leur Solution,' 204, 239-'Le Directeur et la Paix de l'Europe,' 216, 308.

Gwatkin, Professor H. M., on mysticism, 207, 428-'Studies of Arianism,' 221, 7-Early Church History,' ib.-criticisms on his work, 8. Gwilym, Dafydd ap, the Welsh bard, 212, 391-character of his poetry, 392.

Guest, Lady Charlotte, her transla- Gwynn, Stephen, 'Fishing Holidays,' tion of the 'Mabinogion,' 212, 376. | 207, 520.

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Hadleigh colony, 209, 407. Hadow, W. H., The Oxford History of Music,' 205, 360-362-on Milton's love of music, 210, 167'Music and Drama,' 216, 103. Haeckel, Prof., 'Riddle of the Universe,' extract from, 217, 391'Monism,' 398.

Haecker, V., 'Ueber die Farben der Vogelfedern,' 213, 152. Hagenbeck, Carl, his method of restoring the breeds of animals, 214, 345-experiments in breeding, ib. Haggard, A. M., Michael Fairless, Her Life and Writings,' 220, 236.

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H. Rider, The Poor and the Land,' 204, 243—'Allan Quatermain,' extract from, 213, 88. Hague Conference, The, 208, 225character of the Peace Conference of 1899, 227; 214, 22-methods of 1907, 208, 227-230-result of voting,


229-limitation of armaments, 230 -notice of the outbreak of war, 231 -international arbitration, 232— Court of Arbitral Justice established, 235 obligatory subjects, 236-the Drago doctrine, 236-239 ----international prize court, 239-243 -laws of war, 243-245-drifting contact mines, 246-duties of neutral States in naval war, 247-249reputation and result, 249-works on, 250, 251.

Hague, Sir Henry Wotton's mission to, 210, 38.

Haigh, A. E., 'The Attic Theatre,' 209, 504.

Hailes, Lord, his criticism of Knox's 'History,' 205, 173.

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tion,' 212, 430,

H., his evidence on deep min. ing, 203, 142.

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H. F., on the changes in Burma, 207, 476, 484.

Harry, his drawing of the racehorse 'Stockwell,' 206, 572.

of continental states, 459-461-Mr Hall, Charles, 'The Effects of Civilisa-
Balfour's speech, 461-463-Mr
Arnold Forster's scheme, 463-atti-
tude of Mr Haldane, ib.-Imperial
responsibilities, 464-defence of
India, ib.-present military ar-
rangements insufficient, 465-ex-
pansion of the regular army, 466--
the territorial army, 467-weakness
of the plan, 468-citizen soldiers
and foreign service, 469-organisa-
tion of the first line,' 470-duties
of the cavalry, 471-the use of
civilians on mobilisation, 473-
cost of maintaining the regular
soldiers, ib.-depôt battalions, 474
-the militia, 474-478-the auxil-
iary forces, 478-defects of the
voluntary system, 479.

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Haldane, Mr, his administration of
the army, 209, 252-his territorial
scheme, 210, 2-and Compulsory
Service, 214, 555. Plan of military
defence for the Empire, 215, 277—
Chairman of the Royal Commission
on University Education in London,
218, 532.

Hale, Sir Matthew, on the spread of
beggary, 209, 401.

Hales, Alexander of, 221, 257-his
Summa,' 259.

J. W., his introduction to
'Johnson's Lives of the Poets,'
208, 74.

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Hubert, 'Studies in English Official Historical Documents,' 212, 32.

W. Clarke, 'The Law Relating to Children,' 205, 29.

Hallam, Arthur H., his friendship with Lord Tennyson, 210, 308death, 309-lines on his letters, 220, 391.

Henry, contributor to the 'Quarterly Review,' 210, 757. Haller, Baron von, his excavations at Egina, 208, 259.

Hals, Franz, his portrait of Descartes, 219, 50.

Hamaca, or tobacco-bed, 219, 129, 133.

Hamburger Nachrichten,' the, ex-
tract from, 205, 311.

Hamilton, A., ' Problem of the Middle
East,' 215, 257.

and Brandon, Duchess of, method of feeding her goats, 207, 121.

C., on the personal traits of the Duke of Devonshire, 216, 263 - Marriage as a Trade,' extract from, 219, 164.

Lord George, his views on Mr Balfour's speech on protective policy, 202, 251-his Naval Defence Bill of 1889, 211, 551-on the critical faculties of Sir A. Lyall, 219, 187.

Sir Ian, 'Compulsory Service,' 214, 555 et seq.

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