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The Hawthorne school district has a valuation of approximately $2,000,000 and could possibly be bonded for $100,000, but have plans and need construction amounting to $300,000 which does not include the high-school construction needs. The present enrollment is approximately 750 children which is an increase of approximately 750 percent in the last 8 years due to the United States naval ammunition depot. Approximately 1,200 employees at this depot reside in the naval housing project which is tax-exempt, but whose children make up twothirds of the total enrollment. The school has no gymnasium facilities and the present auditorium was designed for only 100 children. Two classrooms of the fourth grade are in basement rooms which are very inadequate. Three rooms were converted 2 years ago from a surplus building in which inadequate light and low ceilings are not desirable as classrooms. The school is unable to provide hotlunch facilities because of needed space. Library facilities are very limited and we are using the present auditorium for the library.

Two years ago the Federal Works Agency provided planning money for a building program and all plans and specifications are ready for any immediate building, as soon as money is available.

I sincerely hope that this explains our needs and should any further information be needed please do not hesitate to write me.

Sincerely yours,

FLOYD SMALLEY, Superintendent.



FALLON, NEV., June 7, 1949.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Carson City, Nev.

DEAR MISS BRAY: Your memorandum of June 1, 1949, requesting that we make up a brief case history of our school district including the need of construction in the district has been received, and I wish to submit the following as a case history of this school.

Churchill County High School, Churchill County, Fallon, Nev., can definitely anticipate a steady increase in enrollment for the next 10 years and possibly for a longer period of time. The high school building was erected in 1917 and added to in about 1920 or a little later. It was adequate at that time, but is overcrowded today. An enrollment of 325 to 350 students taxes the facilities to the limit. Nor are we able to give instruction in such subjects as art and many other cultural subjects which should be included in the curriculum, because of lack of space and equipment. In addition to the crowded condition which exists in our school building, being of such age that there is a constant expenditure for repairs. As all other public buildings during the course of the late war, the repairs were neglected and we can note that only most important and necessary repairs were made and they were made in patchwork form. In fact there are patches upon patches until at the present time something must be done for no more patches can be added.

Perhaps the basis of our school lies in the agricultural department because of the fact that this is a farming community. Here our physical plant is far from adequate for our present needs. We have a building which apparently was at one time two residences which were moved in and rebuilt. It is divided so that about one-third of the building comprises a classroom and two-thirds of the building comprises a farm shop and it is entirely inadequate to take care of classes as they should be taken care of and although we continue to do the best we can we realize that it is an impossibility to do the job that should be done. building is heated by the use of three oil heaters which are far from modern and also inadequate.


Our school cannot offer any type of shopwork to boys not registering in agriculture because we do not have the room space or equipment. We should have facilities for a cabinetmaking shop, tinsmithing work, and auto mechanics shop, but with the financial condition which exists at present this is an impossibility. Our district which is county wide is valued for tax purposes at $11,500. The total county tax rate is now at the statutory limit of $5 per $100 of valuation. Of this total rate of $5 the high school gets $1.01. This must all be used (and more is needed) from maintenance and support and transportation.

JAN 261950

At the present time the high school has a bond issue of $185,000 which was used to construct the gymnasium which was open to use in December 1948. This bond issue is for 20 years' duration and is the total amount allowed for bonding according to the existing laws.

This, I believe, shows the general picture of this county high school as far as needs are concerned and as far as the possibilities of securing local assistance is concerned.

Very truly yours,

WALLACE S. SMITH, Superintendent.

Consolidation of returns of questionnaire for estimate of school plant needs, Georgia (approximately 80 percent returns)

Present active enrollment_.
Number of classrooms in use.

Additional classrooms needed.

Number needed to replace those not to be continued.

Anticipated increase in enrollment, next 6 years.

Number classrooms needed for increase_

Total number additional classrooms needed.

Estimated cost to provide additional classrooms.
Number classrooms needing major repair.
Estimated total cost of repair

Number of special rooms in use

Total number additional special rooms needed.

Estimated cost to provide additional special rooms.
Number special rooms needing major repair.

Estimated total cost of repair.

Number of new service facilities needed.

Number of service facilities needing rehabilitation_


Estimated total cost of service facilities added or rehabilitated_.
Total cost of site purchase and development_

Total cost of needs (exclusive of equipment).
Maximum local funds possible___

Balance of funds required_____

[blocks in formation]


The building situation in Wells is in the position that it cannot possibly build the type of school plant that it had planned or feels necessary in the face of present building costs. In order to meet the needs that a well-rounded educational program demands, we need an adequate gym, homemaking department, science laboratory, and auditorium. All of these are lacking in the present plant, and the estimated cost to include these in our new building program would be just about double the bond issue of $250,000 passed in 1946.

This puts us in the undesirable position of wondering whether to build a gym and remodel to the extent that it would be possible, but which would still leave us with an inadequate homemaking department, science department, vocational shop, and no auditorium; or wait until such uncertain time that with a drop in building costs, we can get what we think is adequate.

The constitutional tax limit has already been reached in our county, in my opinion, another bond issue in the foreseeable future for Elko County high school No. 2 is out; so the decision is squarely before us of sacrificing present generation of students for future, or compromise with an inadequate plant for both present and future generation of students.

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