5 h And JACOB rofe up from Beer-fheba: and the Sons of Ifrael carried JACOB their Father, and their Little ones, and their Wives, in the Wagons which Pharaoh had fent to carry him. As vii. 14 Then fent JOSEPH, and all his Kindred, threescore and and called his Father JACOB to him, fifteen Souls. IS SO JACOB went down into Egypt and died, he and our Fathers. 16 And were carried over into Sychem, and laid in the Sepulchre that Abraham bought. 6 And they took their Cattle, and their Goods which they had gotten in the Land of Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and all his Seed with him: 7 His Sons, and his Sons Sons with him, his Daughters, and his Sons Daughters, and all his Seed brought he with him into Egypt. 26 All the Souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his Loyns, befides Jacob's Sons Wives, all the Souls were threefcore and fix. 27 And the Sons of Jofeph which were born him in Egypt, were two Souls: all the Souls of the Houfe of Jacob, which came into Egypt, were threefcore and ten. 28 And he fent Judah before him unto Jofeph, to direct his Face unto Gofhen; and they came into the Land of Gofhen. 29 And Jofeph made ready his Chariot, and went up to meet Ifrael his Father, to Gofhen; and prefented himself unto him and he fell on his Neck, and wept on his Neck a good while. 30 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Now let me die, fince I have feen thy Face, becaufe thou art yet alive. 31 And Jofeph faid unto his Brethren, and unto his Father's Houfe, I will go up and fhew Pharaoh, and fay unto him, My Brethren, and my Father's House, which were in the Land of Canaan, are come unto me: 32 And the Men are Shepherds, for their Trade hath been to feed Cattle; and they have brought their Flocks and their Herds, and all that they have. 33 And it fhall come to pafs when Pharaoh fhall call you, and fhall fay, What is your Occupation? 34 That ye shall fay, Thy Servants Trade hath been about Cattle, from our Youth even until now, both we and alfo our Fathers: that ye may dwell in the Land of Gofhen; for every Shepherd is an Abomination to the Egyptians. СНАР. CHAP. XLVII. 4 Jofeph prefenteth five of his Brethren and his Father to Pharash: 11 He giveth them Habitation and Maintenance: 13 He getteth all the Egyptian Money, 16 their Cattle, 18 their Lands to Pharaoh. 22 The Priests Land was not bought. 23 He letteth the Land to them for a fifth Part. 28 Jacob's Age: 29 He fweareth Jofeph to bury him with bis Fathers. Ver. 1 HEN Jofeph came and told Pharaoh, and faid, My Father and my Brethren, and their Flocks, and their Herds, and all that they have, are come out of the Land of Canaan, and behold, they are in the Land of Goshen. 2 And he took fome of his Brethren, even five Men, and prefented them unto Pharaoh. 3 And Pharaoh faid unto his Brethren, What is your Occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy Servants are Shepherds, both we and alfo our Fathers. 4 They faid moreover unto Pharaoh, For to fojourn in the Land are we come for thy Servants have no Pasture for their Flocks, for the Famine is fore in the Land of Canaan: now therefore we pray thee, let thy Servants dwell in the Land of Gofhen. 5 And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, faying, Thy Father and thy Brethren are come unto thee: 6 The Land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the Land make thy Father and Brethren to dwell, in the Land of Gofhen let them dwell: and if thou knowest any Man of Activity among them, then make them Rulers of my Cattle. 7 And Jofeph brought in Jacob his Father, and fet him before Pharaoh and Jacob bleffed Pharaoh. 8 And Pharaoh faid unto Jacob, How old art thou? i Heb. xi. 13 These all died in FAITH, not having received the PROMISES, but having feen them afar off, EMBRACED them, and confeffed that and were PERSUADED of them, and they were STRANGERS and PILGRIMS on the Earth. 9 And Jacob faid unto Pharaoh, the Days of the Years of my PILGRIMAGE are an hundred and thirty Years: FEW and EVIL have the Days of the Years of my LIFE been, and have not attained unto the Days of the Years Years of the Life of my Fathers in the Days of their PIL GRIMAGE. 10 And Jacob bleffed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh. 11 And Jofeph placed his Father and his Brethren, and gave them a Poffeffion in the Land of Egypt, in the best of the Land, in the Land of Ramefes, as Pharaoh had commanded. 12 And Jofeph nourished his Father, and his Brethren, and his Father's Houfhold with Bread, according to their Families. 13 And there was no Bread in all the Land: for the Famine was very fore, fo that the Land of Egypt, and all the Land of Canaan fainted by reafon of the Famine. 14 And Jofeph gathered up all the Money that was found in the Land of Egypt, and in the Land of Canaan, for the Corn which they bought and Jofeph brought the Money into Pharaoh's House. CHA P. XLVIII. 1 Jofeph with his Sons vifiteth his fick Father. 2 Jacob ftrengtheneth himself to bless them: 3 He repeateth the Promife: 5 He taketh Ephraim and Manaffeh as his own • 7 He telleth Jofeph of his Mother's Grave: 16 He blesseth Ephraim and Manaffeh. I Ver. told Jofeph, Behold, thy Father is fick and he ND it came to pass after these Things, that one took with him his two Sons, Manaffeh and Ephraim. 2 And one told Jacob, and faid, Behold thy Son Jofeph cometh unto thee: and Ifrael ftrengthened himself, and fat upon the Bed. 3 And Jacob faid unto Jofeph, GOD ALMIGHTY appeared unto me at Luz in the Land of Canaan, and bleffed me, 4 And faid unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and I will make of thee a Multitude of People, and will give this Land to thy Seed after thee, for an everlasting Poffeffion. 5 And now thy two Sons, Ephraim and Manaffeh, which were born unto thee in the Land of Egypt, before I came unto unto thee into Egypt, are mine: as Reuben and Simeon, they fhall be mine. 6 And thy Iffue which thou begetteft after them, fhall be thine, and fhall be called after the Name of their Brethren in their Inheritance. : 7 And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the Land of Canaan, in the Way, when yet there was but a little Way to come unto Ephrath and I buried her there in the Way of Ephrath, the fame is Beth-lehem. 8 And Ifrael beheld Jofeph's Sons, and faid, Who are thefe ? 9 And Jofeph faid unto his Father, They are my Sons, whom God hath given me in this Place: And he faid, Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will blefs them. 10 (Now the Eyes of Ifrael were dim for Age, so that he could not fee :) and he brought them near unto him; . and he kiffed them, and embraced them. 11 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, I had not thought to fee thy Face and lo, GOD hath fhewed me alfo thy Seed. 12 And Jofeph brought them out from between his Knees, and he bowed himself with his Face to the Earth. 13 And Jofeph took them both, Ephraim in his Right Hand towards Ifrael's Left Hand, and Manaffeh in his Left Hand toward Ifrael's Right Hand, and brought THEM near unto him. 14 And Ifrael ftretched out his Right Hand, and laid it upon Epraim's Head, who was the younger, and his Left Hand upon Manaffeh's Head: guiding his Hands wittingly; for Manaffeh was the firft-born. 15 And he bleffed Jofeph, and faid, GoD, before whom my Fathers Abraham and Ifaac did walk, the GOD which fed me all my Life long unto this Day, *Heb. xi. 21 By FAITH JACOB when he was a dying, bleffed both the Sons of Jofeph; and worshipped leaning upon the Top of his Staff. 16 The ANGEL which REDEEMED me from all Evil, BLESS the LADS; and let my Name be named on them, and the Name of my Father Abraham and Ifaac: and let them grow into a Multitude in the Midst of the Earth. 17 And when Jofeph faw that his Father laid his Right Hand upon the Head of Ephraim, it displeased him and he held up his Father's Hand, to remove it from Ephraim's Head unto Manaffeh's Head, 18 And Jofeph faid unto his Father, Not fo, my Father: for this is the first-born; put thy Right Hand upon his Head. 19 And his Father refufed, and faid, I know it, my Son, I know it; he alfo fhall become a People, and he alfo fhaH be great but truly his younger Brother fhall be greater than he, and his Seed fhall become a Multitude of Nations. zo And he bleffed them that Day, faying, In thee shall Ifrael blefs, faying, GoD make thee as Ephraim, and as Manaffeh and he fet Ephraim before Manaffeh. 21 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Behold, I die; but God fhall be with you, and bring you again unto the Land of your Fathers. CHA P. XLIX. Jacob calleth his Sons to bless them: 3 Their Blessing in particular: 9 He chargeth them concerning his Burial: 39 His Death. Ver. 1 AND Jacob called unto his Sons, and faid, Gather your felves together, that I may tell you that which fhall befal you in the laft Days. 2 Gather your felves together, and hear ye Sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Ifrael your Father. 3 REUBEN, thou art my firft-born, my Might, and the Beginning of my Strength, the Excellency of Dignity, and the Excellency of Power. 4 Unftable as Water, thou fhalt not excel, because thou wenteft up to thy Father's Bed: then defiledft thou it; he went up to my Couch. 5 SIMEON and LEVI are Brethren: Inftruments of Cruelty are in their Habitations. 6 O my Soul, come not thou into their Secret; unto their Affembly, mine Honour, be not thou united for in their Anger they flew a Man, and in their Self-will they digged down a Wall. 7 Curfed be their Anger, for it was fierce; and their Wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and fcatter them in Ifrael. 8 JUDAH, thou art he whom thy Brethren fhall praife thy Hand fhall be in the Neck of thine Enemies: thy Fa ther's Children fhall bow down before thee. 9 JUDAH |