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60 Paraguay-La Plata—Chili—Patagonia.


123. How is Paraguay bounded? 124. What is its natural figure? 125. State its area and population. 126. In what way are the inhabitants governed? 127. How does this person style himself? 128.* Name his capital. 129. Where is it situated? 130. What was it originally? 131.* What about its population? 132. By whom, and when, was Paraguay first discovered? 133. Who subjugated the country? 134. In what way did the inhabitants behave towards the natives? 135. When did the Jesuits make their appearance in Paraguay? 136. What boon did they gain from the King of Spain with respect to Paraguay? 137. Was this state of affairs afterwards altered?


138. By what various names is this republic known? 139. How is it bounded? 140. State its area and population. 141.* To what nation did it formerly belong? 142. By what appellations was it then known? 143* What can you state concerning its religion and government? 144.* How is it at present divided? 145. What do you know about its metropolis! 146. What mountains can you mention in La Plata? 147.* Name its principal rivers? 148. Also the tributaries of the Rio de la Plata. 149. Copy out the table from Section Thirty-five. 150. Where is the metropolis of Buenos-Ayres situated? 151. What renders it important? 152. Describe the appearance of the city. 153. What can you state about its inhabitants? 154. And about its harbour? 155. Where is the town of Monte Video, and whence has it derived its name? 156. Mention what you know about it. 157. Give some account of the town of Mendoza.


158. How is Chili bounded? 159.* State its population and superficial extent. 160. To what nation did it formerly belong? 161.* How was it then governed? 162. When, and how, did it become independent? 163.* What is its religion? 164.* Describe its form of government. 165.* How is Chili at present divided? 166.* What do you know about the Araucanians? 167. Describe the capital of Chili. 168. What is the natural appearance of Chili? 169. What can you mention generally about its rivers? 170. Name the principal ones. 171. What can you state about the mountains of Chili? 172. Copy out the table from Section Forty. 173. Give the situation of the capital of Chili. 174. Mention what you know about it. 175. Name its port. 176. Give some account of Valparaiso. 177. Where are the islands Juan Fernandez and Masafuera? 178. What has rendered the former interesting?


179. What part of South America is included under the appellation Patagonia? 180.* Give the limits of Patagonia. 181.* State its area and population. 182. What can you mention about Cape Horn? 183.* Where is the Terra del Fuego? 184. What is it? 185.* What island forms Cape Horn? 186.* For what is this promontory remarkable? 187. By what other name is Patagonia also known? 188. When, and by whom, was it discovered? 189. What about the Strait of Magellan? 190. What particulars can you state about the inhabitants of Patagonia? 191. What is their moral condition? 192. What State claims dominion over them?



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