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30. The formations in battery to the front, to the rear, and on the flanks, are made by means exactly similar to those which have been explained for forming in line.

In the first and second cases, the commandant in chief commands,

Deploy on...... battery, in order to fire.

In the other cases, the command in battery is substituted for in line. Each battery effects its movement with the greatest possible promptitude.




To march in Line; change Direction; pass an Obstacle; halt, and dress the Line.


1st. To march in Line.

The batteries being correctly aligned, the commandant in chief indicates to the chief of the regulating battery the point on which his battery should direct its march, and commands,

1. Attention. 2. Batteries-forward.


3. Regulate on ... battery.

At the third command, the chief of the designated battery commands,

Guide right, or left,

according as it constitutes a part of the right or left division. The chiefs of the other batteries name the guide on the side towards which they are to dress.

At the word MARCH, repeated by the chiefs of batteries, the whole line moves forward.


2d. To change the Direction of a Line of Batteries, while


The commandant in chief executes the change of front on one of the flanks, by the means and commands which will be herein prescribed, No. 41.


3d. To pass an Obstacle.

If an obstacle present itself before a piece, section, or half-battery, it is passed according to the principles in the School of the Battery, No. 65.

If the obstacle present itself before a battery, it moves in rear of the battery of its division, which remains in line, breaking by sections to the right or left into column. After the obstacle is passed, the piece, section or half-battery will resume its place in line by the means prescribed. When marching in retreat, an obstacle is passed by the same means.


4th. To halt and dress the Line.

The comman lant in chief commands,

Attention 2. Batteries. 3. HALTt. 4. On.

.... battery-Dress.

The chiefs of batteries repeat the three first commands: at the third, the batteries halt; and at the fourth, the regulating battery dresses to the right, if it belong to the right division, and to the left, if to the left division. The other batteries dress towards the one named. The chiefs of batteries, except the one of the named battery, move to the flank of their batteries, opposite the side on which they are aligned.

In order to give more accuracy to the alignment, it may be made by sections, as in No. 67 of the School of the Battery.


35. To march by a Flank, in order to gain Ground to the Right, or to the Left, and to change Direction.

The maneuvres are the same as in the School of the Battery, Nos. 68 and 69.


Passage of a Defile to the Front and in Retreat.

36. To pass a defile to the front, the line, marching or at a halt, is broken by one of its flanks, or by a central section, according to the position of the defile. But if the defile, presenting itself before a central battery, (the third for example,) can be passed only by sections, it will then be necessary to break by the second section of the third battery, as in the School of the Battery, No. 6. The second and third batteries break by pieces, in order to unite in double column in rear of the third, and the first arranges itself in column of sections in rear of the others. In this case, the commandant in chief will command,

On second section of third battery-to the front-pass the defile. This column will again be brought into line as soon as the batteries have cleared the defile, by the same commands and similar means as in the School of the Battery, No. 53: the second and first change direction to the right, and form successively on the left into line: the fourth changes direction to the left, and forms on the right into line.

Whatever may be the formation of the column, it is preferable, when the ground in front of the defile will permit, to advance the head of the column so far as to form the whole line by a simultaneous movement.

37. The passage of the defile, in retreat, when it is not necessary to cover the retreat by a part of the line, is effected in the same manner as that to the front, by the flank nearest the defile. But, if the passage be made under the fire of an enemy, the opposite flank must break off while the rest of the line covers the movement by its fire.

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38. In either case, if the defile be in rear of a central battery, (the third, for example,) the commandant in chief will first cause the first battery to 'break by its first section in retreat into column, and then will cause the other batteries to execute the movement prescribed in the School of the Battery, No. 72, for passing the defile in retreat by the two flanks. The second and fourth batteries break, by pieces, in retreat, and join in double column in rear of the third, which breaks as directed in the School of the Battery.

As soon as each battery clears the defile, its chief conducts it, and forms it opposite the place it occupied before passing the defile.

In this particular case, the first battery coming out of the defile changes its direction to the left, marches, in column of sections, in retreat, to the place it is to occupy in the line, and forms in battery by wheeling by sections to the right;

The second makes a similar movement by pieces;

The fourth changes direction to the right, and forms in battery by wheeling to the left;

The third deploys, as in the School of the Battery, No. 72.

In coming out of the defile, the caissons move directly on the line they are to occupy, so as to be opposite their respective pieces.


39. Being in Line, marching or halted, to form in Battery. This manœuvre is the same as in the School of the Battery, No. 74.


Changes of Front, in Line or in Battery.

Being in line at a halt, three different changes of front may be executed, as in the School of the Battery; but they are all three included in the central change of front, which is about to be explained.

40. Central Change of Front, on the Right of third Battery, (for example, to face to the Right.)

The commandant in chief commands,

1. Attention. 2. Change front on first section of third battery, left wing forward. 3. MARCH.

At the second command, the chief of the third battery will order,
Change front forward on first section;

the chiefs of the first and second batteries,

Pieces and caissons-left-about wheel;

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At the word MARCH, repeated by the chiefs of batteries, the movement ordered for each will be executed.

The third forms on the line, on the principles in the School of the Battery, No. 75.

As soon as the second is in motion, its chief commands,

Battery-right wheel.

When the line of caissons has executed its wheel on a movable pivot, inclining strongly to the right, the line of pieces wheels over the same ground. These pieces, after having passed the alignment of the third battery, are again brought upon this line by the commands,

Pieces and caissons-left-about wheel-MARCH. Halt. Left dress. The fourth battery, after breaking into column, moves to its front, until its first piece is abreast the place it should occupy in the new line, then changes its direction to the right, and, when its whole column is in the new direction, forms line to the front;

The first breaks on its third section into column in retreat, and moves to the rear in such manner as to arrive, perpendicularly to the line, at the point on which its sixth piece is to rest. The head of the column having arrived on this line, the chief of the first battery commands,

In retreat into line-MARCH. Pieces and caissons-left-about wheelMARCH. Halt. Left dress.

This central change of front is the same on whatever battery it may be executed

41. To change front on the right flank, to face to the right, the first bat

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tery executes what has been prescribed for the third, and the others what has been directed for the fourth. To face to the left, the first changes front to the rear, and the others conform to what has been detailed for the first in the preceding example.

In a central change, of front, the battery next the pivot always changes its front by wheeling to the front or to the rear without breaking into





1st. To fire advancing.

It is often useful to advance one part of the line, while the other remains at its first position to cover the movement.

To advance by the right of the line, the commandant in chief commands, 1. Attention. 2. Fire advancing by batteries. 3. First battery—


At this command, the chief of the first battery causes it to cease firing, and moves forward to renew the fire, as quickly as possible, in the new position, which has been designated by the commandant in chief. During the movement, the other batteries continue to fire, and the pieces towards the right fire somewhat obliquely to the left, so as not to incommode the battery which has advanced."

As soon as the first battery has gained its new position, and has opened its fire, the second commences its movement, and advances the same distance as the first, and so on.

When the fourth is established to the front, the movement recommences n the same manner by the left.

To fire advancing by divisions, is executed in a similar manner.


2d. To fire retreating by Batteries.`

This is executed in a manner similar to what has been said in the Schoo of the Battery, No. 85, for firing in retreat by half-batteries.


3d. To fire to the Rear.

This is executed by the whole battery, or only a part of it, by commands of the commandant in chief, as in No. 89, School of the Battery.

45. If it be necessary to fire, at the same time, to the front, to both flanks, and to the rear, the batteries may be formed in a square, on any given point of the line if (for example) on the third battery, the second and fourth change front to the rear, in order to place themselves perpendicularly to the third; the first breaks on the third section in retreat, and moves to the rear, to close the square, forming, by sections on the right, in retreat into line. The square may be formed on any other battery by similar means. The line is re-formed by inverse means, after having brought the pieces

and caissons to the left-about.

In like manner, the square may be formed from column of sections, on any given battery, (for example, the second :) this battery forms to the front into battery; the first wheels by pieces and caissons to the right, unmasks the column, and forms perpendicularly to the second, by sections on the right, in retreat, into battery; the third continues to march forward, and then forms, by sections, left wheel into battery; and the fourth, after having gained ground to the left, forms into battery faced to the rear,


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