| 1807 - 770 pages
...appointed, wtli sir Home Popham, and lieut.-colonel Murray, to prepare and sign articles of captulation; and those officers having insisted on proceeding immediately...capitulation was drawn up in the night, between the 6th and /th. Theratifi:ation was exchanged in the course of the morning, and at four in the afternoon of the... | |
| 1807 - 724 pages
...articles of capitulation ; and tiioft officers having infifted on proceeding'immediately to bufinefs, the Capitulation was drawn up in the night between the 6th and 7th. The ratification was changed in the com Ic of the morning, and at four in the afternoon of the fame day, Lieut.gen. Burrard... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1154 pages
...himself and so advantageous to the public, was appointed, with sir Home Popham, and lieutenant, colonel Murray, to prepare and sign articles of capitulation...morning ; and at four in the afternoon of the same day, lieutenant . general Uurrard proceeded to take possession. The British grenadiers present, with detachments... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1138 pages
...himself and so advantageous to the public, was appointed, with sir Home Popham. and lieutenant, colon«! Murray, to prepare and sign articles of capitulation...morning ; and at four in the afternoon of the same day, lieutenant . general Burrard proceeded to take possession. The British grenadiers present, with detachments... | |
| Francis L. Clarke, William Dunlap - 1814 - 444 pages
...appointed to prepare and conelude the terms of capitulation. These officers, with their accustomed energy, having insisted on proceeding immediately to business,...was drawn up in the night between the 6th and 7th of September, and the ratification exchanged in the course of the morning, Lieutenant Colonel Burrard... | |
| Francis L. Clarke - 1817 - 628 pages
...appointed to prepare and conclude the terms of capitulation. These officers, with their accustomed energy, having insisted on proceeding immediately to business,...was drawn up in the night between the 6th and 7th of September, and the ratification exchanged in the course of the morning Lieutenant-Colonel Burrard... | |
| Arthur Wellesley Duke of Wellington - 1835 - 638 pages
...to himself and so advantageous to the public, was appointed, with Sir Home Popham and Lieut. Colonel Murray, to prepare and sign articles of capitulation;...was drawn up in the night between the 6th and 7th. ' I have the honor to be, &c. ' Viscount Casllereagk: ' CATHCART. rticles of Capitulation for the town... | |
| 1836 - 884 pages
...the surrender of the fleet. " The ratification was exchanged in the course of the morning of the 7th, and at four in the afternoon of the same day, Lieutenant-General...grenadiers present, with detachments from all the oilier corps of cavulry and infantry, under the command of Colonel Cameron, of the 79tli regiment,... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1154 pages
...the public, was appointed, with sir Home Popham, and lieutenant, colonel Murray, to prepare and siga articles of capitulation ; and those officers having...present, with detachments from all the other corps of cavalrj and infantry, under the command of colonel Ca. meron, of the 79th regiment, with two brigades... | |
| Monthly literary register - 1807 - 706 pages
...Popham and Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, to prepare and sign articlei ol' capitulation; and those ollkers having insisted on proceeding immediately to business,...7th. The ratification was exchanged in the course ef the morning, and at four in the afternoon of the same day, Lieutenant-General Burrard proceeded... | |
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