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THE arrangement of the Chapters in the following Praxis corresponds with that of the "Grammar of Modern Geography" to which it refers; and the order of the Questions in the one follows that of the account of people, countries, and places, given in the other.

Such Questions as have Asterisks prefixed to them, refer to those general matters which in the Grammar are printed with larger type. These alone may be at first given to the Learner, either for oral or written answers ; but, as the Sections in the Grammar and the Questions themselves are both numbered, any others may be readily adopted.

[blocks in formation]

III. Continent of Europe

IV. Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland -
V. Kingdom of France

VI. Kingdoms of Belgium and Holland

VII. Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal VIII. Republic of Switzerland

IX. German States

X. Kingdom of Denmark

XI. Kingdom of Sweden and Norway

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XII. Russian Empire in Europe-Republic of Cracow


Italian States

XIV. Turkish or Ottoman Empire in Europe

XV. Kingdom of Greece-Republic of the Ionian Islands
XVI. Continent of Asia

XVII. Turkish or Ottoman Empire in Asia

XVIII. Arabia

XIX. Kingdoms of Persia and Cabul or Afghanistan
XX. India or Hindoostan

XXI. Trans-Gangetic India-Australasia-Polynesia
XXII. Russian Empire in Asia-Independent Tartary
XXIII. Empires of China and Japan


Continent of Africa

XXV. Barbary States

XXVI. Pachalic of Egypt-Nubian States-Kingdom of Abys



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South Eastern Africa Madagascar-Comoro Is., &c.—
Cape of Good Hope-Lower Guinea-Coast of Guinea
-Senegambia-Soudan or Nigritia-Tibboo and Tua-
rick-Kingdom of Fezzan-Cape Verde, Canary,
Madeira, and Azores or Western İsles
Continent of America

XXIX. British America-Greenland and Iceland-Russian Ame

[blocks in formation]

XXX. Mexico-Central America or Guatimala-Balleze-The
West Indies -

XXXI. Colombia-Guyana-Brazil-Peru-Upper Peru or Bo-
livia-Paraguay-La Plata or The Argentine Republic

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9, 10








23, 24




31, 32



38, 39 40-42

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1.* WHAT is Astronomy? 2. What is meant by the term Systems of the Universe? 3.* In what way is the word Phænomena used? 4.* How many Systems of the Universe are there? 5. Name them. 6.* Whence 7.* What is a Planet?

has the Planetary System derived its name?

8. What is the shape of the heavenly bodies? 9. Define the term Disc. 10. And Diameter. 11.* And Hemisphere. 12. What people appear to have been first acquainted with Astronomy? 13. To whom did they communicate their knowledge? 14. Give some account of the opinions of Thales. 15. And those of Pythagoras. 16. Describe the Ptolemaic System. 17. Also the Copernican System. 18. Also the Tychonic System, 19. What was the Semi-Tychonic System? 20.* What great men taught the Solar System? 21.* Upon what principle does it rest? 22.* What is meant by the Centripetal and Centrifugal forces? 23.* What is the arrangement of the Solar System? 24. Mention the planets in their order with respect to the Sun. 25. What is an Orbit? 26. What is the figure of the Planetary Orbits? 27. Why are some planets called Inferior and Superior, and which are they? 28.* What is meant by Primary and Secondary Planets? 29.* What is meant by the terms Moons and Satellites. 30. How many Satellites have the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Georgian? 31. Mention what you know about the Sun. 32. About Mercury. 33. About Venus. 34. About Mars. 35. What can you state about Vesta, Ceres, Pallas, and Juno? 36. What about Jupiter? 37. What about Saturn? 38. What about the Georgian? 39. Mention some particulars about Comets.

40.* What is meant by the term Fixed Stars? 41.* What are they conjectured to be. 42.* What notion can you form of their distance? 43. What is understood by the term Magnitudes with respect to Stars? 44. What are Telescopic Stars? 45.* What are Double Stars? 46.* What are the Nebulæ supposed to be? 47.* Give some account of the Milky Way. 48.* What is Sir Wm. Herschel's theory concerning it? 49.* How and when were the heavens first portioned out for the sake of description? 50.* What has rendered twelve of them more important than the others? 51.* Give the origin and meaning of the term Signs. 52.* Also of that of Zodiack. 53.* Name the twelve Signs of the Zodiack. 54.* What is the Ecliptic

55. Whence did it obtain its name? 56. What account can you give of the names applied by the Egyptians to the Zodiacal constellations? 57. What is meant by Sabaism? 58. Relate some particulars concerning its origin and history.

59.* Describe the figure of the Earth. 60.* What gives it this figure? 61.* What is meant by the Axis of the Earth? 62.* And by its Poles? 63.* How many Poles are there, and how are they distinguished? 64.* What causes day and night? 65.* What can you mention about the apparent motion of the heavenly bodies? 66. How would you demonstrate the roundness of the Earth's figure? 67. Who are the Antipodes? 68. Give some account of them. 69. How does Gravitation affect them? 70. Demonstrate the motion of the Earth as producing Morning, Noon, Evening, and Midnight. 71. Define the term Horizon. 72. Also the terms Zenith and Nadir. 73.* What causes the Seasons? 74.* What causes the different lengths of day and night? 75. As the Sun does not move round the Earth, how is it that we say he moves from one constellation to another? 76.* Give the origin and definition of the term Parallels. 77.* What is the Equator? 78.* What other name has it, and why is it so called? 79.* What are the Equinoctial Points? 80. How many Tropics are there? 81. Which be they? 82. Whereabouts over the Earth do they seem to pass? 83.* What is the origin of the name Tropic? 81. And why are they named after the constellations Cancer and Capricorn? 85. What are the Solstices and Solstitial points? 86.* Why are they so called. 87.* Give some account of the Polar Circles. 88. To what circles in the heavens do they answer? 89. Where will the Sun be vertical? 90. Demonstrate the Phenomenon of the Vernal Equinox. 91. Of the Summer Solstice? 92. Of the Autumnal Equinox. 93. Of the Winter Solstice. 94. How do you account for the different distances of the Sun from the Earth? 95. And for the apparent difference in its magnitude? 96. And also for the difference in its apparent motion? 97. What is meant by the Earth's Aphelium and Perihelium? 98. When is the Sun nearest to us? 99. What is the reason, then, that it is colder in Winter than in Summer?

100.* Whence does the Moon derive her light? 101. What is meant by the Moon's Synod and Synodical Month? 102.* What is understood by her Phases? 103.* Whence do they arise? 104. Demonstrate the phenemenon of Full Moon. 105. Of the Gibbous Moon. 106. Of the HalfMoon. 107. Of the Horned Moon. 108. Of the Change of the Moon. 109. Which part of the Moon is towards the Sun? 110. Give some account of the Moon's faint light. 111. What is understood by the Moon's Apogee and Perigee? 112. What causes an Eclipse of the Sun? 113. When only can it happen? 114. What causes an Eclipse of the Moon? 115.* When only can it happen? 116. What is meant by the Nodes the Moon? 117. Give some account of them? 118. Why is there not an Eclipse of the Sun at every change of the Moon? 119. What is the figure of the Shadows cast by the Earth and Moon? 120. To what is this owing? 121. How do you prove this? 122. Does the Earth's Shadow ever darken the whole of the Moon? 123. How is this caused? 124. Can the Earth darken Mars when it passes between it and the Sun? 125. What does this prove? 126. When is an Eclipse of the Moon greatest or longest, and why? 127. Demonstrate this. 128. What is a Total Eclipse of the Moon? 129. What is a Partial Eclipse? 130. What is a central Eclipse? 131. Demonstrate the Phenomenon of a Central Eclipse of the Moon. 132. Of a Total Eclipse of the Moon. 133. Of a Partial Eclipse of the Moon. 134. Which side of the Earth's Shadow does the Moon enter? 135. What is un

derstood by the term Digits? 136. Is an Eclipse of the Sun ever Total? 137. Is it dark then? 138. Does this darkness last long, and why? 139. Can the Moon ever obscure the whole Earth at the same time? 140. Why not? 141. Explain the cause of this. 142. What is an Annular Eclipse? 143. What occasions it? 144. Demonstrate this phenomenon.

145.* What causes the tides? 146.* When does the Sea flow? 147.* When does it ebb? 148.* Which are Spring-tides? 149. Which are Neap-tides? 150. What can you mention about the highest and lowest tides? 151. How often does the sea ebb and flow during the day? 152. Describe the daily motion of the tide ? 153. What difference is there between the length of a solar and lunar day? 154. What effect does this produce on the tides? 155. In what way does the action of the Sun assist that of the Moon in causing the tides? 156. Demonstrate their united action on the Spring-tides. 157. On the Neap-tides. 158. Do the Springtides and Neap-tides take place exactly at the changes and quadratures of the Moon? 159. Why not? 160. Mention the heights to which the tides rise in some places and generally.




1.* Define the term Geography. 2.* Give its origin. 3. Give the meaning and origin of the word Hydrography. 4. Also of Cosmography. 5. Also of Chorography. 6. Also of Topography. 7. How is the situation of places upon the Earth determined? 8. How is every circle divided? How comes this. 10.* What is meant by Degrees? 11. How are these subdivided? 12.* What is Latitude? 13. How is it reckoned? 14. What is the greatest Latitude a place can have? 15. What is meant by a Parallel? 16.* What is the Latitude of places situated on the Equator? 17.* What is Longitude? 18.* How is it measured? 19.* What is understood by the First Meridian? 20.* Where did the Ancients place it? 21.* Where do the Moderns place it? 22.* What is the origin of the term Meridian? 23.* What is the greatest Longitude a place can properly have? 24.* What is the Longitude of those places which lie under the First Meridian? 25. What is the origin of the terms Latitude and Longitude? 26. Is the Longitude ever reckoned completely round the globe? 27. How may this be remedied?

28.* How do you define the Meridian and Parallel of a place? 29.* Are all the Meridian lines of the globe equally long, and why? 30.* Are all its Parallels equally long, and why not? 31. Are there the same number of degrees in every Meridian and Parallel? 32. Why so? 33.* Are there the same number of miles in every Meridian and Parallel? 34.* Why not? 35.* How many miles does a degree of Latitude always contain? 36.* How many miles does a degree of Longitude contain? 37.* Where are the degrees of Longitude greatest and least? 38.* How are the degrees of Latitude and Longitude marked on a map? 39.* How do you tell on a map whether places are in North or South Latitude? 40. And how whether they are in East or West Longitude. 41. Give the Latitude and Longitude of all the places in Section Ten. 42. How is the distance obtained between two places on the same Meridian? 43. And how between two places on the same parallel? 44. And how when on different parallels and meridians? 45. How many Geographical Miles are there in a degree of Latitude? 46. And how many British Statute miles? 47.* What is meant by Longitude

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