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above movements by forming by pieces left or right into line, on the principles laid down for that sort of formation..


3d. To form Line faced to the Rear.

This movement, being very complicated in the natural order, must be made, as far as possible, by inversion; and in this case

The captain commands,

1. Attention. 2. By inversion—into line—faced to the rear. 3. MARCH. The chiefs of sections cause their pieces to execute the movement front into line, and then left-about wheel.

The caissons pass by their pieces, at a trot, to their stations in line, and there they also wheel to the left-about.

In the same manner the formation is made by inversion into battery faced to the rear; but in this case the pieces and caissons do not wheel to the left-about.

56. The natural order is restored by the methods given above. Nevertheless, if it be determined to execute this formation in the natural order, may be done by first making a countermarch by sections,.and then deploying by the command,

On second section--front into line.

The second section moves to the front, the third and first unmasking by wheeling by pieces and caissons to the left and right, and then again forming on the same line with the second section.


·Being in Column of Half-Batteries, to form in Line or in Battery.

1st. To the Front.

2d. To the Left (or Right.)

3d. On the Right (or Left.)
4th. Faced to the Rear.

57. In the three first cases, the movements and words of command are absolutely the same as in the order by sections, substituting, in all that has been said, the word half-battery for section.

58. The formation in line faced to the rear being impracticable by the method given for the order by sections; to execute this movement, the captain commands, (Pl. XXXVIII.)

1. Attention. 2. Into line-faced to the rear. 3. MARCH. At the second command, the chiefs of half-batteries order,

Pieces and caissons—right wheel.

At the word MARCH, repeated by the chiefs of half-batteries, the pieces and caissons wheel to the right, and each half-battery, marching by its flank and obliquing to the left, moves to the point where it should cross the line, which it passes, the length of a piece. The chief of each half-battery then commands,

Left wheel-forward; Pieces and caissons-left wheel-MARCH; when the head of each half-battery has arrived opposite the point it is to Occupy in the line of battle.

The formation into battery faced to the rear is made in the same manner, substituting, in the commands, into battery for into line. The chiefs of half-battery then command,

Pieces and caissons-right wheel,

when the heads of their half-batteries have arrived at the points they are to occupy,

The same movements may be executed by similar means, when the left is in front.




To march in Line; change Direction; close Intervals; pass an Obstacle; halt the Battery, and align it.


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1st. To march in Line.

The battery being in line, the captain commands,

1. Attention. 2. Battery—forward—guide right (or left.) 3. MARCH. At the second command, the designated guide places himself twelve paces in front of the chief of the piece on that flank, and faces to the direction indicated.

At the word MARCH, the whole move forward. The chief of the piece on the flank next the guide marches in the trace of the guide, preserving his distance; the others dress on him, and preserve between them the proper intervals. The chiefs of sections march on a line with the chiefs of pieces. The line of caissons follows the movement of that of the pieces, keeping always twice the length of a piece distant from it. Each caisson follows exactly the track of its piece.

60. To march in retreat, is done by similar means and words of command, substituting the words in retreat for forward, and applying to the pieces what has been directed for the caissons, and the reverse.

If, when the battery is formed in retreat, it be desired to march to the front, or the reverse, the captain will first cause the whole to wheel leftabout. In the first case, the movement is continued by the command,

Forward-guide right, (or left,)

given when the wheel-about is nearly completed.


2d. To change Direction.

(Pl. XXXIX.) The battery marching in line, the captain commands, 1. Attention. 2. Right (or left) wheel. 3. MARCH.

At the word MARCH, repeated by the chiefs of sections, the line of pieces makes its wheel in such a manner as to preserve the intervals of the pieces on the side of the pivot, and the alignment on the marching flank. The pivot piece takes care to clear the wheeling point, and slackens its pace; the marching flank quickens the pace.

In horse-artillery, the marching flank trots.

The movement being nearly completed, the captain commands,


At this command, all the pieces resume the forward march and ordinary pace. The line of caissons will wheel at the same point as that of the pieces, and in the same manner, at the command,

Right (or left) wheel,

given by the officer of the train, who afterwards directs this line again to e front by the word Forward.

To march in line,& change direction.

1. Attention.
2. Right wheel.

3. March.


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