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Washington, DC.

The committee met at 2:30 p.m., in executive session, in room F-53, Capitol.

Present: Chairman Fulbright and Senators Sparkman, Gore, Lausche, Hickenlooper, Aiken, and Carlson.

G. Mennen Williams, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and others continued the administration testimony on the bill (S. 2996) To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

For record of the proceedings, see the printed transcript. [The committee adjourned at 4:15 p.m.]





Washington, DC.

The_committee met, pursuant to notice, at 4:30 p.m., in room F-53, U.S. Capitol Building, Hon. John Sparkman presiding. Present: Chairman Fulbright and Senators Sparkman, Humphrey, Gore, Hickenlooper, and Aiken.

Also present: Mr. Marcy and Mr. Tillman of the committee staff. Senator SPARKMAN. I think we might as well get started. Senator Fulbright will not be here; I am afraid not many other Senators will be here, because they are running back and forth between here and the Senate. This is the time of day most of them try to get to sign their mail.

Here is Senator Aiken. Come in, George. We are just about to get started. We can do it now on a bipartisan basis. We will proceed. Go right ahead.


Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Chairman, this is in connection with the items. which we are presenting at Geneva to the 18-Nation Disarmament Conference. We felt that you should be brought up to date on where we stand on certain parts of this and where we plan to go. You will recall that the Soviet presented a so-called draft treaty to the Conference early in the session at Geneva, and we had presented our September 25 program, both directed toward the ultimate objective of general and complete disarmament. We had felt that the best way to progress was to get the broadest measure of agreement on measures leading to general and complete disarmament, and reported that to the committee before we went to Geneva on March 10.

The Soviets have refused to, in effect, discuss the situation in these terms, and have said that since they have the only draft treaty, we should confine our discussions to a proposal working toward a treaty. Therefore, it seemed wise, at least from a tactical viewpoint, to put the substantive items which are in our September 25 program in the form of a draft treaty outline in order to offset this tactical approach which they have made, and to put this on an equivalent basis because many of the new nations there, the eight non-aligned nations, could not understand why we are unwilling to talk about the Soviet draft treaty.


So we have been working toward a draft treaty outline, and it was that, in particular, we wanted to discuss with you.

This, of course, is purely tentative. It is for purposes of discussion. It is for purposes of educating the members of this Conference to the complexities of what we are attempting to do. For the most part, it sticks almost completely to the September 25 program, and it then attempts to develop in more detail the items which have been covered in that September 25 program.

It begins with a preamble; it includes a set of objectives and principles which set the background for stage 1. It then progresses into stage 2 and stage 3. But the point about both the program and the proposed outline is that there is no time limit set for the overall achievement of the final objectives.

There was a time limit set as a possibility for the first stage in Secretary Rusk's first statement to the Conference. He said that we presumed it would be possible to achieve the objectives of stage 1 within 3 years.


In this draft treaty outline, which is still in the discussion stage within the executive branch, we did set forth an objective of a 30 percent cut across the board for various types of major armaments. The details of that, of course, are still to be negotiated out, both within the U.S. Government and ultimately, of course, also as between ourselves and the other countries at the Conference.

The treaty outline was felt essential as a device and also as a discipline under which we would think out for ourselves exactly the implications of some of these activities. Naturally, it would only be in the form of a discussion and an agreement over there on the general procedures, and it would have to come back to you gentlemen if we ever got to an agreement, to the point of an agreement, between ourselves and the Russians in the form of a treaty.

There have been some questions raised as to whether this is a 9year suggestion of moving toward complete elimination of national armies. That is not the case.

We did set stage 1 of 3 years. We have set very definite provisions for a transition between stages. During that transition one would have to check whether all the items which were presumed to take place in stage 1 had taken place, whether the preparations for stage 2 had been been adequately set up; whether the international measures or mechanisms had been established to take care of the next requirements.

Senator GORE. To make the checks.


Mr. FOSTER. And we had not set a time limit publicly for either stage 2 or stage 3. So this could not be, as Lord Home said in one of his comments before the Conference, that the U.S. plan was a 9year program. That is not the case. We do not know how many years it would be, because all these things would have to transpire before it would be possible to shift from one stage to another.

It is entirely within the realm of possibility that the third stage, in the best of all possible worlds, if everything had worked perfectly up to that point, it might be actually shorter than 3 years or it might be longer than 3 years. We do not attempt to define that at this point in time, because it is impossible to look that far ahead and see what would have happened.

It is fair to state, however, that we never in any sense have said that we were offering the 9-year treaty to remove the national armies and armaments of the United States. That is not a correct statement.

Senator HUMPHREY. Mr. Foster-Mr. Chairman, may I interrupt for just a moment to clarify a point for this record?

Mr. FOSTER. Yes, sir.

Senator HUMPHREY. AS Senator Gore interjected a moment ago, after stage 1, which was contemplated to be a 3-year period, the checking that is requried may call for a considerable amount of time; is that not true?

Mr. FOSTER. It is true, and we would not proceed until all of the things that are set forth have been suitably disposed of.

Senator HUMPHREY. That is true also of stage 2.

Mr. FOSTER. That is true of the transition between stage 2 and stage 3.

Senator HUMPHREY. Under the best of circumstances or almost under controlled laboratory conditions, speaking in scientific terms, the 9 years was a figure that would respond to the best of circumstances; isn't that about right?

Mr. FOSTER. I think it is apt to be a little better than the best of circumstances because that might allow for no transition time, so that you might have something from 91⁄2 to 10 years in the best of circumstances, I would suggest.


Senator HUMPHREY. All of this is at least bilateral and not unilateral, isn't that correct?

Mr. FOSTER. Yes, this is true.

Senator SPARKMAN. It is more than that; it is multilateral.
Senator HUMPHREY. I said it is at least bilateral.

Mr. FOSTER. Yes, it is at least bilateral, and it might be, and we assume it would be, multilateral.

Senator HUMPHREY. The reason I mention that is that the point has been made that our policy is a unilateral disarmament, and that obviously is not the case, is it?

Mr. FOSTER. Not at all. There is no kind of unilateral disarmament in this plan whatsoever. Each stage would be balanced, each stage would be phased. The design of anything that would be done would be such that the relative military security of each side would not be harmed as you went down.

Senator HUMPHREY. But each stage relates to comparable action on the part of other nations and, particularly, the Soviet Union; does it not?

Mr. FOSTER. That is correct.

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