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SECOND CASE. To break off by the centre Section. The captain commands,

1. Attention. 2. By centre section-break off.* 3. MARCH. At the second command, the caissons close on the pieces.

The chief of the second section commands,

the chief of the first,

the chief of the third,

Second section-forward ;*

By pieces-left into column ;*

By pieces-right into column.*

At the word MARCH, repeated by the chiefs of sections, the second section continues to march in the same direction, and the pieces of the first and third sections, followed by their caissons, wheel to the left and right, and move on to arrange themselves in the column, as has been prescribed for the same movement from a halt; (No. 6.)


THIRD CASE. To break off by Half-Batteries.

The captain commands,

1. Attention. 2. By half-batteries-break off. 3. MARCH. The movement is executed as has been explained in breaking off by sections, and substituting, throughout, the word half-battery for section. With the left in front, breaking off by sections and half-batteries is executed in a similar manner, the word of command of the captain being always preceded by the number of the section or half-battery by which he wishes to break off, and substituting left for right.

Marching in retreat, to break off by sections or half-batteries, is executed by commands and means the reverse of those for the order in ad





Being in Column of Pieces, Right (or Left) in Front, to form

1st. To the Front.

2d. To the Right (or Left.)


3d. On the Right (or Left.)
4th. Faced to the Rear.

Being in Column of Pieces, Right in Front, on a March.


1st. To form Line to the Front.

(Pl. XXVII.) The captain commands,

1. Attention. 2. Front into line. 3. MARCH.

At the second command, the chief of the first section orders,

the other chiefs of sections,

Front into line;

Pieces-left oblique.

* In horse-artillery, the chiefs of sections command, Tret.

At the word MARCH, repeated by all the chiefs of sections, the first piece moves forward, and is established on the line by the chief of its section. All the other pieces oblique to the left, until they have gained their respective intervals, when they again move to the front, under direction of the chief of each piece, who halts his piece four paces in rear of the line, on which they are dressed by the chiefs of sections.

This formation is made in the same manner, left in front; all the pieces obliquing to the right, except the sixth, which marches straight forward.


2d. To form Line to the Left.

(Pl. XXIX.) The captain commands,

1. Attention. 2. Left into line. 3. MARCH.

At the second command, the chief of the first section orders,

First piece-left wheel;

and the chief of the caissons of the first section,

First caisson-right wheel.

At the word MARCH, repeated by the same chiefs, the first piece wheels to the left, and advances directly to the line, on which it is established by the chief of its section. All the other pieces move straight forward, and successively wheel to the left, when they are opposite the points they are respectively to occupy in line, where they are halted by their respective chiefs, and dressed by the chiefs of their sections.

The first caisson wheels to the right, and then moves on far enough to gain its desired distance from its piece, in rear of which it is established by two successive wheels to the left. The other caissons, following their pieces, wheel to the right, as soon as the latter wheel to the left, and then arrange themselves in their rear, in the same manner as the first caisson, on which they are aligned.

When the left is in front, the formation right into line is made in the same manner, substituting, in what has been said, the word right for left, and reciprocally.


3d. To form Line on the Right.

(Pl. XXX.) The captain commands,

1. Attention. 2. On right into line. 3. MARCH.

At the second command, the chief of the first section orders,

First piece-right wheel;

and the chief of the caissons of this section,

First caisson-left wheel.

At the word MARCH, repeated by the same chiefs, the first piece wheels to the right, marches about twenty paces, and is established on the line by the chief of its section. All the other pieces move straight forward, and are wheeled in succession to the right, when they arrive opposite the points they are to occupy on the line, on which they are halted by their respective chiefs, and are aligned by the chiefs of sections.

The first caisson wheels to the left, and then moves on far enough to gain its desired distance from its piece, in rear of which it is established by two successive wheels to the right. The other caissons, following their pieces, wheel to the left, as soon as the latter wheel to the right, and are established in rear of them, in the same manner as the first caisson, on which they are aligned.

When the left is in front, the formation on the left into line is made in

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